* Posts by Webster Phreaky

289 publicly visible posts • joined 20 Jan 2007


Yahoo! seeks time out on Microsoft bid

Webster Phreaky
Jobs Horns

Red Light - Green Light, Tag your it .....

Ollie ollie Osen Free .... you can't tag me!

Yahoo, how JUVENILE! Just give up. You are retarded and don't know it. You werre once great, the OWNER of the Internet "home page" with great free email.

Now your "Switch to the new My Yahoo!" is a joke with horribly sloooooow loading and garbage graphics all over the place. Your Free Email lets SPAM through like a bucket with no bottom and your customer service is a group of retards that only know how to send canned "form emails" for responses, instead of helping users. Your stock was once a proud thing to have in a portfolio, now it's a boat anchor, devaluating faster than even Apple AAPL!

Yahoo you SUCK. Hesus Christ! Even MSN is ten times better, so letting MS buy you and fire all your retards would be a god send!

Of course if you want to continue to SUCK, then link up with Apple .... their stock is tanking as fast as yours and Apple is equally incompetant.

Apple's Time Capsule: is its HDD really 'server grade'?

Webster Phreaky
Jobs Horns

@ David Wiernicki - find your granny spectacles

Time to put on your granny glasses Wiernicki, as usual my truthful insights on the quality standards and the ruthless greediness of Apple's product managers was posted early Monday at "Apple has ALWAYS Cheated on Quality Components! "

I always new Apple Kool Aid Drinkers were stupid and in terminal denial, I had no idea that they were this blind too.

As a footnote to all this discussion - ANYONE who actually believes that Apple "designs" anything, rather than in reality finds a cheap supplier / manufacturer in the pacific rim with an already engineered product that will slap Apple's name on it, also believes in the Tooth Fairy and Santa Clause.

Webster Phreaky
Jobs Horns

Apple has ALWAYS Cheated on Quality Components!

Unless you're a total Apple Kool Aid Drinker Droid, even Mac buyers over the last two decades KNOW that Apple has ALWAYS used substandard HDD's (size and brands), too small and slow RAM, and WAY behind the Tech curve CD/DVD drives. And then the greedy bastards at Apple over charge by 2x for upgrades like RAM ,etc.

Get the point? Apple = greedy bastards and NOT a leading edge tech purveyor.

Ps. Time machine - ANOTHER Apple iNOvation despite all the clamor, is nothing more that a NAS with BU and step-back software which has been around for Windows for over a decade.

Apple sued over iPhone caller ID

Webster Phreaky
Jobs Horns

Yep, Apple and Stevie Gods, the Great iNOvator......

and it suspiciously has happened all too frequently in the past (hence a long history of lawsuits and examples of copied products). But of course the Apple Kool Aid Drinkers in denial will disagree with no evidence to disprove.

But Apple HAS created one thing quite unique! A 44% $85.50 LOSS in AAPL stock in less than 60 days! That'a way Stevie!

Apple unearths Time Capsule

Webster Phreaky
Jobs Horns

Better buy a REAL NAS to backup what you BU to this POS

If this is like ANY other Mac gadget Apple has produced in the last two decades (like all the flaky PowerBooks, G3 and G4 PowerBooks, iBooks, MacIntel MacBooks and Pros, Airport Extreme or Express, etc etc. - you had BETTER also buy a REAL NAS to backup what you backup to this piece of shit from Apple.

Ps - for the Apple Kool Aid Drinkers, you had better acknowledge the years of Flaky Apple products because there are thousands of web pages to document the proof. It's posted daily or in the archives of sites like macfixit. You can't run from the TRUTH.

Elon Musk delays SpaceX launch until 2009

Webster Phreaky

Pat Reynolds

Oh please, get a grip of REALITY .... or perhaps you and your like would rather just go visit your reality on your 300th viewing or StarWars I.

Some people are just pathetic with their slipping grip on reality.

Webster Phreaky

Really, WHO the hell cares? Global Warming .....

Global Cooling (although The Reg doens't seem to be aware of this trend, duh), Bird Flu, HIV, Malaria, etc. etc.; and we shouild give a damn about some overly rich bugger and his fruitless StarWars fantasy syndrome? Frankly, who gives a shit.

Apple optimistic it will sell 10 million iPhones by year's end

Webster Phreaky
Jobs Horns

Bwah ha ha ha ha ha ha, wait, breath, bwah ha ha ha

ha ha ha ha ha....

Stevie is doing drugs again.

Boffin stacks 16 PS3s to simulate black hole collisions

Webster Phreaky
Jobs Horns

20 Stacked iPhones to equal 1 giant Etch-o-sketch ...

and one old fashion crank-up tele.

Quake rocks Britain

Webster Phreaky

Quake result of Apple Dumping the 1 Mil "missing" iPhones in Hole

... the 1 Million iPhones NOT sold this month in the EU, that is.

Mystery Solved!

(Phil Schilling call to Stevie Gods): "Boss?, Situation has been remedied.

(Stevie Gods): "Right, what next?"

(Phil Schilling): "We plant a story with all of our whore Hacks in the media that the 1 Million iPhones are "unlocked" and in China (where they are made)."

(Stevie): "Great, those whores will spread anything we tell them too. Give em an extra $20 bucks in their next checks from PR".

(Stevie): "Naw, just threaten them that we'll pull our ad money or they won't get to test the next piece of shit from China we put out."

(Phil Schilling): "Right, Boss"

(Stevie): "Have my valet bring around the Jobs 1 G5, I feel like flyin and dumping a few million grams of Carbon on those bastards from the Sierra Club." ... "Damn it's great being the King Bastard!

(Phil Schilling): "Boss, you're a real Limousine Liberal!"

(Stevie): "Yeah!"

Ps. I guess The Register Boffins didn't bother reading all the SCIENTIFIC reports that this has been the COLDEST winter since the 50's, there is a documented COOLING TREND, ALL of the ice and snow is BACK TO NORMAL in the Arctic, Canada and Greenland! Get a clue, the Church of Global Warming was all bunk.

Scientist warns against technology addiction

Webster Phreaky
Jobs Horns

Look What It's Done to Idiot Apple Drones .... Lowers IQ

Only someone with a lowered IQ would over-pay for Me Too PC Clone technology, a $2600 Notebook 'Air' with less features than a PDA and a 2G cell phone that's an over glamorized iPud.

See Science DOES prove this Hypothesis! Buying crApple = delusional Addictions.

Vista SP1 kills and maims security apps, utilities

Webster Phreaky
Jobs Horns

Yo "Anonymous Coward" ..... (Mac Troll dork no doubt)

Sorry, I've never had a "Windows update break (my) computer", but I'll bet you've had your Mac broken repeatedly by Apple; probably in for repair at Apple right now! You Apple Trolls are all alike, NEVER can debate the stated facts with facts, only toss around anomalous dribble backed with nothing from reality, which is why everyone knows that Apple Kool Aid Drinkers live in a the Fantasy-land of Denial.

Debate the stated facts ... or just shut up. It's not surprising that recent surveys showed that Mac users are huge liberals, that's how their campaigns go too. Right, like the Obama's, Clinton's and Gore's? Empty platitudes and no substance.

Webster Phreaky
Jobs Horns

Whoa! Let Take A Look At EVERY Mac OS X Update, Apple Trolls

This is just like the bullshit Apple Mac vs PC adverts, pure one sided fabricated SPIN. EVERY Mac OS X Update is BUGGY (well so is OS X in general) and the updates ALWAYS KILLS Mac apps, even Apple's own! Lots of times it KILLS hardware too!

BUT, you never see the pro Mac magazines, websites or Apple HACKS in the media report this to the public, why? They'd lose their Apple advertising gravy train or the Hacks will stop getting their Apple Freebees.

So here is JUST ONE WEEKS honest reporting on the LATEST OS X Update BUGS thanks to macfixit.com, Lets hear some good denial and spin Apple FUDS -

# Mac OS X 10.5.2: Time Machine problems a'plenty

# Mac OS X 10.5.2: Time Machine broken; system utilities must be updated

# Mac OS X 10.5.2: poor performance; AirPort, device issues; more

# Mac OS X 10.5.2: Problems starting up; ACL messages in Disk Utility; more

# Mac OS X 10.5.2 troubles: AirPort Problems, device issues; more

# MacBook, MacBook Pro update 1.1 doesn't fix first-letter-missing syndrome

# Sporadic missing letters while typing: Not just MacBook Pros; watch for trackpad interference

This goes on with EVERY Mac OS X Update and those of us in Public Education IT see it and know about it all. So, you pius Mac a-hole FUDS, take your one-sided dishonest Windows bashing and boost it up where the sun don't shine - same place your head mostly resides.

If the apps that Vista SP1 turns off were risky or poorly written with potential security holes, hey so be it for the good! Notice all that weren't turned off! When it comes to OS security, the Dictionary listing under Mac OS X shows a picture of Swiss Cheese for all the UNIX and BSD holes Apple has never fixed. If it weren't that only 3 percent of the world uses OS X, you stinky Mac would be a festering hole of Viruses, Worms and Trojans.

Have a pleasant day.

Unseen 'Marilyn Monroe' nude snap wows US expert

Webster Phreaky
Jobs Horns

Monroe was HOT, compared to OS X ....

.... and a lot less buggy too.

I also don't believe that Marilyn Monroe ever had anything to do with a Spinning Beach Ball of wait n wait n wait .....

But Marilyn did have some bad "downloads" from Jack and Bobby Kennedy.

Webster Phreaky

Monroe was FAT compared to Madonna ... GMAB

This so-called expert (x spert) most have been a dope, a phony, or just plain stupid; Marilyn Monroe was (compared to this era Madonna) droopy-boobed, fat assed, big hiped, thunder thighs and flabby bellied.

If MM was around today .... she'd pass for Britney Spears, and be a washout any place but a porno movie set line up.

Xbox 360 console failure rate forecast at 16.4%

Webster Phreaky
Jobs Horns

MacBook Air Failure Rate will be 34% +

If HISTORY is any indicator (G3 PowerBooks, G3 and G4 iBooks and MacBooks documented failures and lawsuits) then the X Box 360 would make a better notebook than the MacBook Air!

Oh hey! Apple FINALLY called Ruch Limbaugh after TWO WEEKS of Crippled operation of his 4 mega buck top of the line Mac Pros to "see what's wrong" ..... bwah ha ha ha ha ha, and Macs are Sooooooo perfect! Tooooo funny!

16GB iPhone to launch today

Webster Phreaky
Jobs Horns

Apple STILL Missing the "boat" with an anchor

This iPhone is still a worthless piece of crap without 3G and it shows Apple's Incompetance (not being market competitive or compliant) and their arrogance believing that they can push the market into buying their substandard "gadget' just because this Red Chinese sweatshop made toy has an Apple brand on it (just like ALL their other mfg farmed out junk).

Time to just say NO to Apple.

EU to ban the patio heaters that ate the planet. Not.

Webster Phreaky

Coldest Winter /Summer in last 50 years ....

It has already been documented by Meteorologists and Geographers that 2007 and beginning of 2008 has been the Coldest winter and Heaviest precipitation in the Northern and Southern hemispheres this year, than in the last 50 years!

Go tell Al Gore, your MP's and all the members of the Church of the Global Warming to shove their Folly up where the sun don't shine (and we're not talking about the arctic in the winter either).

It's time to stop all this contrived bullshit to wreck the iindustrial advanced western civilizations by the3rd worlds socialists and the ones in America and Europe.

Amazon to sell more stuff in 2008

Webster Phreaky

Amazon is GREAT and eBay SUCKS DICK from a sellers point.

Do you hear that, up and coming new eBay CEO??? YOU (eBay) don't hold a candle to Amazon from a Sellers and Buyers stand-point! Amazon charges less than half the final sales fees that eBay does, the shipping fees are fair from a sellers and buyers cost and it doesn't cost a cent to list a new or used item on an Amazon store (as long as a skew already exists, and most do); while eBay buggers you big bucks to just list, whether you sell or not.

Also Amazon uses major credit cards direct instead of that fu@ked up PayPal! When the sale is posted by Amazon as complete, Amazon stands by the payment to the seller whether the buyer flakes or not. PayPal says F U seller if the buyer is a con-artist, and also the same if you are the buyer!

I'd love to see eBay go down in flames, while Amazon kicks their ass.

Apple's iPhone numbers do not add up

Webster Phreaky
Jobs Horns

Discrepancy is iPhones "sold" as "Product Placements"

Apple is the KING of "Product Placements" in TV shows, Cable shows, Movies, Commercials and of course all the THOUSANDS that they "sell" GIVE TO Media Hacks to BRIBE them to drop the Apple, iPhone, etc. name, every chance that they get. Guys like Walt Mossberg, Leo Laporte, the hacks at Barons, Wall Street Journal, CRN etc. are bribed whores for Apple PR in this way. I heard for a fact that Rush Limbaugh was given 50 iPhones to give away and use personally, so he constantly drops the iPhone name on the radio broadcasts.

It was too funny when one of those "Product Placements" iPhones on the Cable show "Nip Tuck" was being used UPSIDE DOWN through the whole show! The same thing happened on CSI Las Vegas.

I guess that all those "missing" phones are those "FreeBee" bribes. Apple ain't stupid ... just a Crooked Company

Webster Phreaky
Jobs Horns


That's "Same Old Shit" from Apple of course, just like the big lie about Stevie not participating in the Stock Options Fix scandal and of course the continuing lie that Apple products are bug and flaw free (20 year of online documentation on going, proves that).

Apple is a scummy marketing company that MAKES NOTHING, designs little and bribes their many hacks in the media to constantly beat the positive product drum and never mention things like the mega flawed G3 / G4 iBook world wide debacle.

The iPhone and other recent products like the Apple TV are flops, get over it Apple Kool Aid Drinkers and Hack Media.

Lightsaber voted top movie weapon

Webster Phreaky
Thumb Down

"Simon Goodwin" reporting in from Twilight Zone

"Disproved By Simon Goodwin"

"in a recent show "The Science (not)of StarWars" they essentially disproved nearly ever single future technology that science dope George Lucas "proposed" in every foolish scene of all the StarWars "episurd" (pun) - ESPECIALLY the light-saber. (also author, learn how to spell light-saber)"

"In what way disproved?"

- for the too stupid to understand, PHYSICS are PROVEN hypothesis (maybe you don't know that word) and the Discovery show used REAL SCIENCE to disprove everything essentially in StarWars. Does this compute?

"Disproved in that some know all scientist says it cant be done right now? duh!"

"Its meant to be a future technology, unless of course we are going to say, everything that there is to be discovered, already has been discovered?"

- Simon Goodwin reporting in from Twilight Zone, OK now you're proved it, you are stupid. BASIC Physics principles like behavior of light, energy, gravity, matter, physical constraints, properties of materials, etc DON'T CHANGE! Not even for "future technology" that break the laws of Physics! Hesus Christ, go back to school and start over are 4th grade! Living in a Fantasy Land is no way to live sonny.

Webster Phreaky
Thumb Down

Proves the stupidity of most StarWars fans

In a recent show "The Science (not)of StarWars" they essentially disproved nearly ever single future technology that science dope George Lucas "proposed" in every foolish scene of all the StarWars "episurd" (pun) - ESPECIALLY the light-saber. (also author, learn how to spell light-saber)

Going to prove that neither George Lucas nor ST fanatics paid any attention in school science or physics ... assuming that ST fans even finished grade school.

Apple looks to movie rentals to revive Apple TV box

Webster Phreaky
Jobs Horns

Bwah ha ha ha ... Apple TV is DEAD, just bury it.

Apple copied it from D-Link, Linksys and Netgear years after their intros and Apple did a piss-poor job of it. NOBODY is buying it, won't buy it, so just give up Apple Kool Aid Drinkers .... just put it on the dusty shelf with all of Apple's other huge flops.

Mac lambs line up for slaughter

Webster Phreaky
Jobs Horns

The "Slaughter" is Dopes who buy Macbooks!

With Apple despicable DOCUMENTED HISTORY of Flaky, Buggy and Prematurely Dead MacBooks all the way back to the first piece of shit G3 iBook, it's the BUYERS that are headed to the Slaughter!

Yeah yeah, I know the Apple Kool Aid Drinkers are in denial over the published facts about historically buggy Macs, but facts don't lie .... just the AKADs lie.

It was the MacBook Air sub-notebook

Webster Phreaky
Jobs Horns

AAPL 166.72 -12.06 points.. Wall Street says YAWN!!

OK Apple Tards, explain this in your terms of Apple Fantasy-land and the Apple World of Denial.

Apple (AAPL) was up to $199.92 on the NASDAC exchange just before the years end, with all the pending Fruits - Nuts -n- Flakes Bowl aka MWSF. Now with grand YAWN intro of MacBook hAIRbrain Apple stock CRASHES 12.06 points in hours and a total value LOST of $33.20 (265.6 points) since 12/31/07. Think Apple's jig is up? Wall Street seems to agree! Bwah ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ......


(I sold my 200 shares, bought at $145, at $199.71. Thank you Apple Tard that bought them)

Apple tells iPhone vendors not to reveal sales figures

Webster Phreaky
Jobs Horns

"Apple bashers", back to de Nial with you

Dear Apple Kool Aid Drinker(s) ... could you please not expend all your efforts of the 3.5% crowd trying to interject your insignificant ideas, useless opinions, or Fantasyland dreams of being a useful component of the technology industry by reading anything on the internet and commenting that the rest of us 96.5 percenters have to look at, and just go back to your world of denial. You've got your 100% Apple supported pimp magazines Macworld and PC World, isn't that enough for you and your insignificant 3.5%?

Webster Phreaky
Jobs Horns

Guilty Criminals Always Refuse to Talk too

And don Corleoni S Jobs and the Apple Mafia is no exception. Nothing like trying to hide the fatal truth that the iPhony is Flopping than right before the "Fruits, Nuts -n - Flakes Bowl" that is Macworld San Francisco.

Steve Jobs' Macworld Expo spiel spied on web?

Webster Phreaky
Jobs Horns

Just More Pre-Macworld PR Pimping

It's the ONLY thing that Apple Does well (their hardware / softrware is for $hit) and that's pimping the Media with crap to hype their Vaporous meeting of Kool Aid Drinkers at the Fruits - Nuts -n-Flakes Bowl that is MWSF.

The ANSWER IS .... who F__king Cares?

Microsoft takes a shine to Logitech?

Webster Phreaky
Jobs Horns

If it Hurts Apple Tards and Apple in any way ....


Here you have MS, buying companies that ACTUALLY make their own products.

There you have Apple, who hasn't made ANYTHING with their name on it since the Apple II+ and IIe was farmed out to Canada and then Japan. Ya know Apple has NEVER made ANY of their own portables ... Sony/IBM Japan DESIGNED and MADE every last one until 1999! (now it's Taiwan and Red Sweatshop China) Geez, that makes Apple no better than an eMachines.

Remembering the Cray-1

Webster Phreaky
Jobs Horns

Remembering the LAST Computer Apple actually MADE.

It was 1977 and the LAST computer that Apple ACTUALLY MADE themselves and didn't contract out to the lowest bidder was the Apple ][. Shortly there after, the Apple II+ and then the IIe were totally contracted out to a Canadian manufacturer (down to the PCBs), who then subcontracted manufacturing our to a Japanese plant (don't believe me, look at the back of any II+ or IIe!)

Ever since EVERYTHING Apple has sold has be "Sourced Out" to a low bidder out of the US for basic level manufacturing (PCB and Logic Boards) up through the WHOLE THING! Indeed the first 1984 Macs were not made in the US and while Apple did some "assembly" of Power Macs (ALL components made in Taiwan and China) in Roseville CA, EVERY Mac portable has been made and DESIGNED by someone else starting with Sony / IBM in Japan through 1999! The G3 iMac was completely designed and manufactured by Hyundai, who also brought you those POS eMachines. Now Apple shit is made in Commie China at slave labor level Sweatshops. Apple was the FIRST to outsource in the US computer industry, and that is a fact.

I worked for Apple 1991 thru 1998, I know about the truth the Apple Kool Aid Drinkers and Apple Media Hacks like to hide from.

US Army loads up on Apples for 'better security'

Webster Phreaky
Jobs Horns

Waiting for Spinning Beach Ball to stop ... Artillery says

I can't see it now ...... "Charlie 24, where's that Artillery for the Al Quida position!! They're beginning to over-run us, we're dying out here!!"

"Artillery here, can't start the bombardment to save your lives till this damn OS X Spinning Beach Ball of wait n wait n wait stops again ..... oh shit, that last buggy OS X update has killed our Artillery engagement sighting application! ..... god damn Fu*#in Stevie Gods and Apple ..... "

"Charlie 24, we're being over run!! Start up that ol HP notebook running Windows FAST and get us some Artillery!!!"

Celeb spills beans on new Apple notebook

Webster Phreaky
Jobs Horns

@RK Dumbout .... where's the beef (proof) fool.

TYPICAL MacDroid / Apple Kool Aid Drinker, makes an accusation and gives NO PROOF (as I did provide). You guys live so far into Fantasyland that everything that you say is equally without merit or proof. Name an equal number of PC notebook flaws with refererences, sport ..... or just shut up.

Webster Phreaky
Jobs Horns

How about all the BUGS that they will (always) have??

Maybe we could find some one that will spill the beans on all the BUGS that this generation of MacGarbage Books will have? You know, like ALL the previous Apple junk iBooks, PowerBooks, MacBrokes - failing hinges, flaking - chipping titanium paint, lousy WiFi range, LCD screen cables breaking, premature LogicBoard failures, blotchy white spots and horizontal lines on LCDs, vertical lines on LCDs, noisy cooling fans, exploding batteries, burning power supplies, burning/shorting "mag-safe" connectors, more LCD failures, failing #2 RAM slots, discoloring palm-rest tops, 756k color LCDs sold as Million Color ones (oh, that's just plain LYING, huh?) and Aluminum cases with are as sturdy as a wet leaf.

ALL these Apple Mac notebook BUGS and FLAWS and MORE. over the last decade and a half on various models, are documented on numerous Mac sites like macfixit.com and appledefects.com So how bout dat FanBoys??

How to be a failure at Guitar Hero III

Webster Phreaky
Thumb Up

These Games Are For the same Air Guitar LOSERS

Learn a REAL INSTRUMENT, play it correctly and then join or start a REAL band. So even if you just play at a skanky bar for tips .... you're STILL 100 Times more REAL then the absolute best Guitar Hero / Rock Band player who is STILL in Fantasy-land AND STILL A LOSER like their predecessors who could only play Air Guitar.

See THAT'S the difference between Gamers and those those that take real chances in life, create REAL adventures like rock climbing, fishing, sky diving, join a REAL Army, or play a REAL Instrument.

Apple keeps critical security fixes to itself

Webster Phreaky
Jobs Horns

Apple Isn't the Only One that HIDES it's Buggy Software Problems

It's no surprise that Apple loves to HIDE it's ACTUAL Security Vulnerabilities (since it's based on unfixed BSD UNIX), since Apple likes to preserve it's UNDESERVED image of perfection; but also Apple's Buddy Whores in the Media like Walt Goatberg and Leo Laporte (and often The Reg) do a great job of never mentioning what those of us in IT Mgmt know and hear about from inside circles about what Apple is actually patching 5 or 6 times a MONTH!

You might call the Apple Hack Media the same as the Clinton Dirty Tricks Squad, hiding and burying what an actually incompetent company Apple really is (and so is Hillary and Bubba), while bashing Linux and Microsoft in the same breath.

iPhone's visual voicemail ain't so new

Webster Phreaky
Jobs Horns

Steve Todd "what Microsoft invented themselves?"

The obvious difference between MS and Apple is that Apple steals ideas from others and then claims they thought of it, as has been their motto for decades and echoed by their paid-off media hacks as Apple being the great innovator.

Neither Microsoft nor Bill Gates has ever promoted themselves as an innovator, but more as a product Integrator. MS doesn't hide the facts that they've bought most of the individual software PIECES they have Integrated into bundles. MS was the FIRST to sell an Integrated office application suite in MS Works and Office. Apple had to BUY ClarisWorks to get their bundle! (and it wasn't even complete either).

Yeah, so show us WHAT has Apple innovated in software since System 7 thru OS 9?? OS X is a rip off of BDS, UNIX and the quirks of NeXT (and it's buggy as hell and security holes Apple patches more often then MS does Windows.)

Apple bought Final Cut Pro, bought iWorks, and bought Logic Pro; all the other dweebie "iApps" are dorky ultra scaled down versions of other programs and generally they suck - like iPhoto, iDVD, iMovie or HD and iCal - are all iCrap.

Oh, Apple threw together Aperture, but what a flop - NO "Pros" use it, and here's what reviews say according to Wikipedia: "A number of reviewers have commented that the performance of Aperture v1.5.x is markedly worse than that of Adobe Lightroom v1.0.x." (Lightroom - an AMATEUR program!)

So hey Apple FanBoi, people in iGlass Houses shouldn't throw stones .... especially when they DON'T do any research first (typical Apple Kool Aid Drinker).

Webster Phreaky
Jobs Horns

Apple STEALS Everything They Claim is iNOvation..

Stevie Gods, or anyone at Apple for that matter, hasn't had an ORIGINAL idea since .... well ever.

FIRST affordable "PC" was 8008-based Scelbi-8H microcomputer 1973 - NOT Apple I

FIRST "PID" was the Psion - NOT the Newton

FIRST One Piece Computer was the Osborne and Kaypro - NOT the Korean made iMac.

FIRST pocket MP3 player was the RIO, NOT the iPud.

FIRST wireless streaming media console, D-Links MediaLounge (by TWO YEARS), NOT the Apple TV.

FIRST x86 based PC's - EVERY buddy buy Apples - "Me Too Clone PC MacIntel"

Apple steals the name iPhone from Cisco, after seeing the LG Prada prototype at a show in Germany and STEALS the idea for the iPhony.

But here is a FIRST for Apple, the FIRST computer company to out-source EVERYTHING they sell to our side contractors, starting with the Apple IIe made in Canada. Apple hasn't MADE anything they sell since 1996 when they closed the Roseville CA "assembly only" facility.

That's Apple and Stevie Gods ..... the Great iNOvator.

Quebec fights Mohawk Nation over online gambling jurisdiction

Webster Phreaky

N. American Indian just want to sit on their ass and get drunk

Which is why you NEVER see a factory, a corporate headquarters, a tech center, a private medical center; BUT you will see Casinos run by the Mob, while all the tribal leaders drive around in hundred thousand dollar Mercedes or Cadillacs SUVs drunk and high.

There's a "tribe" in Southern California (San Manuel Band of Mission Indians) that runs TV ads proclaiming how their Casinos make big bucks that benefits Californians and the other tribes ... meanwhile another tribe near San Diego, didn't apparently SEE any of that benefit from the San Manuel Casino because during the big November Wild Fires, they didn't have enough Indian Firefighters, or enough firetrucks and the homes in the reservation burnt to the ground! Guess what .. the tribe wants the US Federal Government to "give them some MONEY" aid! Hey San Manuel Band of Mission Indians .... SHOW US THE MONEY!!

Apple 'looking into' duff Chinese hard drive claims

Webster Phreaky
Jobs Horns

Pot calling Kettle black, Chinese Junk MacBooks!

This is hysterical, the Commie Chinese made MacBooks have been GARBAGE since they were introduced .... continuing the HISTORY of Flawed and Buggy iBooks back to the G3 iBook ... and you Apple Kool Aid Drinkers point fingers at Seagate's cheap Commie Chinese hard drives!!?? Bwah ha ha ha ha!

Seagate's hard drives made in Singapore are flawless, with optimum longevity (we exclusively use them at our 23,000 computer school district), but they AREN'T CHEAP either like the Chinese ones. Our school district BANNED Apple computers from purchases years ago, after we had a 21% failure rate on G3 and G4 iBooks within the first 15 months of purchase!

Here the ROOT OF THE PROBLEM - Apple makes and OBSCENE PROFIT on they're garbage because they FORCE the OUTSIDE OUTSOURCED companies that MAKE their garbage (Apple MAKES NOTHING) to build it as cheap as possible and that means these contract manufacturers in CHINA chooses the CHEAPER HDs made in CHINA!

When you buy any Apple BRANDED product, you get what you deserve ..... NOT what you pay for.

Apple Macs

Webster Phreaky
Jobs Horns


Perhaps before ANYONE considers buying a piece of sh!t Apple computer, you juist might check ALL THE COMPLAINTS that the media BURIES (after being paid off by Apple), but none the less are reported on Mac sites like www.macfixit.com and www.appledefects.com as well as other sites that report the myriad of defective Macs and iPhones problems which Apple pimps like this reporter blithely ignores.

Here, enjoy this -

"A Year of MacBook Troubles"


Melting ice kills polar bears, say boffins

Webster Phreaky
Dead Vulture

Please EXPLAIN Warming to the Dinos 225 MYA

Could someone please explain the HUMAN cause of Global Warming to the Dino and other Earthly Inhabitants 225 MYA (Triassic Period) when the mean temp of Earth was 8 degrees hotter (we're ONLY .5 higher) and the O2 levels were 20% higher and there were NO Polar Ice Caps??


The Global Warming Religion, all you GW "Boffins" and Al Gore are Full of Bull$hit .... and the Dollar sign is quite appropriate (GE is ONE of hundreds of Corporations that are promoting the GW scare and WILL PROFIT From It)

Charlie Sheen in upside-down iPhone outrage

Webster Phreaky
Jobs Horns

ANOTHER case of Apple PR Planting an Apple Product - FREEBEES!

Apple PAYS these production companies to PLANT their products, it's NOT because they are good or popular (which they aren't).

iPhone to get 3G in May 2008

Webster Phreaky
Jobs Horns

ANOTHER Apple iNOvation!! .... "day late and a dollar short"

I have to chuckle ... no LAUGH outloud hysterically, every time I hear or read the Apple FanBoys (Apple Kool Aid Drinkers) including the paid off Media Hacks proclaim how Apple and Stevie Gods are the great market trend setters.

No ... try iNOvators.

Apple TV goes to the movies

Webster Phreaky
Jobs Horns

Face It, Apple TV is another FLOP like Newton, Cube and iPhone

NO ONE is buying Apple TV's, BestBuy even STOPPED inventorying them for store shelves. NO ONE is writing any 3rd party software for it and I don't know a single person that has ever bought one.

Face Apple Kool Aid Drinkers, this is a MEGA FLOP!

It wasn't even a First! It's an Apple iNOvation! I have had a D-Link High Resolution 1080 HD model 802.11g Media Lounge for 18 MONTHS before Apple even showed the Apple TV! It does everything that the Ape TV does and a LOT MORE! It links to D-Links network home Network Drives ... does Apple TV? NOT!

Make room on that dusty flop shelf at Apple, right next to all the others.... here comes Apple TV.

Xbox 360 outsells PS3 in Japan

Webster Phreaky
Jobs Horns

Take THAT Apple Droids! Bwah ha ha ha ...

Of course, any Mac is a gaming console too, since every time Apple releases an OS X or Apple app update, it's a gamble that your Mac won't be dead after installing it.

Mac OS X firewall blocks Skype and online gamers

Webster Phreaky
Jobs Horns

I TOLD YOU SO!! Bwah ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ....

OS X doens't = Vista or Windows ....... it's TEN TIMES WORSE!!

Apple = Bug-o-matic Coders

I TOLD YOU SO!! Bwah ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ....

iPhone to solve UK unemployment

Webster Phreaky
Jobs Horns

Yeah, Apple Will Hire Hundreds of REPAIR Technicians

For like replacing the battery YOU CAN'T.

Mac OS X 10.5 Leopard - Finder

Webster Phreaky
Jobs Horns

And now, Lets Talks about ALL the BUGS Found So Far!! Apple S.O.S.

Apple S.O.S. (Same Ol Shit)

Sunday, November 04 2007 @ 08:14 AM PST

Time Machine causing Aperture to crash


Sunday, November 04 2007 @ 09:48 AM PST

AirPort Disk connectivity problems widespread in Leopard


It is becoming tolerably clear that Leopard's support for AirPort Disks (a USB disk connected, and accessed through, an AirPort Base Station, as a way of sharing a hard disk between multiple computers, often including Windows machines) is not all that it might be.

Friday, November 02 2007 @ 11:00 AM PDT

AirPort problems in Leopard (Mac OS X 10.5)


Card not recognized/will not power on.

Thursday, November 01 2007 @ 03:20 PM PDT

Flash (YouTube, etc.) broken under Leopard (Mac OS X 10.5)


Thursday, November 01 2007 @ 10:00 AM PDT

Leopard (Mac OS X 10.5): Slow app launches; high fan activity, processor usage; crash reports don't submit; desktop icons froze


Wednesday, October 31 2007 @ 11:45 AM PDT

Leopard Dock annoyances and workarounds


Wednesday, October 31 2007 @ 10:20 AM PDT

Leopard (Mac OS X 10.5): Repair permissions takes too long or does not complete

Several users have reported that the repair permissions function, performed by Disk Utility (located in /Applications/Utilities), takes an extremely long time or does not complete under Mac OS X 10.5 (Leopard). In some cases, the issue is accompanied by the error message:

"Warning: SUID file"


Macs seized by porn Trojan

Webster Phreaky
Jobs Horns

Bwah ha ha ha ha Macs + Porn ... FIGURES! Bwah ha ha ha ha ...

We all know that MacDroids spend all day on the porn sites with their "safe macs" ...

This is TOO FUNNY!!!
