Re: Fallback mode
GnomeTweakTool ---> windows ----> turn on minimize and maximize button
There you go the missing button are back. They are just not there by default for they are extra clutter, has you can double click title bar for maximize equivalent by default, while minimize is kind of useless if you use virtual desktop efficiently.
And since your in fall back I guess you prefer a gnome 2 style application menu, for which you go in GnomeTweaktool ---> extensions, there should be the official gnome extensions already listed, at least if I estimation are correct, which should have an application menu that is a drop down list instead of the GNOME 3 style menu, from what I can see in the official extension tar package. There is also always user created extensions available, should be a link in the extensions menu. Sorry for the lack of certainty in what I am saying, for this last part, but like I said in other post, didn't touch GNOME 3 In like 9 month, so last time I touched it was also on a Fedora 17 installation.