So they have cut a lot of advantages and than blamed it all on banning politics?
Posts by EPurpl3
113 publicly visible posts • joined 23 Sep 2013
Basecamp CEO issues apology after 'no political discussions at work' edict blows up in his face
iOS 13 leaks suggest Apple is finally about to unleash the iPad as a computer for grownups
Oddly enough, when a Tesla accelerates at a barrier, someone dies: Autopilot report lands
NASA's first all-woman spacewalk outside ISS cancelled – due to lack of spacesuits that fit
They're BAAACK: Windows 10 nagware team loads trebuchet with annoying reminders to GTFO Windows 7
US prosecutors whack another three charges on list against ex-Autonomy boss Mike Lynch over $11bn HP biz gobble
Nobody in China wants Apple's eye-wateringly priced iPhones, sighs CEO Tim Cook
Re: Patriotism [Was Overpriced kit]
Is not only patriotism, some Chinese phones are really good and cheap, even for Europe. My brother has a 3 years OnePlus and i have a 6 months Galaxy S9 (which is a lot more expensive). Trust me, i have found things that OnePlus does better than a S9. Was like having the joker on a game of cards. Instantly i have found OnePlus as a viable alternative to any phone. Best thing about it was the battery life, after 3 years was running almost 3 days without charging.
Wow, look out, hackers: Trump to order 60-day cybersecurity probe
Forget malware, crooks are cracking ATMs the old-fashioned way – with explosives
Microsoft preps defence against the dark arts for enterprise customers
Analyst: iPhone 7 points to price jump
Forgive me, father, for I have used an ad-blocker on news websites...
WhatsApp is to hand your phone number to Facebook
Adobe preps emergency Flash patch for bug hackers are exploiting
Photographer hassled by Port of Tyne for filming a sign on a wall
The worst article I have ever read. Any photographer have to deal with all kind of situations daily, some much worst than this. This article is totally unfit in a tech website or on any other online newspaper because is not of public interest, this belong on the personal blog of a failed photographer who can't deal with a simple situation.
Panasonic Toughbooks are so tough they can smoke
Google, didn't you get the memo? Stop trying to make Google+ happen
Google to deep six dodgy download buttons
Autodesk vapourises ten per cent of jobs to go completely cloudy
Now you can easily see if a site's HTTP headers are insecure, beams dev
Five reasons why the Google tax deal is imploding
Nvidia GPUs give smut viewed incognito a second coming
Windows XP spotted on Royal Navy's spanking new aircraft carrier
I can turn Yahoo! around claims hedge fund manager
She tried everything to make Yahoo a giant again, cool parties, lobby, publicity, scandals, hype, new logo, etc. What she has missed is to make Yahoo useful again for the users. Boosting the number of ads without boosting the number of new users is the worst policy possible. Really, if I travel to another country I can't even authenticate. WTF, that's totally not user friendly and is not logical...
7 million Apple Watches just buried the competition – Canalys
Apple Pay is my favourite thing with it, so useful when using London Underground , ands it's quicker than using traditional plastic
You should buy a bike or a car, it's quicker than anything
Found it handy answering calls when my hands are messy like when cooking in the kitchen
And how do you hold the phone with messy hands after you answer?
Add on the fact I can now keep track of how active I am too, I'd feel lost without an Apple Watch now
Keep track of how active you are? Lost without an Apple Watch? Alzheimer? :d
Cyber racketeers convicted over $1bn international conspiracy
Acer: Our sales promos left us nursing operating losses
How can it possibly be time to patch Xen again?
Russia to suspend US GPS stations in tit-for-tat spat
Google, Apple pop a cap in that Flappy Birds crapp app flapp
Toshiba opens curtains, reveals air-cushioned 5-terabyte terror
Sony's PlayStation 4 pwns Xbox in the United States
Windows 8.1 becomes world's fourth-most-popular desktop OS
China's Jade Rabbit moon rover might have DIED in the NIGHT after 'abnormality'
US can't get its hands on Navy hacker Victor Faur, aka SirVic
Apple fanbois make it 'official', hook up with Internet of Fridges Things
AMD's 'Revolution' will be televised ... if its CPU-GPU frankenchip Kaveri is a hit
Re: Dull and slow
“And for general usage could you tell the difference?“
Everything uses GPU this days so I guess that there will be an improvement. Even on surfing on internet, browsers support hardware acceleration, YouTube too. I am very optimistic regarding this new design but I bet that Apple has already patented this :))