* Posts by Levente Szileszky

1265 publicly visible posts • joined 11 Jul 2007

Microsoft’s Silverlight 3 delivers decent alternative to Adobe

Levente Szileszky

MIssed this one first...

""sophistication and maturity you'll find in the .NET framework" "

How can I say...?

BWhahahahahuhauhauahauauauauaROFLMAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOLOLOLOL - truly pathetic idiocy, sorry.

Have you EVER managed more than one machine, outside of your "office", seriously?

Levente Szileszky

@Henry Wertz

"This is Flash's big strength, Adobe ports it to just about anything; Windows, Mac (including PowerPC which Silverlight is ignoring..), Linux, PDAs and phones... there's apparently even one for Linux for ARM, so they can have full flash support when ARM netbooks ship."

Excuse me? WTF are your talking about?

Get real: Flash does not exist for ANYTYHING outside of a PC. FOr PDA/Smartphone the last rouge Flash player out there - availabel on non-Adobe mirrors - is version 7 and it's only for Wnidows Mobile.

Flash is a TRUE RESOURCE HOG and no support for iPhone OS, WinMobile or anything else.

A netbo0ok might have enough juice, that should be fine but forget phones until FLash is made by Adobe, the most clueless, buggiest big software maker.

Google axed Android multitouch at Apple's request?

Levente Szileszky

Put together a retarded patent system, a patent whore (Apple, that is) and...

...you got a disaster, period.

Palm unfazed by Apple patent threat

Levente Szileszky

How about getting rid of retarded, idiotic, useless US laws and the Patent Office?

Seriously: since when we allow patenting things a person HAVE NOT EVEN PRESENTED, manufactured etc but simply just thought of...?

This is complete bullshit, this is where this entire lunatic pantent-trolling and counter-registering cycle starts...

Levente Szileszky

Tim Cook is...

...a real threat for Apple's longevity - he's clearly a typical 'business 'stonehead', not a savy-sneaky Jobs (who's an arrogant @-hole but knows when to pick a fight and when to turn an issue into Apple marketing news rather.)

Microsoft SKUs Windows 7 clarity

Levente Szileszky
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Win7 beta got great press through paid shills but it's still a Vista after all...

...and that's why it's "another flop in the making" as <mark jacobs> put it eloquently.

I'm using this beta on daily basis and quality issues aside - hey, it's just a beta - it's STILL A FRIGGIN' VISTA, still a BLOATED, CLICK-O-MANIA interface, still lacks even such basic things as a telnet etc.

It's a big, steamy, stinky, hairy pile of BLOATED SH!T, that's what Vista turned out to be and so far that's how Windows 7 is turning out again.

Levente Szileszky

Another *retarded*, incompetent MS decision

"Professional: Planned features will include group policy-based management tools, Encrypting File System and Location Aware Printing.

Enterprise and Ultimate: You'll get BitLocker data protection, and DirectAccess and BranchCache to connect to networks running Windows Server 2008 R2."

Why, tell me WHY ON EARTH YOU NEED TO CREATE *ANOTHER* Professional and call it Enterprise???

I bet it's Ballmer, this balloon-headed incompetent, ugly fat loser who can't use even an Office package but he still hinks he's a savy 'businessman'... problem is he's apparently never been properly smacked by anyone - I hope next time he will get something stronger than stupid eggs or cake...

DO IT AS YOU ARE DOING IT WITH XP: 1 Crap (Starter) Edition, 1 Home (forget the stupid Premium, it's only good for confusing people), 1 Professional (put in ALL BUSINESS/CORPORATE/ENTERPRISE goodies) and if you want, create a stupid Ultimate (God knows why you keep insisting on it.)

If you're sooo hooked on the name "Ultimate" then DO NOT sell Professional in Retail, only in OEM and Volume/Open, sell it as "Ultimate" in retail, period.

There's no friggin' need to create *another* stupid Professional Edition - idiotic, annoying = atypical crooked Microsoft...

Authors Guild to Amazon Kindle: Shut up

Levente Szileszky

Mr Aitken is just another retardd greedy bureaucrat...

...who better STFU and welcome any opportunity that will sell more of all the crap they produce (yes, there, I just said it: majority of the books today are CRAP.)

EU threatens 'formal action' against UK.gov on Phorm

Levente Szileszky
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All corporate PoS crooks will be tried eventually...

All these mOfO crooks, greedy corporate parsitic PoS entities: it seems you all go down on the tube, like a piece of shit, a lot earlier than I thought! :D





Google faces post-Fleetwood Mac comedown

Levente Szileszky

In hindsight...

...it's always 20/20 <yawn> - however you're taking the wannabe-analyst-journalism to an entire new level:

"All the drugs are finally taking back what's owed to them. Sure, there's still some real talent hidden under those dark-circled eyes, but it's going to be at least a decade before we see it again. Until then, though, Google is going to be in rehab, feeling sorry for itself over all of the bad decisions its made."


Aside of the dead-wrong analogy you picked - Google is nowhere as sick or having symptoms or anything like the look of a drug abuser prior to checking into rehab would be associated with - last time I have checked (~10 mins ago) Google was still raking in money and even their stock is still riding high, more than $100 higher than IPO level; and it's rising for weeks now, despite all the bad news about the world's economy...

... one has to wonder that what kind of prerequisites are essential for El Reg writers: being able to use a keyboard/text editor/email, browser, form grammatically proper English sentences (obviously meaningful isn't really necessarily as the "ice around your neck, and twist off a hand full of cabbage" idiocy clearly showed us), perhaps even use (gasp) Google to google-up info about Google...?

Dunno but basic understanding of the matter at hand - the one you've decided to write about, you know - is apparently not one of them, that's for sure.

Sony Ericsson Xperia X1 Windows Mobile smartphone

Levente Szileszky


I wasn't pissed or anything, I just wish to see this stupid, false urban legend about the "innovative" iPhone (or Apple, for the record) would die once and forever.

"If the iPhone was so bad then Google and others wouldn't be ripping off it's design, app store etc."

Ummm who's ripping off Apple? You got it backward, pal - iPhone came to the party pretty late, taking clues from all smartphones out there, mostly from HTC WM phones.

The Google G1 is another HTC-made phone and it is exactly just like any other one they made, beginning many years before Jobs even dreamed of the iPhone: slide-out QWERTY keyboard, powerful CPU, lots of memory, nice touchscreen, slick design.

Also G1's design couldn't be more different from Apple's: G1 is a nice anodized matte black phone unlike Apple's shiny, chromish-trimmed unit (at least here, in the US) - which, BTW, is rather a copy of certain Asian HTC competitor phonesfrom earlier times.

And FYI: application stores exist since Palm days (~late 90s), a DECADE before Apple, I have no idea what are you talking about - have you ever heard of Handango? Started as Palm and its WM-specialized area opened in 2001...

As it's always, once again Apple didn't 'invent' crap, it merely copied others and marketed as their own idea and people with no clue whatsoever keep parroting their PR BS, sorry but this is what it is.

Pathetic, that is.

Levente Szileszky
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RE: the MS manager praising Apple for iPhone kicking WM6.1 and other imaginery tales of robin thakur

"The 'fruitee phone' kicks Wimo's ass on nearly everything worth mentioning"

Yeah sure... what complete load of BS.

iCrap is such an @ss-kicker that it LACKS VERY BASIC FEATURES:

- no landscape email writing (yep, I'm not joking, it's 2008 and you can't do it)

- no copy/cut/paste function (NOT JOKING!)

- no MMS

- no Flash support whatsoever (there's your "full web experience" - habitual lying)

- no task list

- no meaningful management of your WiFi connections

- no flashlight for camera

- worse camera/picture wuality than even an average Sony Ericsson phone's PQ

- constant reception/3G problems

- no keyboard/abysmal, awkward on-screen one

- terrible batter life but don't worry because

- continuous stream of firmware updates (you're essentially paying for beta testing it)

- no way to replace your battery anyway!


Stop spreading the fake PR crap about this shiny piece of crippled crap called iPhone.

"and funnily enough the manager from MS I was speaking to to last week admitted the same."

Yeah and funnily enough the Genius in charge in Apple Soho the other day readily agreed with me saying iPhone has indeed a long way to go to become something more than an iPod that can do basic web browsing and make call - e.g. a good smartphone...

Can we stop posting these BS telltales?

"Try using a iPhone for a month or two, then go back to WiMo, you will be shocked (as I was) that you ever spent the extra time to use it."

You mean the time you spent with the iPhone, right?

Because if you go back and you try to use your smartphone for something else than listening to music or just calling someone you'll learn how much EASIER your life becomes when you have a keyboard or when you can actually c/p a text or install Skype on your phone and call your pals or family overseas for pennies, stick in a larger capacity SD card, install software for FREE, you can actually read the text when you are writing long emails comfortably, use Google Map's Street View for free with your GPS, listen music WITHOUT WIRES, browse the internet including FLASH Player, install ANOTHER browser (e.g. Opera Mobile or Mini) - in other words things that are impossible or very annoying on the iPhone.

Work, live = G1, Berries and WM6.1Pro (yes, look at the top HTC ones)

Listen music, make calls (if youcan) and show off = iPhone and its crippled crap OS

"You can't say that MS didn't have a large enough window of opportunity to fix it to be something decent instead of wasted potential, they have had years and yet its still pretty much pointless for and invisible in the market for most people outside of the IT crowd who seem to assume that since MS have a dominant desktop and server share that naturally their handset OS is the best as well. "

FYI as someone in "the IT crowd" I can tell you that your funny ideas are just as dead wrong about us than about phones (or servers etc) - nobody ever believed that dominancy in the server OS market is the (sole) proof of being better (forget the idiocy of relating it to an (almost) unrelated smartphone OS market...)

Many of us use WM solely because there's NOTHING BETTER out there, not because it's such a great product. I HATE when it becomes unresponsive and I'd love to see an iPhone-like responsiv eness - but I WILL NOT GIVE UP BASIC FEATURES like Apple would force me to give up.

"There's nothing to say that just because something is complicated to use it is better."

And there's certainly even less to say that just because someone is more crippled, allows you to do LESS but snappier and hyped more it is better.

Apple is great at translating even complicated tasks into a few fairly easy steaps, no question about it. However the iPhone is just another typical Apple product, with the fingerprints of the notorious micromanager and control-freak Jobs all over it - and this is exactly why it's a crippled crap.

"Apple's brief spike of innovation has shown the mobile industry as a whole to be too preoccupied with the exterior design of phones and not enough on the OS's."

What an utter load of crap - exactly WHAT IS the innovation in the iPhone?

The lack of features, the crippled nature of the user environment or the constant flow of firmwares to patch up the most egregious bugs and missing or broken features?

The iPhone has ONE BIG ADVANTAGE: its responsiveness. Apple was dead on when they recognised the first and foremost definitive thing when it comes to user experience is the response time, how 'snappy' the OS behaves.

While Apple's phone severely lacks basic features they deserve a lot of kudos for this 'snappiness' because other mfrs seem to have forgotten these things while they were chasing each other in the feature-race but it's not innovation, period.

This legend of "innovative iPhone" MUST DIE, once and forever. Can't believe that someone other than some idiotic Apple fanboy - i.e. the 'we designer / waiter" type - still believes this BS marketing crap...

The Google-isation of all the net's access points

Levente Szileszky

@Chris Long & Google Europe 2.0

"Page 13 of that comic has a map of Europe where Belgium, Holland and those other funny little countries have all apparently been assimilated into Germany."

You mean those funny little countries (Hungary, Czech, Austria etc - formerly known as Austria-Hungary K.u.K. :)), almost all bigger than Holland or Belgium? :p

Beauty may be in the eye of the beholder, but the brain finds it really hard to look away from the geographical facts... ;)

Google's Austro-Hungarian ambitions laid bare

Levente Szileszky

No problem but then don't forget to revert 1920 Treaty of Trianon completely...

...so we can get back the 75% cut off Magna Hungarica... :)

Sony Ericsson Xperia X1 release date named

Levente Szileszky
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Classic out-of-touch, ridiculous pricing...

...perhaps Sony leaned over Ericsson this time?

Though the phone looks nice and presumably it's going to be the first WM-based phone without their signature lack of responsiveness - e.g. when Windows stops to 'think' - this hilarious pricing makes it a completely laughable proposition.... there's pretty much NOTHING that would justify it, I think.

I am disgusted by the crap Apple/ATT pull on the iPhone but at least the 3G unit became a peopeely priced unit now - this Xperia is late and approx 2x as expensive as it should be in order to be able to compete with Apple.

Think again, SE, before it's too late...

China readies Blu-Ray competitor

Levente Szileszky
Paris Hilton

"Entry-level Blue-Ray players have also sharply declined in price..."

"Entry-level Blue-Ray players have also sharply declined in price as the format gained traction worldwide and HD-DVD became extinct."

Ehhh WTF?

Is the author stupid or high or both?

It's happened quite to the contrary, check the facts, pal..

Happy Sysadmin Day!

Levente Szileszky
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Give me a raise or...

...double my budget. :)

Ehh, forget the second, just give me a raise.

Yahoo! shoots DRM servers, swallows keys to tunes

Levente Szileszky

RE: AllofMP3.com

"By Jason Hall

When testing the services of AllofMP3.com I used a very specific email address. Just *as* they were closing their doors I started receiving spam/viruses to that same address.

Naughty Russians."

Errr, no. I have used my regular address and no changes in the amount of spam ever happened.... BTW I *STILL* use allofmp3 - it's alive and well, you just have to type in a different address but your login works fine, you can buy and download the same way.

Five misunderstood Vista features

Levente Szileszky
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RE: original article

This pdf, its style, the explanations etc perfectly manifests all the problems with Vista and to a larger extent, with M$ - read it, it's a very telling evidence.

Wii still king in US

Levente Szileszky
Black Helicopters


"However, the Wii is a different animal to the 360/PS3, it's not really in the same race. (...) Returning to the PS3 and 360, aka the HD gaming market..."

Oh PLEAHHHHHSE. This is the MOST PATHETIC false explanation and for some reason it keeps coming back, despite the fact it's such a completely ridiculous idea. What do you think, why NPD measures it? Because everybody in the business KNOWS it's exactly the same market.

C'mon, let's face it: Wii beats the crap out of your "HD" consoles, period.


The big trick is that it's NOT "HD" or whatever buzzword ignorant console fans love to throw around - because it's WAY MORE FUNNY, it's CHEAP and it isn't a HUGE, UGLY mofo console like your "HD" consoles etc etc.

If someone really wants top-notch graphics there's the PC and nothing else - your "HD" consoles are inherently always behind PC graphics (perhaps the first week of their release but at that point there's no game to take advantage of its 15 minutes of fame.)

The fact that it's not even HD helped a lot: it was able to convince hardcore PC users like me to buy it - and my Wii still gets our attention, 4-5 times a month which, BTW, currently exactly the same as my PC gaming...

Oh and I bought it on the day when it was released here (NYC) and doesn't really have more than 5-6 games I think but looking forward to buy the WiiFit... wehy? Because I'm *sure* it's fun, that's why.

MS bashes Gay(wood) Xbox Live gamer

Levente Szileszky
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It's 2008... perfect example of the M$ mindset


how utterly stupid, retarded a company should be with a policy like this?

This story speaks volumes about Microsoft's "cultural" roots.

Ballmer eggs on Hungarian student

Levente Szileszky

Don't grease me, bro!

While I understand the point he was trying to make it was quite a lame attempt, to be honest. Grease on Ballmer's face = priceless! :)

Nevertheless he did make the news so more and more people talk about the shady governmental dealings of M$.

Levente Szileszky
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RE: @MS employee

"When I saw this video this morning I though it was pretty funny, I mean who doesn't like to watch their boss getting pelted with eggs, but the funniest was the guy who was doing it, he managed to get out one barely coherent sentence, then looked sheepish as he slowly wandered out the room. Didnt exactly get his point across, whatever that was."

Ummm suuuure... have you seen the world news recently, pal? :D

Man, you ARE clueless.

"I don't know what this business is with the Hungarian government, but if I was to take agentT's comments as fact then I dont understand the grievance, you say the Hungarian government bought something and then afterwards decided they paid too much. Thats the story of most consumers lives, live and learn if they think they got such a bad deal. Although lets face it, the guy throwing the eggs probably just thought people would think he was cool to throw eggs at a visiting businessman."

How about checking out the FACTS before you start posting boring, utterly clueless stuff like this? Apparently following a highly controversial process M$ got a contract in the range of 150-200M USD which is pretty decent steal even in a big country, let alone in such a small market like Hungary. After the outrage the relevant agency is probing the case and after numerous errors in the proceedings the first scheduled court day was yesterday but somehow MAGICALLY, I guess, by pure COINCIDENCE, the very day when Ballmer arrived, the presiding judge has postponed the case... even if it's coincidental at least talk about it, don't be such a cheap tool, boy.

Oh wait, you're just following your M$ propaganda err, marketing manual, aren't you? You know the "let's downplay the story, let's go wishy-washy, it always work" chapter...?

Newsflash: it doesn't.

Check what happened to you in Europe recently. You were arrogant all the way and - finally! - you got b*tchslapped. You had it coming, pal - just like Ballmer, this arrogant buffon had this one coming.

"Personally I hope he gets expelled."

Personally I hope he gets a lot of free pussies and drinks and becomes some civil leader, famous and respected - unlike you, a loser licking Ball(mer)s'...

"As for Microsoft being evil, this is a pretty ignorant view point to take. Im not so besotted with my employer that I am incapable of objectivity. Businesses make money, in fact they have a legal responsibility to share holders to do so, so if you think MS is evil just because of the scale of the business and the size of revenue and profit then your argument is, at least to me, fundamentally flawed. Then again I am a proud capitalist, not a hippy."

Then again, you are clueless, we realized it by now - like most of you, obviously you didn't learn anything from history. :)

"On this subject, one unique feature of Microsoft, is that nearly all the profits earned by its creator, are being pushed back in to charity? "

Is it some unique feature of you that you constantly claim false info?

"The B&M Gates foundation is currently worth some $27b, is this all part of some evil plan?"

You mean the one that initial capital was matched by Warren Buffet? Besides I didn't know if I steal from a bank, live like a king but still give 80% to charity I can get away with a robbery...

"What about the $100m to immunise third world children. Clearly part of a masterplan to sell them software when their older...."

M$ has one of the WORST - sans former SCO :D - public perceptions in IT, you HAVE to counter it somehow. OTOH Gates never had this bad image, he was always rather seen as a not so macho rich, white kid, born with the silver spoon, whiny, arrogant geek, a bit slimey but after all not necessarily evil (albeit he also lacks business moral, it was always quite obvious.)

Ballmer is a different beast, even if he's a nice guy in person I think he has THE WORST image in the whole industry. Seriously, as I think about it literally everyone I know hates him or disgusted by him (well, along with M$' outrageous tactics, of course.)

Well, I admit for you it's a pretty obscure proposition to see Ballmer or M$ as he/it is because you inherently lack the essential knowledge (i.e. "proud capitalist" mindset) to grasp it.

"Oh, one last thing, Anton Ivanov, the term you are searching for on the lines of rent, i think you will find is license. Software is licensed for use, its not a new thing, its not exclusive to MS, its pretty standard practice. It's the same with the music and films and books and well lots of things."

Ummm, NO, it's not. Books are NOT licensed - they sell a COPY of the work. So goes with movies - I buy a COPY of the movie which I can watch ANYWHERE, ANYHOW, as I see fit. Heck, I can even resell it after I got bored of it.

Come again, "proud capitalist."

"I look forward to the no doubt dozens of posts that will appear to tell me im an idiot."

Yawn. This pretty standard and lame "preventive line" just convinced me that you are just another clueless "highly opinionated but barely informed" M$ bot, brainwashed by some cheap corporate propaganda.

... but hey, what else should we expect from the makers of such an utter crap like Vista or Office 2008?

Anyway, too bad for you, who cares.

Brennan JB7 Micro Jukebox

Levente Szileszky

+1 for the missing opportunity

1. no wireless network

2. no wired network

3. very limited ripping function

4. even that's without proper recognition because no online CDDB access

5. no lossless (FLAC!) format support, only lossy-crappy mp3

6. local HDD without any fault tolerancy

7. no integrated speaker - even a very crappy one could make this good for the bedroom

8. slow operation - slow/cheap CPU?

I predict a complete flop, sorry.

Is Vista ready for Business?

Levente Szileszky
IT Angle

RE: Wolf

"Oh, and it has a 3.0 Windows Experience Index."

This is where I stopped reading your post...

Levente Szileszky

RE: Steven Hewitt

""...Mike Nash, a corporate vice-president at Microsoft. He points to customers including Continental Airlines (CAL), Bank of America (BAC), Cerner (CERN), and Royal Dutch Shell which are installing Vista on thousands of machines, as evidence of the system's acceptance.""

Oh PLEAHHHHSE, save me these silly stories.

Half of it is just plain lies - no way place like CERN will *ever* officially switch to Vista, it's simply just they get new machines and by default they arrive infected with Vista - and banks etc also typically upgrade OS only when they replace machines as well and anyway they only use one or two apps on client consoles, all developed in-house (often Java-based which even further makes the choice of OS irrelevant).

"Plus the few thousand PC's I've upgraded at my current place and the 200 at my previous place."

Well, what do you expect as a reply here? Assuming you did your best you have just showed that you have failed to recognize a huge incoming problem - congrat, you just screwed your former as well as and current employer.

Of course, you served MS' bottom line, that's for sure.

Levente Szileszky
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RE: Paul Probine

"Vista functions like a bloated asthmatic slug towing a caravan full of elephants to a carnival."

Excellent summary! I hope you don't mind if I'll use this line occasionally for forum signatures...

Levente Szileszky
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My answers...

After 18 months of personal use at work - Vista Business - I can conclude that there are NO REASONS to adopt Vista whatsoever. Our 100-200 machines will NEVER SEE Vista as long as I'm in charge of IT here, that's for sure unless something revolutionary happens but after this much-hyped SP1 turned out to be a complete flop I'm pretty sure no service pack can save this piece of 'patchwork' (pun intended) called Vista.

Best MS can do is minimize its efforts on Vista and accelerate the development of Windows7 as much as they can (assuming they indeed have switched to *real* modular structure as rumored) otherwise I can see us (animation firm) migrating to something else - Linux or OS X, depending on software availability - in the next 5-6 years period.

1. Bloated piece of crap, buggy & slow as hell - clunky, illogical, disorganized, useless, foot-dragging monster, an utter piece of @(*&%$, worst OS MS ever released. Good for clueless idiots who get excited by paperware features, useless annoying crap for anyone who would use it for work.

2. Despite all the lies spread by MS compared to XP its features are actually castrated, once quick tasks became multi-click exercises with idiotic sub-, sub-sub- and sub-sub-sub-sub... windows opening all the time - a beast, impossible to tame (look at the basic process list!).

3. Despite MS' claims most of the XP applications does NOT run properly, you'll have several problems, let alone drivers etc, even 18 months after its release.

4. Lame approach, lame features, lamest errors ever and while XP Pro amost literally flies with a 3GHz+ quad-core machine Vista merely gets by with often stalling in the middle of the most generic process (copy, move etc).

If your app require lots of memory switch to XP Pro x64 like we did, it's working great.

DO NOT TRY VISTA, AVOID AT ALL COST and it'll save you a lot of headache!

Pirate Bay-probing cop on Warner Brothers payroll

Levente Szileszky
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RE: This is why...

Excellent points, Mectron!

I largely live by them already (e.g. stopped going to movie theatres, selectively buying movies, backed HD DVD instead of Blu-Ray ouch but still paying for cable, Netflix etc.) but I see the future when I will entirely cut this illegal mob out of my family's life and stick with indie productions with no mob connections.

Influential tech pundit says iPhone 'will be 3G in 60 days'

Levente Szileszky
Jobs Halo


Yes, we did. This is why we say what we say - iPhone is so far a shiny crippled cellphone, that is, nothing else - and this is why I have a W960i and a TyTn and would not consider iPhone anytime soon unless some major changes happen.

You know claiming it's easyand quick to type on the iPhone is just so ridiculous it made me laugh - your is probably the most pathetic Mac-troll post here for long time. :)

Levente Szileszky
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... who gives a **** about this Walt Mossberg guy, after all his B*ing, seriously?

You guys are helping him to retain his 'clout' when you report his silly marketing lines.. I mean seriously: this clown is just as unbiased and non-manipulative when it comes to all things Apple as the official Chinese Communist Party newspaper is about recent Tibetan unrests.

...3G iPhone is coming? Wow, no sh*t, Walt - who would have thought it in Spring 2008, ehh...!

Toshiba lost $1bn ditching HD DVD, paper claims

Levente Szileszky

Long vs short scale RE: Tony Trolle & Jamie Bunce

According to Wikipedia - see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Long_and_short_scales - most countries of the world use the apparently more logical *long scale* (new terms is always 1,000,000x greater) which UK used until 1974 when, for whatever reason, they have switched to the US-styled *short scale* (only 1,000x greater).

Problem with short scale is not only very few countries actually use it - mostly English-speaking countries - but also its shortness: people barely know anything above trillion. Ask anyone here (US) on the street to describe 10^19 and you'll see people won't have a clue how to call it. Ask anyone in EU and most people will say trillion...

... however I'm for freedom - everybody has the right to make its own life more miserable the way he sees to fit, for example with extra conversions... but do you want to guess why Wall Street dropped the 18th century (aka old British system) and adopted decimals (aka 20th century) in late 2000? ;)

Levente Szileszky

Re: Alex

"(PS3? A flop? Really? wow...)"

Ummm, yeah, it IS - it might be news for you - how about reading a bit? - but actually it's old news: Sony really ****d up this time, PS3 is biggest flop in modern console finance history, left waaaay behind by both of its competitors and even home, in Japan where it's getting a horrible beating from Nintendo's Wii.

Levente Szileszky
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It's a lot more sinister...

.why they've pulled suddenly - they have used HD DVD as a bargaining chip against Sony while fooling every HD DVD buyer they will be behind it for long-long time!

Days after Toshiba pulled the plug on H DVD, suddenly Sony agreed to sell Toshiba the majority of it's Cell plant - you know, the CPU in PS3 which, aside of being a gaming console, the only future-proof (that is Profile v2.0-capable) BD player out there.

Coincidence? Obviously not - these deals aren't done in few days, Toshiba and Sony were in talks for months already and Toshiba obviously used the fooled HD DVD masses to get a better deal with Sony.

Disgusting. Toshiba should be sued for consumer deception - I'm 100% sure internal documents would show they were engaged in these talks for several months, knowing they are ready to drop HD DVD while they were actively denying and marketing it.

This is pure deception, nothing less.

Levente Szileszky

RE; Monkey moron

Monkey wrote it:

"...Some moron pipes up with a comment like "Sony lost far more than that on the PS3 and pushing Blu-Ray at a massive loss"?!"

Too funny... the only moron here so far is the one who apparently doesn't even know what he's talking about, namely that Sony is indeed bleeding money to push BD and PS3.

Sony Ericsson Walkman W960i music phone

Levente Szileszky

K850i + 8GB M2 = W960i? Ehh, what are you smokin'..:)

I don't know what are you smoking but I want some - K850i is well behind this phone, I think (sans HSDPA over UMTS, of course.)

I have this phone for a while and:

- I use it *without* the stylus (until few days ago I don't even know where did I put my stylus) and

- with *one hand*

- yet I can access *everything* including *submenus as well*

- this latest Symbian OS - same as in P1 - is waaaaay ahead of the K850i's proprietary SE OS

- touchscreen + roll-wheel + shortcuts give you *multiple* ways to click, start, access etc

- 8GB+160MB might sound limited for some people but in reality out of my 100GB+ collection I have over 1000 high-quality (e.g. 320k MP3) songs on it, along with few videos (including the ones I shot during last Fall's The Cult concert :))

- paired with SE's stereo BT headsets it's an excellent urban traveler's music+web setup.

Am I right when I think this article forgot to mention that W960i it comes with TrackID? If so it must be mentioned, even if it's standard on most SE phones because trackID *IS* the *best-ever* application for *any* music lover - it works literally everywhere for me, even in noisy pubs!

I must admit it took a few weeks until I figured out the best ways to use it, espcially with one hand - no, I'm not disabled but it's NYC here, the other one holds the coffee mug :) - but once you discover all the tricks you really develop an appreciation for the very thoughtful engineering that went into this phone.

Perhaps it's time to learn how to use it properly, Alun? ;) :P

FYI: it takes a bit more than few days but ever since I got this phone - few months ago - I have not touched my perfectly working WM6-running HTC TyTn...

This phone has a great potential but SE dropped the ball when they did not introduced here, in the US. I've showed it to 4-5 of my colleagues so far and at least 2 people immediately dropped the idea of buying an iPhone, they want W960i instead - too bad SE priced it stupidly high, they should go down at least $100 below Apple's price (8GB) and start promoting it heavily on these markets (the US, that is.)

HD DVD fights back in the US

Levente Szileszky

Smiling when reading the whining BR fans - party is over, boys...

...yep, you got your 15 minutes of fame, thanks to Warner's announcement - however when it comes to STANDALONE PLAYERS - because that's what will generate NOTHING BUT MOVIE SALES - Toshiba is beating the whole BR camp alone.

Remember: Amazon and Walmart are not included in these numbers so most likely these numbers are even worse for Blu-Ray...

As for 'dead!' comments - did it occur to you, clueless losers, that if one format rules then you don't get ANY cheaper price for long time to come, nor any development?

BD-Live - which rendered EVERY CURRENT BD player except the gaming console PS3 outdated overnight - will arrive by the end of this year, thanks to HD DVD's excellent features which are the same since its inception several years ago...

...Blu-Ray has a long way to go to catch up with HD DVD - too bad they rather try to kill the other one instead of winning a comptetition. Make no mistakes: if Toshiba would give it up - hardly, with over 1M players out there - then BD has ZERO chance to kill DVD, it's obvious, thanks to the control of such overpriced, monopolistic players like Sony, Pioneer.

Nikon's D60 digital SLR blows in - literally

Levente Szileszky
Dead Vulture

Boohoo, big deal - Nikon, as usually, is very late (5 years) to the party - in fact the LAST ONE...

...because Olympus introduced the first built-in Supersonic Wave Filter dust-off system ~5 years ago, in 2003's E1 if I recall correctly.

Sony's (ex-Konica-Minolta) first DSLR, the A100 came out in Summer 2006 and featured similar dust removal filtering.

Pentax followed suit with K10 as well as Canon with 400D/Rebel XTi, both arrived in Fall 2006.

Nikon, as always, lacks way behind even in implementing a known technology, let alone actually inventing something - but, of course, PR touts it if something big has happened... not.

Hogging the Trough: The EFF Strikes Back

Levente Szileszky
Dead Vulture

RE: I'm not convinced by the argument put forward here.

My thoughts exactly, well said.

RIAA told to pay legal fees for harrassed defendant

Levente Szileszky

RE: What, no comment from Geoff Taylor?

Well, look at this picture: http://regmedia.co.uk/2008/01/15/geoff_taylor.jpg

What do you expect from such worm-like entities like *this*?

Parasites only care about their own gain, nothing else, remember...

Palm Treo 500v smartphone

Levente Szileszky

First no-stylus phone ???

I second Dave Murray: I have a TyTn and I barely pulled out the stylus. I also have the new 8GB SonyEricsson W960, this is what I use nowadays and I lost the stylus weeks ago and I'm doing absolutely fine, didn't even buy another stylus - simply I don't need it.

Police bail OiNK admin after filesharing raid

Levente Szileszky

@Jon RE: Lord Twatsman

"Got to ask....

By Jon

Posted Wednesday 24th October 2007 14:51 GMT


Why the hell is Lordy of the Lordy Lord Tribesman sticking his nose in this area of the populations enjoyment.

Should he read his own 'Mission Statement' off their site and go and try and fix what the current government has completely screwed up which is higher education.

What a complete wanker. Please email me Lord Twatsman if you disagree. God I am pissed off now...."

PRICELESS!!! It's past 3AM here but God, now I'm awake, after 'rolling on the floor and laughing' on this... thanks, Jon! :D :D :D

Toshiba to field HD DVD-equipped Xbox 360?

Levente Szileszky
Paris Hilton

@Pooper Re: Copycats...

Ummm hate to burst your bubble but it's vica versa.

First was the '3 free movies' HD-DVD promo, back in late 2006 when Blu-Ray including PS3 was a no-show. Then sometimes this year Sony realized PS3 sales are so crappy - thanks to its insane pricing - they have to do something and they decided the only option they have to boost it as a Blu-Ray player which consequently will help the whole BDA camp's sales to counter Toshiba's successful 3-disc promo so (presumably) Sony won't have to foot the bill alone. They introduced the same promo but with 5 disc which Toshiba decided to match up very soon by raising its promo from 3 to 5 discs as well.

Better check the facts before you post, you know. ;)

Levente Szileszky
Paris Hilton

@Mark RE: comedy of errors

"LOL, anyone else fell Microsoft have no gameplan when it comes to the 360? It's a comedy of errors.

Lets look at a bit of history."

Yeah, let's look at it and compare it to PS3: PS3 was 1+ year late (look up original announcement), as little as 2 months before its release they kept changing the specs, it launched with a lunatic price tag, lacking not only such basic things as rumble controller but it didn't even have GAMES FOR MONTHS.

Talk about comedy of errors.

Now let's look around, a year later: it's behind ANY competitor when it comes to sales. AZNd it's behind by A LOT.

Heck, it's behind handhelds as well - and EVEN PS2!

PS3 produced the most pathetic false ad campaign, the most unprofessional launch the industry has ever seen - all of which, of course, compounded these ridiculously miserable sales results ever since.

360 wasn't an errorfree product, that's for sure and Nintendo laughing on its way to the bank but praising PS3 while talking about comedy of errors with regard to 360 is just downright hilarious, it's sooo ridiculous...

Levente Szileszky
Paris Hilton

@Joerg RE: The desperation of Toshiba to force blahblahblahblaaaablah...

Hah! Man, you are one clueless but very funny Sony-troll.:)

You call it "desperate to force" - with 360 available without HD-DVD ever since its release it's beyoind me how could Toshiba force anything here, ROFLMAO - but in the next sentence you declare PS3 "The PS3 is the best product"... you know, the very PS3 that never been available without Blu-Ray (hence the lunatic pricetag)... :D

Priceless! (Pun intended, of course.)

Ahh, the icing on the cake?

Right after you declared PS3 to be "the best product: you continue on saying you "can only hope that Sony starts putting some serious audio/video codecs/containers support" - sic!!! :D


Princess Fiorina goes on the box with Fox

Levente Szileszky

RE: Anonymous Coward

"Didn't she dive just as impressively?"

Well, certainly never on me - talk to us, I want to hear all the details... :D

Levente Szileszky

Classic overly confident outsider who nearly killed HP

HP was and still is our #1 vendor and I remember very well the armies of disgruntled HP engineers during Fiorina, the way they were treated and/or booted - this also contributed to the aforementioned business and financial mess this khm, 'overhyped businesswoman' created by the end of her reign at HP. She took onCompaq which never made *any* sense for HP - Compaq was a total mess, at the end mostly led by marketing-oriented folks while HP was always a tight operation, a very precise vendor, led by engineers and inventions -, most likely only to 'do something' for her astronomical salary... while I'm sure she's a warm person off the work - she looked like one in one of last season's Bill Maher show - she also ran HP as a totally disconnected chief, alienated most of the engineers and eventually nearly killed HP and its inventive soul. Thanks God she was fired - and thanks God this parasite Murdoch will pay for her so noone will go by her advices.

eBay forum mysteriously leaks account details on 1,200 users

Levente Szileszky


No, the presence of eBid doesn't mean it's not a monopoly when 99.9% of all deal go through eBay.

eBay is expensive, arrogant and has a crap interface - you can't hcange such basic things like time zone: eBay @sstunnels are in Pacific so EVERYBODY stays on Pacific and so on.

eBay is full of these stunningly arrogant crap.

Artist formerly known as The Artist Formerly Known As Prince attacks internet

Levente Szileszky

Right on, Krek


By krek

You may, like me, not like the music that Prince puts out under his own name, but to deny that he is one of the greatest artists since the advent of music recordings is to out yourself as know-nothing moron. This man is responsable for a very great deal of the pop music you and I have enjoyed for the past 20-30 years. Madonna, Kenny Rogers, Sinéad O'Connor, Sheena Easton, among others, owe at least some of their success to Prince."

Well said.

Levente Szileszky

Prince IS superb but apparently he lost it...

First let's sort out the losers...

"By Cadbury Moose

No, <Dingbat> is a pretentious, talentless little tosspot."

Pretentious? Perhaps, yes but talentless? Ouch.

Umm no, loser, it's only you who has apparently very little clue about talent or anything related - even avid Prince-haters admit he is a super-talented musician so it's rather pathetic when some little online loser called "Cadbury Moose" calls him talentless...

"Who is Prince?

By foof"

Well, thanks for proving your ignorance about the topic you chose to comment on... no need for more comment after this question...

Rest of the losers here doesn't even deserve a quote - especially the Anonymous Loser Posters - so let's move on.

As much as I always liked his music I always found Prince's egoistic, pretentious style pathetic. Of course, like most of the superstars he had very little - if any - contact with the real world so his preposterous acts weren't surprising at all and I think this rather hilarious move is just another step on this road.

It only shows he's now completely out of touch, doesn't know shit about anything in the world except his own little boring bubble and that this useless parasite called "Web Sheriff" - what a name!!! can you imagine anything but a pathetic con artist withthis name??? check piratebay.org for more info! - found a great source of money now so when we're talking about this utter BS story - because it is, sorry Prince, you're indeed a dingbat - it only serves his interest, remember.

On the other hand if something is a fake and they notify eBay then eBay MUST remove it, period. eBay became one of the most disgusting monopolies, a very arrogant, stupid company - 'bout time to get their @sses handed to them.