* Posts by vatpiledon

2 publicly visible posts • joined 9 Oct 2013

Code-busters lift RSA keys simply by listening to the noises a computer makes


Re: Back in the day

Yes, in my teens (Early 80's) repaired core memories, the only ones that had the equipment to do this in the UK. They used to hum tremendously and blow up because of resonance and blown transistors... I seem to remember. Later in 1984 at Broadcasting House, worked on repairing valve ampliers, where the gain was so high, that the valves were microphonic. Now I feel like an even older fart!

Great article though!

East to see some hackers trying this together with a whole arsenal of other vulnerabilities to supplement their hoard of stolen bitcoins, where the value of data gathered is worth LOAD$AMONEY.....again only oldies would understand Harry what-is-name punchline.

Techies with Asperger's? Yes, we are a little different...


Re: Thank you!

As a parent of two boys on the Autistic Spectrum and a business using aspies in cyber security (secur IT ism) I congratulate the writer on finding their own feet and coping mechanisms. We have a lot that we can learn about changes in workplace that will benefit all.....Really we are ALL autistic, ADHD, etc. and NT at the same time....the brain chemistry in for all of us dictates how much. I know so many Aspies that are captains of industry, and thinking back to Uni days, most of the lecturers were definitely on the spectrum...things are changing and attitudes that this is natural human diversity that ought to be dealt with appropriately and in cases ought to be celebrated like we value Mozart and Einstein in their abilities, not to mention Professor Temple Grandin, etc. that are great ambassadors. my friends company Passwerk in Belgium recently won a European Ethical business award....who says you can't have a socio ethical company, with very happy workers and still make money.