Well, personally, when testing a system I've set up for image, I'd test in the user environment, not the admin one, so that I know that what I've set up works in the account it's meant for.
Why do you test user restrictions in the admin account?
204 publicly visible posts • joined 27 Sep 2013
The key point there is that they were P.C. systems. They didn't need much security because they were PERSONAL computers and the user (singular) could be admin because they were the only one using it... right up until they were connected to a network at least. Then the lack of security came back to bite all the IT & network support staff! As airgapped systems they were more or less ok. Once they got online though, they were wide open.
UNIX approached from the other side. It was originally a multi-user system, so security had been designed in from the start.
I once tried walking into a small room where there had been a rapid burn of petrol vapors. High concentration of CO2. Took one step in & virtually bounced off it as the breathing reflex kicked in with a vengence. Felt like dry heaving, but with my lungs instead of stomach.
By contrast, we had an environmental test chamber at work which was chilled by liquid nitrogen. We had to have oxygen meters installed to trigger an alarm if the O2 partial pressure in the room dropped too far, because of the exact reason you stated.
Similar thing happened to my sister. Although she was smart enough to use only a small amount when lighting the garden waste in the incinerator, AND she ensured the metal can was sealed & well away from the incinerator before going back & lighting it. Safety first!
What she learned though, was what people didn't put enough emphasis on, just how fast petrol evaporates. No major damage, but she looked quite surprised for a while after that, from dim memory.
Nobody seems to be able to justify the silly thing anyway. Safety, energy conservation, farming considerations...none of them actually hold up under critical scrutiny. Time to dump it.
It did when it was introduced, as it meant that people could do the things they needed to after work without needing artificial lighting, thus lowering the energy grid requirements during the war, (when it was introduced, I believe).
These days, however, you are quite right, and it serves little functional purpose.
Back when I was an avionics tech at a national airline, we had a new system & terminals for ordering, logging work etc. As the new PC was being installed, I saw a sticker on the back & asked, "So, we have seven servers, right?"
To which I received the reply, "Yep!"
The sticker read, "YOUR SERVER IS GRUMPY"
That one happened to a friend of mine in the late 80's.
User, "I think my monitors on fire."
Friend, "What!?"
User, "There's smoke coming out of it!"
Friend, "Have you turned it off yet?"
User, "Are you crazy!? I'm not going near that thing!"
Cue friend running out of the building, up the street to the other building where the user worked in the pathology lab, & into the lab to disconnect the monitor. Turned out that they has spilled a significant quantity of ethanol into it... (or maybe water, not sure any more.)
They used to do that to apprentices in the repair center I worked at to teach them not to try & catch things. They also had this nice conductive paint. It was only conductive once it was dry, though...
Cue someone* painting the prongs of a 240VAC plug, replacing it in the GPO & wandering off... Nothing happens at first, but then as it dries, it starts conducting a little via high resistance. I^2*R=>heat. Paint starts drying faster. The faster it dries, the more heat...
I'm told it was about 20 minutes later that the power point exploded.
*I was told about it. It occurred before I started there.
Well, neither of you tried to leg it, so you passed the first test of "Are they doing something they think they shouldn't be?"
"Smile and wave, boys. Smile and wave."
A relevant part of a talk by Deviant Ollam on whether or not you are really red team pentesting: https://youtu.be/mj2iSdBw4-0?t=907
"Yeh, the old REAL (tm) gods razed cities, flooded worlds and spread pestilence. Modern gods, wimps the lot of them"
The new gods move in different ways, take Media for example. She can arrange all of that if she wants. (Or at least arrange for us to to it to ourselves.)