* Posts by StevieD

11 publicly visible posts • joined 29 Oct 2013

Broadcom has brought VMware down to earth and that’s welcome


au contraire, I think they know exactly what they're doing,

They just don't GAF for anything that isn't extracting short term value from Vmware's tepid corpse

AWS Free Tier, where's your spending limit? 'I thought I deleted everything but I have been charged $200'


"A strange game. The only winning move is not to play. How about a nice game of chess?"


Mate, it's the '90s. You don't need to be reachable every minute of every hour. Your operating system can't cope


Re: My first major upgrade

1200/75, 1200, 9600 HST, 14.4k HST

Ahh, the joys of blowing a few hundred quid downloading os/2 warp from rusty and edies one weekend over an old USR HST modem. It was legit work too, we were looking at "ahem" stable multitasking oses to use for our software.

The beancounters were not amused :D They would have been even less amused if I'd broken the old v22 hayes out and used that !

C'mon SPARCky, it's just an admin utility update. What could possibly go wrong?


Re: I just got into trouble with terminals

Ahh, bloody decservers had a nasty habit of doing just that on reboot.

A bit of a ball-ache when used as terminal servers for a rack of U60s which would immediately lock up unless you remembered to disconnect them first. Of course then you had the problem of remembering to reconnect them all again afterwards, or be faced with a dead console when you really Really REALLY needed one !

Egg on North Face: Wikipedia furious after glamp-wear giant swaps article pics for sneaky ad shots – and even brags about it in a video


Re: No such thing as bad publicity.

but he's a liar and I'm not sure about you.

Project Lightning, you say? Virgin Media's fibre rollout is pretty glacial


Re: Maybe i know nothing about business, but....

They are pretty awesome.

I've had it for approx 14 months now and apart from a sluggish period towards the end of the first year it's been up around >900Mb bidirectionally for a 1Gb service. It does sting a bit pricewise after the honeymoon period is up, but once you've slurped a distro iso in seconds it's bloody hard to give it up :)

At the moment I'm getting 946Mb down, 784Mb up and sub 1ms ping to the beeb news site.

FCC boss Ajit Pai emits his net neutrality extermination plan


Re: [citation needed]

"Freedom" in government speak. is like "democratic" in a country name.

Very litlle of either in reality

Around 1.4 million people have sub-10Mbps speeds - Ofcom

Paris Hilton

Re: I am one of the 1.4m

Yep, "Exchange Only" lines.

EO, the gift that keeps on giving :(

(Paris, because I'd have a better chance of her donning a donkey jacket and installing a street cab than Openreach getting of their arses and doing it)

UK gov says new Home Sec will have powers to ban end-to-end encryption



Utter cretins the lot of them.

Eight things people forget when buying infrastructure


Really ! And how do you propose powering up a shutdown server via ssh/command line ??

You can use paired servers to act as serial consoles for each other (assuming your hardware still has serial ports), but that won't help you if the target server isn't running an O/S in the first place.

Fully functioned DRAC/ILOs ? Just say YES, especially if in a remote DC !!

Everything's going to be all white: Google Nexus 5 mobe expected Friday


Re: Phone sightings

Using a phone on the tube is fine, just keep a good hold on it whilst the doors are open.