* Posts by Sauraus

10 publicly visible posts • joined 14 Oct 2013

Speed limiters arrive for all new cars in the European Union


Re: Good

My BMW X6 has a voluntary speed limiter on it and I for one am not sure it contributes to safety on the contrary I believe its dangerous, for the following reasons.

1) Outdated map data. A GPS based speed limiter relies on the cars map data and that needs to be absolutely up to date else you end up driving to slow or too fast and I've driven enough around Europe to know that when even big changes like a round about being in a place for 3+ years still isn't showing up in the cars map data today then speed limit changes are not going to either.

2) Missing or "forgotten" road (work) signs, I don't know if you've driven much on country roads in France and southern Europe but road signs are scares and optional especially on country roads its your guess as anyone's as to what the speed limit is on a road. And then there are the 'forgotten' road work signs which are left behind which wreck an absolute havoc on the camera based speed detection, see 3 below.

3) The instant acceleration and braking on posted signs! It must be absolutely horrifying for people driving behind me as my X6 slams on the brakes on each posted speed reduction, because again of the outdated map data above the car can't "know" in advance that a speed reduction is coming. The same goes for posted speed increases, the car just floors it when the onboard camera registers a speed increase on a posted sign.

So overall I'd say these systems are more dangerous than anything, and the 3 problems above are not going to be solved in the next 2 years which means we are going to end up with speed limiter systems that infuriate drivers as they constantly nag them about speed limit changes that are not real, and I for one believe that will actually distract people more and thus cause more harm than good.

Cloud vendors can't resist the lucrative smell of gaming dollars – and they're all in it to win it


Only 3 (4) commercial game engines

There are only 3 (4) commercial game engines on the market:

1) Unity (C#)

2) Unreal (C++)

3) Crytek (C++/C#)

4) Lumberyard (Crytek)

EA has a proprietary game engine called Frostbite, that came out of DICE in Sweden, ActivisionBlizzard uses various game engines including propriety depending on the game.

With that I don't doubt that Unity has the biggest market share, although from professional experience I will say that Unreal has the largest market share when it comes to Console/PC AAA titles.


Lumberyard has the same parameters as Unreal, free up to a certain revenue.


Unity is a Danish company not American

Small nuance on your reporting, Unity is a Danish company, led by former EA CEO John Riccitiello.

Airbus CIO: We dumped Microsoft Office not over cost but because Google G Suite looks sweet


GSuite is not enterprise ready

As someone that has been dealing with GSuite for the past 18 months, I can only say good luck Luc.

Luc is absolutely right when he says that GSuite was made with sharing/collaboration in mind, problem is that as an enterprise you still need controls which are lacking or difficult to use with GSuite. Office365 is clearly more mature when it comes to security than GSuite and I'd think that a company like AirBus would prefer that.

So you're already in the cloud but need to come back down to Earth


Rather than reading some fantasy story, read up on a company that's actually done the move from AWS 2 Co-lo, Dropbox moved 500PB of data. ;)

NHS patient letters meant for GPs went undelivered for years



I was going to say, does Tony Pepper live under a rock? He must have missed the countless memos on digital breaches over the last 5 years...

Nest Cam: A compelling piece of hardware-software


I'd be curious to know how the Nest camera compares to this: https://www.netatmo.com/en-GB/product/security/presence

Tinder bans under-18s: Moral panic averted


Let's not forget it's OK to carry a gun at 16... but sex...tsk tsk tsk.

Reboot the formula: F1 and FIFA tweaked for another year


The only reason why FIFA13 & 14 are so close are the new PS4 & XBox One.

The only way EA could have delivered significant improvements to game features and at the same time port the source code to 2 new platforms would by doubling its engineering staff on FIFA, which clearly is impossible to do and it also doesn't make any sense from a business perspective.