Can anyone tell me
Do I need to have watched Wrath of Kahn in order to understand the new Star War film?
Full credit to the man previously known as Zowie.
838 publicly visible posts • joined 22 Jan 2007
Open a support ticket telling them, they've just agreed to refund me and apologised.
I just said:
You sent me an email last week asking me to renew a domain name, as I only have one domain name I duly renewed the requested domain. However you appear to have given me a new domain name instead. Please remedy this situation by renewing the existing domain name refunding the price difference between the two.
But yes, they are tossers.
Had I not seen this article I wouldn't have even twigged, it's about time for my domain renewal to be up so I went in after the 123 email last week and "renewed". I now own a .uk domain that I never asked for. I've just dropped them a friendly support ticket asking them to resolve the issue as they appear to have given a me a new domain rather than renewing the existing one which is wurely what they meant to do. We'll see what the reponse is and take it from there. I can't think of a single valid reason as to why someone would think this was a good idea, especially once the court cases start.
I've received no letter which may be because I closed my account, however they did say when I closed my account that they would keep my name, address and order details on their systems for "audit purposes" which potentially means it's been breached but they haven't informed me as my account's closed.
Is the "pet water fountain" in question a cat mate? I only ask as it'll cost you a bloody fortune in filters and you'll need to brush up on cleaning the motor out when it gets clogged up (guess what I did last night). There's a nice chap on Youtube who's got a very informative video on how to dismantle it.
HTTP Status 500 -
type Exception report
description The server encountered an internal error () that prevented it from fulfilling this request.
java.lang.RuntimeException: java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: unable to create new native thread
I seem to remember we had a similar issue with pigeons at a certain spread betting company, not quite as funny as the tech who kept going up to the roof to "inspect" the conenction during the summer without realising that there was CCTV up there and we all knew he was strpping down to his budgie smugglers and sun bathing.
Much as I'm loathe to defend him, I have actually set off a fire alarm in a pub before through vaping (well, 3 times within a 5 minute period actually), although it was in a very small room and I am one of "mix your own" types who puffs a heavy VG based mix, I might add that I use no flavour though, just VG and nicotine (<1%).
Ah, the BBC and Flash, remember when they last revamped their website and removed most of the text based stories and replaced them all with video feeds ripped out of the news channel? Cue a much touted "try our new mobile site" which was supported by little to no mobile browsers, I wonder how many readers that cost them?
And now I have an answer, they've been borderline before, specifically ME, Vista, 8.0 but this really takes the p155. All of our work systems have already switched to various flavours of Linux, AWS and Postgres due to exorbitant MS licensing now WIndows itself has become untenable, I guess we see where Linux goes. Apologies I have just taken the team for refreshments and 5 pints later I'm a tad wobbly.
I was talking on a forum discussing what sort of database compliance we had, I said "I'm an ANSI boy", boy, sooner than you can shake a fish at the moon I had an email through from Neil Gaiman's lawyers, it's just not on. It's almost like that time our IT department got sued by Jupiter for mentioning Io.
The W10 uninstall. I don't want Candy Crush thanks, or half of the other crud you decided to chuck on there, so I uninstall it only to have Windows 10 reinstall it. From what I've seen written on boards by multitudes of others this is standard behaviour, sorry MS but you're only having one machine, the others are all staying W7.
I'm not a huge Bowie fan, I like the odd song here and there but the one thing for me that stands out about him was that I never heard anyone say anything detrimental about him (with the possible exception of his drug taking). The media never really slagged him off, there's never really been any gossip about him and the friends I have "in the industry" never had tales and they have tales about everyone. To my mind if he managed to walk that tightrope without falling off then he must have been a genuinely decent human being and for that alone he should be mourned.
Unless they're used in mass production lines where they're regularly turned into vapour, i.e. in a bakery. What happens when to the excess fluid when you bake a cake? It turns into vapour. Where does that vapour go? Into the air. Has anyone working in a bakery ever died from inhaling cake vapour? Err....
And they're likely inhaling a hell of a lot more vapour than me. Carry on though, have your opinion and I'll carry on vaping within the law, in pubs, in clubs, I'm polite, I ask first.
I vape Vanilla, and by Vanilla I mean from the supermarket proper Vanilla (not Mexican beans as there have been health issues with that), I also buy Vegetable Glycerin from a baking supplier, the only thing I have an problem with the provenance of my Nicotene which I buy from a well known Vape shop chain, everything else is designed to be used in baking and I mix it myself. Anyone complaining about my vape (and there have been a few) gets a reasoned argument along the lines of "do you eat cake?".
He scared the living crud out of me as a kid. Kids these days are too wrapped in cotton wool, we need more stuff like Davros in Doctor Who, make the buggers have nightmares. And while we're on it, bring back The Spirit of Dark and Lonely Water, the kid getting fried getting his frisby from the substation, the kids on the building site, is that a tractor left with the keys in it?
Why are you putting that jacket on me? What sort of a jacket ties up at the back? I'm fine I tell you! What are you doing here doctor? What's that injection for? No, I'm fine, I'm fine I'm...............
All I want to know is... does it support any decent 3rd party VPN connections? The original Surface Pro only supported MS VPN connections, no 3rd party support at all (from what I read anyway) and most VPN providers wouldn't touch it with a bargepole. Give me a product I can connect to home and work machines from with the added benefit of playing video plus web surfing and I'll buy it.