* Posts by DudeMan

4 publicly visible posts • joined 31 Oct 2013

A Hughes failure: Flat Earther rocketeer can't get it up yet again


Your'e joking, right?

It's hard to tell whether this mental midget is just trying to stay relevant and in the news or seeing how long he can milk this thing. I wonder if he knows you can stand on any one of 1,000 ft. cliffs overlooking the ocean and notice that the horizon is, in fact, curved. It doesn't require much effort or much money, but it does require common sense, of which he has none. SMH

Why Microsoft's 3D HoloLens goggles aren't for Google Glassholes


Must be nerds first

As per the sentence in the article: "Nerds rigged Kinect systems to drive armchairs hands free and to groom pussies." Who didn't click on the link to clarify what was being groomed?? Odd choice in wordage, no? And in 30 previous comments, nobody mentioned this? Must be a bunch of nerds alright. LOL

Europe: Apple could NOT care less about kids' in-app cash sprees


Implement what?

Apple already has fairly tight password protections and options on their devices, what is the EU asking to change? It's not so simple for kids to make in-app purchases, unless the parent is dumb enough to give them the iTunes password, in that case, don't blame Apple. How about we try holding parents responsible for their and their kid's actions, what a concept...

'Tablet' no longer means 'iPad': Apple share PLUMMETS below 30%


Re: Isn't this exactly the way Blackberry crashed and burned?

No, RIM had only one market, cell phones. They did have Blackberry server as well, but they were exclusively a cell phone maker. Apple has diversity as in the tablet market, the phone market, the laptop and desktop computing market, software in all above categories and not to mention, one of their biggest money makers, iTunes. iTunes covers prtable and desktop apps, music, movies, etc. Apple also has more cash in the bank than most countries in the world, so no, they aren't following the same path as RIM.