* Posts by iniudan

19 publicly visible posts • joined 23 Oct 2013

Canadians taking to spying on their spies


It depend if Quebec stay primarily orange (which from the pool it should), along with British Colombia and Ontario showing a rise for the NDP, there is some hope for the Conservative been kicked out of power.

But indeed I have no hope of anything else but Canadian Alliance... I mean Conservative, winning in Prairies.

Post-pub nosh neckfiller: The fantastical Francesinha


Re: I bow to the master

Hey, don't forgot we have the fois gras poutine. Only way I can think of making it more greasy is to add oreilles de crisse or simply replace the fries with them.

Linux Foundation says many Linux admins and engineers are certifiable


The certification say centos 6.4, on both the sys admin and engineer cert page, along the handbook documentation.

AMD dangles 64-bit ARM code developer kit over, well ... developers


I was interested to get one, but at that price I'm kind of forced to pass I guess. =(

But I can understand only wanting the professional developer for a completely new product line.

Alienware says it WILL ship a Steam Machine in 2014 – running Windows


Re: Whats wrong with...

I'm pretty sure you need Valve permission for commercial distribution of Steam client and since the Steam client is part of SteamOS, you can easily deduce that if they consider it's not ready, they are not gonna let's anyone do commercial use of it.

eBay rejects Carl Icahn's board nominees as 'inexperienced'


I am pretty sure, if we were to create a table to store activist investor related data, the Boolean value associated with the parasite column would always return TRUE.

Imprisoned Norwegian mass murderer says PlayStation 2 is 'KILLING HIM'


Re: Want more?

I prefer the Duff portion of the ride:


Fedora 20 Heisenbug makes ARM chips 'a primary architecture'


Re: Things are starting to get interesting...

AMD ARM SoC are most likely targeted at server (would be an interesting SoC for HP Moonshot, for example), not mobile, but if people are interested in putting their product into mobile, I am sure their semi-custom design will not say no.


Re: Things are starting to get interesting...

AMD are working on their own ARM 64 bit SoC design, so I don't see them having it tight, especially since has opposed to most other ARM licensee, they already have some expertise of the server market, just not the best chip for most task, has Intel just rule by always been 2 generation ahead for their manufacturing process.

They also have the GPU division which could give them an advantage in designing better SoC for heavy computation task.

And the first real HSA chip coming out next year, hopefully it isn't a wet petard.

Look! GNOME 3.10 (with Fedora 20). Did we mention GNOME 3.10?


Re: Fallback mode

GnomeTweakTool ---> windows ----> turn on minimize and maximize button

There you go the missing button are back. They are just not there by default for they are extra clutter, has you can double click title bar for maximize equivalent by default, while minimize is kind of useless if you use virtual desktop efficiently.

And since your in fall back I guess you prefer a gnome 2 style application menu, for which you go in GnomeTweaktool ---> extensions, there should be the official gnome extensions already listed, at least if I estimation are correct, which should have an application menu that is a drop down list instead of the GNOME 3 style menu, from what I can see in the official extension tar package. There is also always user created extensions available, should be a link in the extensions menu. Sorry for the lack of certainty in what I am saying, for this last part, but like I said in other post, didn't touch GNOME 3 In like 9 month, so last time I touched it was also on a Fedora 17 installation.


Re: DWM then?

What control ? The feature that people are mostly complaining about GNOME 3 are there or likely were just not implemented or not easy to configure in the last version they tested.

For example the minimize and maximize button functionality are still there, know how to restore them in the GUI? Go in GnomeTweakTool, windows and turn the two missing buttons option on.

If that control, then the world must be one giant conspiracy theory.

What I am saying is just the reason why I think they are not activated by default.


What is wrong with the minimize button is that it is actually useless if you use virtual desktop efficiently, which automated management of them is one of the main feature of gnome 3, thus it just add clutter to a window to have it, same thing with the maximize/restore button where you can simply double click the title bar.


I just double click the title bar and I am pretty sure sure the import from Windows of meta+↑ also worked by default (not sure, forgot for some reason due to work requiring me to be on windows for the last 8 months, so only used Linux in VM lately where I don't use GNOME 3 due to performance issue from my last try)


In the case of the GNOME music application, did you install proprietary codec, fedora only come with free codec, due to Fedora founding principles reason, so it cannot read thing like MP3 out of the box.


I also like GNOME 3, I also like KDE by principle, but been autistic, my brain is wired to be OCD and basically I go insane with all the customizations KDE got.

I also extremely like GNOME 3 automated virtual desktop management (which is actually my favorite feature of any DE), one of the reason why I think minimize button is useless on GNOME 3, has I never minimize application, has I just use an other virtual desktop in that case, which along keyboard and mouse shortcut it it faster then managing the windows themselves.

AMD will fling radical 'Kaveri' chips onto streets in January


Re: ddr3 vs gddr5

If I remember documentation I came to read (sorry no link, forgot where, so no link) they are planning motherboard spec that have gddr memory, just not sure if will be soldered or module will actually be available.

GIMP flees SourceForge over dodgy ads and installer


Re: Nice

I now send them to Ninite, install/update multiple software without the crapware from a single executable. Basically it what came closest to a 3rd party Linux repository for Windows.

No, it's NOT Half-Life 3 – it's Valve's lean, mean STEAM MACHINE


Re: I, for one,

SteamOS been based on Linux, I am pretty sure someone could hack one of those usb powered fogger to release smoke when you press buttons on steam controller.

Pimp my office: 10 cubicle comforts


Re: What I want

Closest I could find.
