Re: OpenJDK
Oracle, as a main sponsor and developer of OpenJDK, will continue to maintain it.
Yeah, I know, mind blown.
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203 publicly visible posts • joined 24 Sep 2013
What takes all foreigners by surprise is that you need swipe your card and enter 5 digit postcode instead of PIN (in fact most credit cards issued in the land of free do not have PIN code assigned by default and require one only for cash advance in ATMs). Mine has 4. I've heard about some hacks like enter 00000 but that never worked. But I never had any issues prepaying with card on the counter and getting difference refunded back to the same card, but yes, that requires two trips.
"Premier Li Keqiang on Tuesday vowed there would be no mandatory technology transfers in China’s manufacturing sector, in the latest bid to reassure the country’s frustrated trading partners.
Foreign companies have complained for years about forced technology transfers in exchange for market access in China, including having to reveal their most sophisticated or key technology to Chinese partners in joint ventures.
They say forced technology transfers are rife in the car, semiconductor and new energy battery industries, but Beijing has not officially acknowledged that such practices exist."
I'll leave it to you to google rest, unless you have Huawei phone of course.
that outsourcing manufacturing to cheaper countries is no different from outsourcing your high paid IT job to cheaper countries, it just affects different people.
And yet some, if not most, The Reg readers in some stunning act of mental acrobatics support former but oppose to latter.
Go figure.
Australia does not have Lyft but it has Indian startup Ola and every single Uber driver also drives for Ola.
Because Ola charges drivers 17% and Uber 25% drivers pick Ola orders before Uber anytime except when Uber has surge pricing.
That's how easy it is to undercut Uber if you want take over the market, you just need be prepared to lose more money than Uber does.
Really, moving from a warehouse with servers and customer support to full blown transport company is in your opinion not a change of business ?
You should buy Uber shares then and I have slightly used London bridge for sale if you have some spare change left after that.
write a single article without channeling their inner Trump Derangement Syndrome ?
Seriously, exactly what mention of Trump tax returns has to do or added to topic of this article ?
P.S. By the way it's democrats who oppose to consumer rights in California and those are exactly same people you're going to vote next time.
Have a think about it.
They're doing it to be able to sustain it's development, Java and Cloud are totally separate streams of revenue and different people working on them, you need be severely retarded to not understand it.
So let me repeat my question - why do you expect getting something that costs Oracle lots of money to maintain and develop for free ?
Do you think that product on which Oracle spends millions of dollars a year in developers wages alone should be given to you for free ? Why is that ? Because you don't want or unable to pay ?
Do you expect Cloud hosting, food, housing, whatever, also be given for free to you because of same reasons ?
Do you also work for free ?
Or do you think it would be better for future of Java if Oracle does to it what it does to all projects that do not generate revenue, AKA take it behind the shed and shoot in the head ?
Well, it's not exactly as easy as one is always opposite to another.
It's about measurement and fact that once you measure one side of entangled pair it's wave function collapses into particle and this measurement causes collapse of wave function of second particle as well and it happens seemingly faster than information about performed measurement can travel between two particles.
But since participle has to get to remote location actual information is carried by that particle at the speed of that particle which is slower or equal to speed of light, so no information transfer faster than speed of light is happening.
Think of it as if you have single use magic network cable which can transfer information faster than speed of light but to transfer every bit you need pull new cable as previous one annihilates.
p.s. and yes, I definitely don't understand how entanglement works, but my excuse is that no one else understands it either.