* Posts by Simon Lee

3 publicly visible posts • joined 10 Jul 2007

Care Bears... share: NHS England promises to heal careless data-sharing plans

Simon Lee


I was thinking this too, same building, largely the same people.

They apparantly have more safeguards because of the Health and Social Care Act. So ... does that mean that the act forced them into having more safeguards, or that they thought it might now be a good idea to have more safeguards because of the all the data they can hoard/make money off?

OFT requests T-Orange investigation

Simon Lee

the name

I call it Tango myself. Mark my words lads

Xbox 360 price set to crash?

Simon Lee

XBox Pricing

Doubt Microsoft are reducing their profit by 3%, more likely they are increasing their hardware loss by 3%, so that more people buy the console. If more people buy the console, more people buy games, and that is where the money comes from on consoles. Making it to a 65nm process may instill more confidence in it's reliability, possibly increasing sales as well