He's right
[The suit contends that "it is clear that Google stole first and asked questions later."]
That is Google's mo. They take without asking and then deal with the lawsuits later.
12 publicly visible posts • joined 10 Jul 2007
Suuure.. MS are still selling Vista licenses. They are still keeping out the competition by locking in the customers to an MS operating system. And they still appear to be supporting Vista. Dell is doing their job for them - No shifting necessary.
If you want to compare surfing to driving, then computers are no where near the standards of a car. A car has to be fit to drive on the roads. Cars are equipped with all sorts of safety devices. You don't have to pay a monthly subscription to make sure your car doors are locked. Your car won't crash for no reason. You don't need to update your car to run on newer roads. If you buy a new car it won't have a completely different layout. Being the 'administrator' of your car is not a security risk.