William Hague admits Parliament & Ministers kept in dark
In case you missed it, William Hague did an attack on the press a couple of days ago. One of the things he admitted was that Ministers and Parliament were kept in the dark about GCHQs surveillance programs, (even as they were debating the Snoopers Charter).
"Hague defended the fact that the full scope of surveillance by GCHQ was not discussed at the national security council or the cabinet. Last month, Chris Huhne used a Guardian article to complain that both bodies were kept in a state of "utter ignorance" about the programmes subsequently publicised by the Guardian,"
" "That is the political and legal framework in which these decisions about intelligence are made. Are they made in much larger groups? Well, no they're not. That's because so much of what we do has to be so secret."
So while Theresa May was telling Parliament that Snoopers Charter was needed because GCHQ needed the metadata, nobody was telling them that GCHQ was already capturing EVERYTHING and most of it on Brits.
You may think your viewing of this article from Britain to elReg in Britain is not spied upon by GCHQ, but look again and you'll see most of the page dressing comes from US servers and hence your viewing of this page and all the identity info it contains, has been logged by GCHQ in direct violation of the law.
Imagine if GCHQ monitored your newspaper viewing to check you didn't hold 'terrorist views' by viewing 'unapproved newspapers' and that is EXACTLY what they are doing by monitoring readers of the Guardian, the BBC or elReg.
William Hague tries to shut down the press, because they told Parliament what he'd done. He's actually defended deception of Parliament.
This link is Theresa May, back before the Snowden leaks:
" Speaking on the BBC's Andrew Marr Show, she said: "I've always been clear that access to communications data is essential for the law enforcement agencies and intelligence agencies."
"There is a reducing capability in relation to access to communications data and as far as I'm concerned I think this is a very important thing we need to ensure we are giving our law enforcement agencies and intelligence agencies access to the tools that they need to fight crime, paedophiles and terrorists."
GCHQ doesn't need the laws to spy on Brits, it's needs the laws to MAKE THEIR SPYING LEGAL.
Now Theresa May is attempting to get the right to strip suspects of citizenship. Letting her police accuse *anyone* of terrorism, and being able to simply banish them from the UK. They don't need evidence enough to prosecute them, only a claim is needed, and so any Brit can be banishes this way.
This is a person WHO DECEIVED PARLIAMENT trying to get the power to strip people of their citizenship based on nothing but a claim of 'suspect'.