* Posts by henryl

2 publicly visible posts • joined 9 Oct 2013

Google hit with record antitrust fine of €2.4bn by Europe


Re: Erm

This is exactly what I am thinking. Google doesn't owe anyone anything, it's up to the consumer to make a choice as to whether to use Google's search engine or not. If the consumer isn't happy with the range of products or the prices, they are welcome to go elsewhere.

I've never heard anyone complain about their shopping experience with Google.

Expert chat: The end of Windows XP and IE6


I'm sticking with XP. If it ain't broke...

I just installed XP on a friend's PC and he's more than happy with it for surfing the web, watching movies, listening to music and writing the odd email. Although I don't use it on my main PC, as a developer I'll keep a VM of it running for testing purposes.

I'm pretty curious to witness this flood of trojans that I'm told is going to kill my computer next year. I bet it doesn't happen. More likely is that XP will be running business as usual.