I've been unable to get a reliable connection to Sky broadband since I moved to them from F2S.
On F2S I got a steady 5.5meg connection for the entire year I was with them at this address, moved to Sky, and they keep turning down the connection speed to see if it makes the connection stay up for more than a few hours.
So far, despite dozens of calls to them (at not inconsiderable cost!) they have been unable to provide a stable connection. Speaking to their call centres is either an exercise in frustration, or linguistic gymnastics and frustration depending on which call centre you get.
One must be in Scotland, and the other I think is located in a public swimming baths on Mars, judging from the quality of the line.
Every time I call, usually every 2 days or so, I have to repeat the same mind numbing information, because they've closed the ticket. Yes it's plugged into the master socket, yes it's got a microfilter etc. etc. over and over again until my nose bleeds, or one of us dies of boredom.
Third line support don't call back, there's always a queue to speak to them, and I usually get cut off from them after sometime on hold.
I got a lovely letter through the post telling me that they'd fixed my issue and closed the ticket, but couldn't contact me by phone to tell me. I can't believe they tried very hard, and of course they hadn't solved the issue, they'd just throttled my line back another 100kbps.
I'm at the point of insisting on them waiving the 1 year minimum contract and giving my MAC as they are truly hopeless.