take a few mins on this one..
It always helps to go away then come back to something if it irritates you.
UBUNTU - .. well i ,like a few folks, here started using it back at breezy.. which is a while ago.
I hung on for a long time - it went well, it was actually going great.
Then unity came along and the show was somewhat derailed.
Perhaps other terms could be using instead of derailed , you get the jist - the train came off the tracks.. people .. like me fell off the wagon - and thought "no !! ffs no !" - that is not going to sit in my stomach for a long time.
I wandered off to mint - and thought , and to be brutal still do , think - "hey this is simple ! does the job and does it rather well!"
Will I come back to this ? .. perhaps i will - there are still some things i'd like to do with my os / skin - which LM doesn't do by def - will ubu 13.10 then ? - not sure !
I'll fire up a UBU 13.10 VM and perhaps report back - for now .. it still "looks" like a bad place of glitz and junk , put simple