* Posts by GSystems

12 publicly visible posts • joined 16 Sep 2013

DEATH by VEGETABLES: Woman charged with killing boyf using carrots. And peas


No Worries...

It's a female who committed a murder... In the ol' U.S. women are hardly responsible for their actions and thus get far lighter sentences than men... It's the whole "equal protection under law" approach that has served us so well...

My calculation: She'll be out just in time for her Social Security cheque...

Grandmaster FLUSH: Chess champ booted for allegedly cheating with iPod app in the loo


I silver lining from all of this, for me at least, is that there is still some sort of honor and code that punishes cheaters and frowns upon deceit.

Spookception: US spied on Israel spying on US-Iran nuke talks



These guys are having so much fun wit their toys...

Movie industry's evil plan to destroy the internet is going precisely nowhere


Re: Control your media better.

"I think you just discovered shoplifting. Do what the shops do; take realistic precautions and factor-in the loss."


This is, supposedly, the reason for the exorbitant sum needed to see a movie from the get-go. Remember?

Now, this artificially inflated price is taken as the "Free-Market cost of cinema" and the complaints about piracy resurface... Meanwhile, in research-land, the actually cost of piracy is still up in the air and the quality of the movies continue to decline, while the complaints of "piracy" remain as strong as ever...

Thus, we're already paying for piracy...and paying for piracy...and paying for piracy...lol

Now Obama seeks China's help to halt alleged Nork HACK ATTACKS


Why is this at the end of the article?

"Pyongyang has denied responsibility for the devastating hack into Sony Pictures' computer systems, but a Nork official did label the attack a "righteous deed"."


Come on Reg... with as many times that you alluded to the North Koreans (Norks? Really?), one would think that their "denied responsibility" should be one of the FIRST things that is mentioned.

...false flags come in all shapes and sizes, it seems...

Cops bang up 'drunk, naked' Virginian


There We Go

Was willing to read through all of the comments before I posted as such... Exactly!

HTC looks to cheaper phones as revenues wane


Simple To Me

How does a company lose $17Bn year-to-year, yet still make millions in profit? Well, simple...they invested less money into their business, which, of course, will lead to less profits. Period.

HTC should have LOST money, not still made 1/3 their profit from the previous year. That shows that they are not marketing, are not innovating, are not doing the things they used to do... If HTC simply listened to their customers, they would likely succeed (SEE: T-Mobile). Listening to customers is how most businesses are successful. Once they stop listening to their customers (normally around the time that Wall Street gets involved), the outcome is always bleak.

It's almost like investors exist ONLY to destroy companies.

Either way, yeah, think about that: HTC lost 17 BILLION year-to-year, in gross income, yet still made 310 Million in profit. One could call it "awesome business savvy"...and another, me, could call it "a failure to invest in their business and listen to their customers..." ...but I'm just a lowly slave trying to be free...

Carry on...

Washington Post officially sold to Amazon's Bezos for quarter of a Tumblr


Re: And on a sad, but only tangentally-related note

We don't need Opera...nor true enlightening education systems...nor anything that might enlighten the people to the criminal element that their government has become...nor how to redress their government under law.

The music is homogenized and unsurprising...the movies are the same.

This, my friends is the beginning of a Brave New World.

That's right...


Optimist Moment:

Maybe Bezos will reinvigorate true journalism and bring about a return to Free Press...


lol yeah...get ready for your Soma folks...

In defence of defenestration: Microsoft MUST hurl Gates from the Windows


Re: Always a PC

Although there is no open source equivalent to Exchange, your IT Department should be more than capable of providing an open-source solution that is more secure and more flexible.

The main problem with Microsoft is people like you (sorry, not trying to offend...honestly); people who are so adept at seeking MS for solutions first, that you don't consider other platforms...even when you may not be the one implementing the overall service.

LibreOffice is a great Office-related product, and Ubuntu Server is flexible and more than capable with less equipment demands than MS Server. I run MS Server in a virtual machine that I used for file transfer between members of my company, and it worked great. However, something more simple and open (such as Ubuntu Server) would have done the trick had I lacked hardware resources.

The issue here is not that MS fits the bill (or not), it's whether or not people (Americans, mostly) can change their habits. Personally, I think they can. It wasn't long ago that Americans were joined in the cause of Civil Rights and the rule of law...it only took one false-flag event to change that...now we're reporting each other to "authorities" and laughing at the dismay of families who have people incarcerated for crimes without victims (here's looking at you unconstitutional drug statutes and unconstitutional pre-emptive arrests in DUIs)...

So yes, people can change.

My fiancée and I were looking forward to buying Windows 8, Windows Surface, and Windows Phone 7/8. However, as I began to see that Microsoft was not providing options to their interface (as I had so clearly experienced on Linux distros) it was clear that Microsoft was not going in the direction I would like. Add in their intentional back-doors and cooperation with the mostly-privately-owned "National Security Agency" (as "National" as the Federal Reserve, it seems), and it appears that my observations were correct...not something I would like to be correct about in this case...

I'm rambling...you get the point... If Microsoft died today, the other options would be clear to your IT Department and you would be better off for it...


Re: Always a PC

Exactly. The only thing that has slowed my transition from Windows is Audio Editing...not something I've found a solution for in the Linux space yet... (welcome to ideas, btw)...and gaming...although Valve's Steam Client is trying its damnedest to correct that issue for me...

Come on Magix...make a Linux client!!!

Study accuses media companies of cooking the books on piracy losses


Re: No shit Sherlock

EXACTLY! Funny thing is those smaller acts were the ones I looked forward to when I went to the Used CD stores growing up... They were exciting, new, challenging...their lyrics were provocative and always seemed to reverberate in my own life experience at the time...

Now...well...yeah... The only way you can kind of find anything worthwhile is by scouring the digital distribution sites and hoping for something free to pique your interest.

IT is truly a sad time in the world. There's no way that this can go on... I reckon we prepare for impact...

Outlook.com adds IMAP, OAuth


lol Of Course!

I spent the better part of four years dealing with Hotmail...dealing with Windows Live Mail to have a semblance of IMAP on my Hotmail account...

...scoured the internet for ways to incorporate Hotmail into a real mail client (such as Thunderbird)...

...acquiesced to using the Outlook Email Client so that I could use my Hotmail account, but that was at the expense of my other, IMAP-activated accounts which, for some unknown reason, would not refresh without being clicked on (what use is that????)...

...spent the better part of two months searching for a non GMail email account that offered IMAP services to replace my Hotmail account...

...resisted the urge to really dig into Outlook.com because of the apparent abandonment by Microsoft on this IMAP issue...

...Spent approximately a week last year transferring all of the email that I could from Hotmail to GMail through the Windows Live Mail client (talk about laborious)...lost some of my email trying to do things that way as well (the time stamps got messed up on quite a few emails...


And now you activate IMAP?!?! I have so many words for you, Microsoft...but I don't want this comment to get flagged...

Either way... cool... It's about time, I guess... But don't worry, Outlook will NOT become my main email service anytime soon...or later...