* Posts by SRS0001

6 publicly visible posts • joined 3 Oct 2013

'Scope boffins get INSIDE URANUS after snapping mystery spots


let me get this straight...they performed a colonoscopy on Uranus?

Cow flatulence, gas emissions much worse than thought - boffins


Chick-Fil-A is gonna love this...

HUMANS all come FROM AFRICA: HERPES does not lie


yeah, I know. You're not from Louisiana.


"All humans come from Africa."

Bull. I'm from Louisiana.

NASA, start your torrents: 622 Mbps broadband link FOUND ON MOON


NASA shot the moon with a laser? What if it falls on us?

Scientists to IPCC: Yes, solar quiet spells like the one now looming can mean Ice Ages


You guys like to say boffin a lot...

I think it all boils down to nobody really knowing what is going on, but they like to make people think that they do know.