Every time I visit an Apple Website
My FreeBSD is recognized as OS X I'm curious if this free download works.
149 publicly visible posts • joined 11 Jul 2007
To be honest, I didn't notice. I'm one of those old fashioned persons that still stick to AltaVista. I have no G*-whatsoever account - no Gmail, no Youtube no Gdocs - no nothing. I'd rather be off- line then using Chrome. Still, my world hasn't come to an end yet. Go figure.
I have a small XP partition for stuff that doesn't behave well under Wine. Most programs out there are made for XP anyway, so there's no real reason to "upgrade". On top of that, XP works perfectly with as little as 10-12 services running in the background, depending on ones preferences. I've disabled stuff like firewalls, security center, automatic updates and suchlike a long time ago, Needless to say, I don't run any AV / Anti-malware stuff either Never had any problems, though. The weak link is always the user and nothing can change that. To me, XP is the Windows version for computer savvy people, who know what they are doing.
It still is a powered AC and has to land on an airfield, you can't just put it down on your lawn. I'm not so sure about the sports license either. Tilt rotor AC require a powered lift cert in the US and both, PPL and HPL, anywhere else. Add the cost for the license to the price of the "thing" and we're looking at +300K. A brand new, Garmin equipped, C-172 is 20K less, same is true for an R22 helicopter. The saved money could be spent on a real car, so you don't have to walk home. Imho, the whole "Flying Car" idea is Bollocks.
" . . .to trick them into installing FinSpy on their Windows PCs."
I may be dead wrong . . but haven't the people, worth monitoring, ditched that OS a long time ago ? As long as $GOV targets Windows PCs, the real hacks have nothing to worry about. A BSD version - now that would be cute.
Never mind.
These are the ppl who'll post how excellent it was, once the next version of Windows is out. Some call themselves "techies" or "nerds" . . but can't even distinguish between a GUI and an OS.
NEW RULE . . as Bill Maher would have put it::
If you can't write assembly code and don't build your own boxes, you're NOT a technical user.
A few months ? More like 4 years. A patch was made available 3 weeks later.
This exploit is only verified on a FreeBSD 7.0-RELEASE fresh install with telnetd enabled.. Telnetd has been disabled by default since August 2001, and due to the lack of cryptographic security in the TELNET protocol, it is recommended that the SSH protocol be used instead. "Average users" of FreeBSD (if there are any) won't get their hands on RELEASE builds anyway. About 1% download STABLE, the other 99% check out the source tree and rebuild WORLD and KERNEL according to their needs. I hate to rub this in but FreeBSD users - contrary to the Linux crowd - usually know bloody damn well what they are doing.
Nothing to do with packages. The servers in question host source code which is needed to build ports. Checksums for every file are stored on client machines, which will refuse the build, if checksums don't match. As stated in the article, servers were taken off-line as a precaution. It's a non-issue and only made it's way into the media since is has the words 'vulnerable' and 'FreeBSD' in one sentence, which you don't see very often.
That's what you get if you try to sue the crap out of the competition, I'm afraid. If Apple had been reasonable in the past, no one would have bothered, but now they're on everyones list. I bet patent trolls around the globe are right now skimming through their folders to find anything remotely related to Apple products.
If you're looking for devices running BSD, look no further than the Playstation - CellOS is a FreeBSD branch and there are others. There's a difference between devices, running a streamlined Kernel with a few programs made by professionals, and a full blown Linux distro, though. What they are suffering from is called 'Lego Syndrome'. Too much code with too many weird dependencies. It's all about new features, more often than not inspired by Microsoft. ( KDE4s "Semantic Desktop Search" is a nice example - it needs it's own database / server WTF ? ) Regular Linux users don't realize the problem because new dependencies are automatically installed by their package manager. Just one more package - so what ? If you're on BSD and have to compile hundreds of MBs of dependent code for a mandatory feature, you might see things differently. You'd ask yourself, like Poul-Henning Kamp did: "Is this really necessary ? Can't they just code a few functions themselves instead of relying on all that third party stuff ?" Well . . . apparently not. - and THAT is the point of the article. The more inexperienced programmers reuse code they don't understand , the more unmaintainable it gets.
How long is it going to take until someone sues them for bundling minesweeper ? It hurts open source game developers, you know ? Why not a "choice of OS ballot" as well ? Wouldn't it be fun to see a "Are you sure you want to install Windows" screen, along with a choice of other operating systems ?
Back in the 80s, almost everyone subscribed to some sort of BBS. ISPs offered free home pages , i.e Geosites and suchlike. People have accounts at MSN, Yahoo, ICQ . . , millions participate in forums. Since 30 years, private data is shared, for everyone to see. If you share too much, it'll eventually bite you, simple as that. It's true, FB makes it easier for the bad guys, but it's not as if fraud was invented after FB went online. It's not that interesting anyway. I could think of a lot of sites better suited to shady activities.
My last "regular standalone install of Windows" was W95. Since then it was Wine or Vbox . . and they all more or less sucked. I mean, seriously, what was it,Vista had to offer ? Aero ? Sidebar ? Fucked up FM with a focus on errr . . libraries ? It actually took 3 registry hacks to make explorer display the contents of the HDDs by default. Folders . . mind you . . not directories . . . M$ Bob is still alive. With every release, M$ introduced more layers of obfusaction to seperate the user from the metal. Now you go and explain to my mum why the stuff she deleted from her libraries is still on her hard disk It's not her fault M$ suddenly developed a love for symlinks, now is it ? Win 7 ? What was that again ? Oh, right, Vista with less services running by default ! Made from scratch - my backside.! And every N00b on this planet thought it was: THE SHIT ! . . incl most of the Regs readers . . You know, a few years ago, they'd have LARTed you out of existence. Yes, you and your dual boot Umbongo, but that's not the point. The point is: XP does everything with a lot less resources than Vista/W7, the rest is marketing drivel. No reason to "upgrade" - let alone to W8 (shiver), at all.
If you absolutely have to use Windows - Stay with XP ! Teach them a lesson, if nothing else.