Government, privacy and the NHS app
The nefarious statements about the ability to join databases and identify individuals by 'the government' to do nasty things are all just noise. If 'the government' wanted to do this they have much to go at, HMRC, passport agency, DVLA, ANPR cameras and all the other databases used to track our activity much more effectively should they wish to do so. And Facebook gathers more data about you than this ever will. The main point in the article for me is the technical failings of the app and the way bluetooth will be used, differently, in Android and IOS phones, and how this might impact the effectiveness of the app. It has been stated over 50% of the population must use the app for it to work. Personally I have many times turned off bluetooth to save battery, that added to the foreground/background limitations described make it look distinctly flaky. And we have all seen at first hand how 'data', 'science' (and data science!) can be interpreted incorrectly due to assumptions made, partial reporting, ways of reporting etc etc, and this app will simply add to the mass of partial data out there. I have sympathy with those tasked to make decisions, but fear this app will end up as yet another piece of 'corona-junk'.