* Posts by Kruzman

5 publicly visible posts • joined 23 Oct 2013

Microsoft herds biz users to Windows 10 by denying support for Win 7 and 8 on new CPUs


Re: The more they push

Install PlayOnLinux to manage your WINE games, ive had no issues with steam or starcraft

There's an epidemic of idiots who can't find power switches


Go Green!

My first IT job was with the Public School system (just saying) and I once got called to fix an issue where half the PC's in a small computer lab would not turn on. The 1st thing I checked was the power. PC to Powerstrip good and switch was on. follow switch cord to another switch which also was on but no power. fallow that to ANOTHER switch which on with no power at the switch. At this point in thinking stupid computer teacher and breakers... follow the 3rd power switch cord just to be thorough, all the way back to switch 1... Apparently someone thought they could recycle power and save the planet...

Bloke cuffed for blowing low-flying camera drone to bits with shotgun


He has a pretty good case for firing his weapon in city limit with justification of trespass. since it was casing his yard, house, etc he can treat it the same as any trespasser.

Time Warner Cable customers SQUEAL as US network goes offline


Yep, after a little testing I found that their DNS servers could only resolve internal addresses, nothing external.

Reply-all email lightning storm STRIKES TWICE at Cisco


My favorite is when you get someone in IS do a reply all to the original replay all explaining why you never do a reply all....