Re: "backlog"
The product backlog comes from Agile. It's the prioritised "to do" list
13 publicly visible posts • joined 9 Oct 2013
"However this also has additional implications - in my particular case my personal data stored *currently* by the organisation in question was obtained prior to 23/05/2018 and so ICO are basically saying that they cannot determine the lawfullness of the organisation's storage of my personal data since 23/05/2018 as the ICO cannot/will not look into the lawfullness of the organisation actions when they originally obtaining my personal data in the 1st place many years ago"
So, GDPR gives you rights here. I assume the UK version follows the same rules.
- you have the right to withdraw consent on data currently stored about you
- if the data is no longer necessary purpose, or you have withdrawn consent, you can ask for it to be erased
Your other rights are to be able to know what they are doing with your data, who they share it with and what for, to be sent copies of the data they have on you, and you can ask for details on how they are ensuring the protection of your data. If you think that the protection is not sufficient, this could be another way say they are not legally handling your data. also maybe 3rd parties could be another route.
Why do you assume they are visible from a public internet?
The malware is designed to search for attack systems once they have access to the internal OT network.
Schneider have issued a statement that the tools are not even using vulnerabilities, just standard features.
You think the bouncer on the door of the nightclub does anything more than check that they have a QR code? It was literally the same week that QR codes were made available, and they didn't have any means of scanning them.
The Dutch are famed for being pragmatic. They assumed (wrongly) people would just follow the rules
Here in the NL, we have a QR code.
When the nightclubs were briefly opened in June, (before the majority of 20 somethings had started getting their vaccines) people were just screenshotting their QR code from their phone and sharing it with their friends.
Understandably, cases started rising almost immediately, and the nightclubs were closed just 2 weeks after opening.
Luckily, cases started dropping again 3 weeks or so after the restrictions were reintroduced.
I live and work in the Netherlands. I've not heard anyone use it in RL however I am 100% sure (I have a Dutch hubby) that a lot of insults involve wishing cancer on the opponent...
My colleagues generally swear in English as it is deemed less rude.
Dutch is now my second language. I found learning it much harder than Spanish and French, and easier than German and Japanese. Pronunciation is by far the hardest part at first. You don't need Dutch in the Netherlands, but it does help if you're not going to be living in a fully expat world, and want to integrate more.
"Infact the whole thing confuses me. 4 months ago it was fire and fury, now its happy friend time and throwing nukes away. I'm kind of hoping Kim had a near death experience and has finally decided its not worth it."
Isn't it related to the fact that their nuke lab collapsed after some recent tests triggered an earthquake?
Make friends to ensure they don't get attacked while they rebuild. Especially after poking at the man in the US.
I have twice bought a phone on contract, and both times analysed the costs up front, and found the deal offered (by O2 incidentally) was a better option than buying the phone outright with a sim only deal - by about £50 or so. Both times was I contacted ahead of the end of contract (I'd made a calendar entry to follow up) that a better option could be available to me if I got a new phone. Short discussion later determined whether to swap to sim only or not.
So maybe this is widespread, but my experience (approx 10yrs ago) did not indicate so.
These days it's always cheaper to buy the phone outright.
I'm assuming that I added a fake DoB because I have been trying to get into my account to cancel for about a month now without success.
MySpace doesn't have support contact details, and the support states "fill in this form, we'll get back to you." 2 weeks with no response so far.
I added my name to the petition in the hopes that future referendum(s?) will include such a sensible clause. I'm aware it is far too late for this one, but this is a good way to show that most people agree that this is a practical approach for the future. But it should always be a one time referendum. If the results are inconclusive then the politicians should resolve it as per normal issues.
I also think that this issue should never have been put to referendum in the first place.
I am a British citizen, but do not live in the UK.
(I hope my name is not removed)