* Posts by Bunty Collocks

4 publicly visible posts • joined 29 Oct 2013

Tech contractors begin mass UK.gov exodus in wake of HMRC's IR35 income tax clampdown

Bunty Collocks

Fairly taxed and legally protected

Typically contractors aren't self employed, they are directors and sole shareholders of a one-person limited company.

This means they pay national insurance twice, corporation tax and income tax. Sure, they jiggle the tax around by paying a combination of dividends and low wages. But, they shouldn't have to and this is what IR35 has been trying all these years to catch.

A new business type should be created that suits contractors, it needs the legal/financial protection of a limited company but the same fair pay structure as a sole trader.

All aboard the Poo Bus! Ding ding, route Number Two departing

Bunty Collocks

Damn, we've missed the first 2 busses...

..but wait, here comes the turd.

Good grief! Have you seen BlackBerry's square smartphone?

Bunty Collocks

I miss the days when Nokia and others would bring out a different phone design every month. Clamshell, slide, spring loaded case, twist, square phones, tiny phones, strobing light phones, second screens on the case, novel keyboards etc etc

Now it just seams to be minor variations on glass brick.

Well done Blackberry.

Z30: The classiest BlackBerry mobe ever ... and possibly the last

Bunty Collocks

I have a Q10 and I love it. It has an excellent feel and solid construction, good call quality, long battery life, good browser and calendar, excellent email and messaging capabilities. The other stuff smart phones have is mostly all fluff, nonsense and iWilly waving.

I want Blackberry to survive. I don't need them to be the top selling or even the second or third top selling platform, I just want them to be profitable and to keep making handsets. Choice is good, so I chose a phone not a statement of allegiance.

It was also a great deal - something that's very hard to get at the fashionable end of the market.