R. I. P. H. Ellison
I have no mouth and I must scream. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/I_Have_No_Mouth,_and_I_Must_Scream
133 publicly visible posts • joined 16 Sep 2013
"LESTER needs to be given the ability to deliver snacks with the drinks."
A packet of crisps should be popped out in a random direction upon upon delivery of libation -- might make for a fun betting game in itself.
Once it runs out crisps a card could pop up with a nice "ding" with the statement "Run Out. Please ingest this card to stave off collapse. No further crisps until restocked. Sorry."
Fucking assholes.
A good moment to share: http://hivinsite.ucsf.edu/InSite?page=md-expert-spinelli
Nutshell? To Whit: "Drs. Matthew Spinelli and Monica Gandhi examine the evidence that persons living with HIV who have undetectable viral loads on effective antiretroviral treatment have effectively no risk of passing the virus to an uninfected partner."
I have no desire to inflame a discussion. The above is only offered as information should anyone not be aware of it. It's seminal and important.
Okay, seminal was intentional.
Mine's the one with the condoms in the pocket.
"There wouldn't be anything the government could do about it"[...]
I wouldn't be too sure about that. El Trumpo could well declare Twitter a strategic national resource and have it nationalized. After all who uses it to effect? Trump of course. Who is the most important person in the world? Trump of course.
There's even the national security angle to consider. All that lovely meta data. I suspect if the threat to leave were made...we would see, something interesting. ;)
citation: http://www.nytimes.com/2008/10/13/business/worldbusiness/13iht-nationalize.4.16915416.html
Mine's the one with the FM 21-76 in the pocket.
I was going to try and be funny. This isn't funny. As a Canadian, it pains me to have our neighbours ostensibly being hijacked to a strange surreal land where they use words like "free" and "democracy" but they don't seem to mean what we in the English speaking world generally take them to mean.
If you are a citizen of the United States, I urge you with all the stretched tendons of my being to write to your representative. I urge you to urge others to write. I urge you to urge the ones you urge to urge and write and write. Send a tsunami of mail to your government and TELL them that this will not stand.
The real truth of the world? A pen in the hand of a determined citizen is true power. Use it. Save your online world.
We know you can do it.
Pierre Elliot Trudeau's famous words of pith are equally applicable the rest of you scurvy lot: http://www.cbc.ca/archives/entry/omnibus-bill-theres-no-place-for-the-state-in-the-bedrooms-of-the-nation
If it ain't hurtin' (less'n that be the bag ye be lookin' for and ye find the hurtee and hurter ye be like'n) 'n' they ain't flagrante in the public square...keep your nose out.
As Archer would say, "How hard is that?"
And if that got/gets you hard, then we'll find the shit that shuts you up. Totally joking. Not. Yes. No. No. *nod*
I think for some users they live in holy terror of pressing the wrong thing and destroying not only the day's labour but wiping all the computers on the lan. So, when it comes time to be aided, they curl up in fear and need the soothing voice of knowledge to gently guide them and let them know that no; pressing that button with letters 'e', 's', 'c' won't launch Odin's javelins to impale them where they sit.
Or not.
IANAL, but "intent" would come into play -- I believe there is dispensation for being a security "researcher. Elimination of that allowance by the DMCA has proven to be problematic for American academics. https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2016/jul/21/digital-millennium-copyright-act-eff-supreme-court
Not a complete answer to your question, a place to start.
Landing over and over and over on all our sundry machines...and the Wonkanets
from the chocolate factory following and slurping, not to mention the alphabet agencies...well, an honest hack seems, um honest.
Sigh, time to check how many grams have been removed from the new and improved box of cereal.
"Sammy does not want you installing anything that they are not happy with."
I will second that, buddy. I shot off the most vitriolic phone call I've ever made when I rung up Samsung and demanded answers as to why they had failed to include support for a Logitech Bluetooth keyboard that my wife depends on for her Note Pro 12.2 when they did their schtick with Lollipop (of course the Samsung branded keyboards worked just fine).
Blood threatened to splurt from my eyes when they feigned ignorance.
It took a month but they fixed it, the fuckers.