* Posts by Interim Project Manager

8 publicly visible posts • joined 19 Sep 2013

Canadian bloke refuses to hand over phone password, gets cuffed

Interim Project Manager

Hidden TrueCrypt volumes

"That's why things like TrueCrypt with hidden volumes were invented."

The point is you shouldn't need to hide it. Why should they be able to just look through whoever's personal files they feel like, without any reason. Of course it is keeping us safe from terrorphiles so it's ok.

Also what do they hope to achieve by doing so, and having a cursory browse of someone files. That the person will be travelling with an entry in their contacts for 'Terrorist Bob- Sleeper Cell Leader'. Or a file on their desktop called 'Secret Hijacking Plans'. Border security is ridiculous - airport security in particular.

97% of UK gets 'basic' 2Mbps broadband. 'Typical households' need 10Mbps – Ofcom

Interim Project Manager

Re: Typical households need 10Mbps

Maybe, like a few people I know, they pay for an up to "2Mbps" package and as such count in the 97% stat but in reality don't get anywhere near that. It is the minimum package available.

Google kills CAPTCHAs: Are we human or are we spammer?

Interim Project Manager

It can, for example Microsoft also proposed an image based system a few years back, which was effectively broken soon after. See the paper 'Machine Learning Attacks Against the Asirra CAPTCHA' by Philippe Golle.

Two driverless cars stuffed with passengers are ABOUT TO CRASH - who should take the hit?

Interim Project Manager

Re: Okay...

Apologies for the pedantry, but wouldn't they actually have to slow to a speed allowing a significantly lower than 7m stopping distance? Otherwise they would still be able to crash head on.

Google DoubleClick goes TITSUP. ENJOY your AD-FREE WORLD!

Interim Project Manager

Re: it was worse than that

Not if you access it from abroad, and thus aren't paying for it. Though to have it hanging because of the ads is poor for those that do pay for it.

Dating website for damaged-stiffy sufferers suffers stiff damage: £10m bill for leak

Interim Project Manager

Re: "These profiles were shared with up to 1,000 individual websites"

Exactly, this seems to be a common issue, in order to sign up to one site within a company's group the user is also effectively required to sign up the every other site within that group. However, what this case also interestingly highlights is that just because a company writes any rubbish it wants into their terms and conditions it doesn't mean they are legal and fair or enforceable.

If you're suing the UK govt, Brit spies will snoop on your briefs

Interim Project Manager

In some ways this is even more despicable than the blanket monitoring of all our communications. Effectively this is denying the defendant a right to a fair trial, undermining the entire justice process. The right to private communications with ones brief is a key aspect of the legal system we have in place.

Along with secret 'terrorism' trials and the move towards a view of 'guilty until proven innocent' this is a seriously concerning issue.

IT bloke denies trying to shag sheep outside football ground

Interim Project Manager

No wonder they baaed him from returning to the area