No its not
Its working fine for me!
54 publicly visible posts • joined 22 Oct 2013
I'm sorry how is this a non story ?
The fact I use the virus total api to scan all attachments that come through,and now I know I can do the same with Mac based file types is a bonus as we run a mixed shop.
Maybe you are one of these people who are still spreading the fud that macs don't get malware etc.
Go back under your rock
I disagree how the researchers come across their findings much like every other commentard
But what if it wasn't CERT now bare with me
Their is a profitable black market for 0 days etc what if the researchers found it was going to do a talk but the FBI jumped in and went that's a nice zero day guys let us buy it from you.
Researchers agree sell it to the FBI and pull the talk.
In this situation Carnegie Mellon would not be lying when they said "we got no money for this" as they didn't the researchers did.
Just a thought and one I could see as happening if nothing else to make the university / CERT have deniable plausibility
To be honest as vbulletin must be creaking on to 15 years old and still suffering from SQLi attacks
You have to ask if the developers have learned anything in that time ? The fact it is SQLi attack shows they haven't.
You can try and make the language better / safer but if the devs don't do their bit what's the point
Come up to my 12 month probation period (upped from 6 as they fired the IT manager that hired me and they wanted to restart it) I was let go of as a cost saving effort.
I had rebuilt the whole internal tool chain for the accounting department had about 2 weeks left before going live.
All backend work was done. They let me go and put me on gardening leave. For 4 weeks which was nice chucked me 7k as a golden handshake. I turned to the then IT manager and said look I would be happy to come back in a few days a week when the system goes live. The manager thanked me but HR fella said no that won't be necessary. Less than 48 hours later asked if I could come back as a freelance I agreed for £700 a day + travel. They refused. But the IT manager said you offered to come back for £200 a day. I said I did but HR shot that one down
So you are a virgin media customer ?
Or are you bitching because as a virgin ceo he is not saying BT to lay cable to you ?
No one gets broadband from virgin or are you moaning that you believe the cable is out of date and you would move to virgin if it was better ?
Your rant makes no sense as you have not alluded to the side that you are on.
If you are a BT customer nothing he can do.
If you are a virgin media customer why haven't you spoke to them
Now I know people have opinions on the licence fee etc
But this is the BBC at its finest. Writing kernal bypasses to get better throughput.
This is why I pay my licence fee for the few incredible moments in my lifetime where I can be proud of a public utility that I fund indirectly showing off the skills of their talented staff
I have taken to pointing out to people the part of the highway code they have broken when I am out on my bike,
This normally reduces the effectiveness of having a bike in traffic etc but I feel it is my public duty....
But my feeling is everyone should have at least a year on a motorbike before they are allowed in a car.
On topic I wonder what a RoboBike would be like ....
But when the shit hits the fan, we will as techies be asked why we didn't mention this before
The managers with shit on us and that will be that. We will be the ones that take the fall
I thank god that my CEO actually reads the news (tech news at that) and understands why we ask for so much to spend on prevention and recovery of these types of attack
If you have enough sense to be able to read a how to install 8.1 you should be able to read that this is a preview,
I myself am lucky and haven't got any of these bugs speaker phone, power button etc.
But i am a developer and am using this to develop against.
If you are so fucking stupid as not to be able to read
a) developer preview
b) Preview for Developers (app name)
and make a connection to it being a developer item then you should be taken out back and shot.....
As far as i am concerned if google dont want to be answerable to the UK Courts then / / google.whatever should be blocked at the ISP level much like thepiratebay etc are.
You have office buildings, employ people etc in the UK you are a UK practicing entity so you are under the UK jurisdiction
Ive been lurking here for long enough to know, I just find it funny that you can probably guarantee that a major update will brick a percentage of devices.
But due to fanboism some people like that AC just seem to shit in their brain and then allow that to be transferred on to the screen as they type.....
Shit for brains just doesnt even cut it
I wonder how many law suits will come from this, IANAL but surely there is a law in the UK that would allow us to bring a class action suite against all these public agencies.
As of April I am pretty sure that none of them would be able to hold up to a case in court where they have intentionally weakened their security by not upgrading systems and services.
I am pretty sure there is a data protection angle that could be used
The thing with security is everyone wants it till it costs them, whether that is Money, Time, Aesthetics or any of the above then it goes out the window.
For instance my company does the design and implementation of a large UK companies websites etc.
We had a chat with their new Information Services Developer the other day and he asked us why certain things had been done the way they had, I said they didnt want to pay.
He said thats ridiculous, I said wait till you try to get the bean counters to cough for anything, he rang me this morning apologising for his attitude and asked how we could work with such a bunch of numpties. Simple it pays the bills
I believe that they shouldnt be able to sue facebook, but then I dont think companies that bring no value to the human race should exist :? either way it dont effect me.
I wonder if they will post this on the facebook blog? I wonder how many likes they would get, or all the dislikes (reg article the otherday) now that so many of their users are mobile !!
Something I could never slate blackberry for with the playbook, choose what access you want the app to have and even with less privileges still works (some times less functionality! but why would an alarm clock need to be able to make phone calls ?)
The joys of 8.1 allow you to completely remove the charm bar (thank god I hated it)
The point is you can moan and moan all you want but until there is a competitor that garners as much developer time and input that windows does you are stuck with it.
Now I know most people wont like this, but change happens.
Now deal with it.
The thing I find funny about all of this shit about windows 8 / 8.1 and the start menu, is all the moaners that have probably spent an hour using it and then just gone na fuck this!.
Well why dont you spend a few weeks with ?
- Quicker
- Easy to access (poor eyesight etc)
- unified search panel (metro)
- Legacy compatible (better than win 7)
- Inbuilt driver database (not had to download any drivers)
- Team Foundation Integration
- SkyDrive etc integration
- Metro Apps (no use)
- Boot To Desktop (fixed 8.1)
thats about all i can think of in a negative way of windows 8
I don't mind metro because all I used to do was hit the windows key and type what I wanted anyway
and for all those idiots who are harping on about 3.5gb to add a start button, did you not realize it also contains software updates, app updates and a few more things as well as kernel patches. Or was your stupidity blinding you to the bleeding obvious ?
Going on how bitcoins work, you would have to have a large majority (you have to have more yes's then no's)
So if the botnet had control of 80% of the chain then they could subvert it,
with bitcoin it works (simply)
you send money to me
I accept money
the rest of the chain then confirm that the money (bitcoins) has moved from you to me. to subvert that you would have to have a large percentage under your control to say you have sent me the money vs me and the other percentage saying I haven't recieved the money
The problem with all of this, is the fact that the majority of forum admins / web masters / whatever
have generally the same intelligence level of those that they are admin'ing so no reasonable argument can be made, they make the decision and its done. it can be even worse when they are on a power trip :/
If only the script kiddies of today had a miniscule percentage of this mans ingenuity we wouldn't be moaning about them because the internet would be forever down and we would be working on local intranets of just a few machines
Oh i would love a world with no faceboo, twatter and the rest of them data sinkholes