* Posts by Webster Phreaky

289 publicly visible posts • joined 20 Jan 2007


FoxNews commentator Bill O'Reilly's website hacked

Webster Phreaky
Thumb Down

Bill O'Really a "conservative"? .... Bwah ha ha ha ha ha ....

This FRAUD "likes" and supports Marxist Barak Osama Hussein Obama! He rails against McCain!

Bill O'Really (not) is a complete media fraud; keep in mind he's been sued for Sexual Harrasment and for nearly a decade hosted a TV "Tabloid" show before his "political enlightenment" .... sounds like a dirt-bag Liberal to me and most just based on those two guilty verdicts!

Spin Zone? Bill O/Reilly IS A SPIN ZONE! Bullshit Spin.

EFF sues Dubya over warrantless surveillance

Webster Phreaky

Yes, These Idiots would rather a Dirty Bomb go off in their back yard.

EFF - shows Stupidity knows no bounds.

I can only hope that when it DOES happen, and fuckin idiots like the EFF will make it easier, it happens in their neighborhood when they and their families are all at home. Then we'll see who's the first to cry that blame game.

Dell falls hard on 'soft' sales

Webster Phreaky
Jobs Horns

AAPL 127.83 -12.05 -8.61% Wednesday ...

Bwah ha ha ha ha ha ha Apple TANKS worse than ANY other Silicon Valley Tard company!

Hey Apple Kool Aid Drinkers ..... how's YOUR AAPL Portfolio you paid $185 per share at ????

Bwah ha ha ha ha ha ha .......... Wall Street KNOWS your Apple products are "gadgets".

Webster Phreaky
Jobs Horns

@Ian Davies

Ian Davies, your dumbfuckiness is immeasurable. Apple Kool Aid Drinker .... FACTS are immaterial.

Webster Phreaky
Jobs Horns

Dell falls hard!?? How About Apple! DOWN $50 SINCE MAY '08!

Hey sports, THAT'S 27%!! If the "claimed" Apple sales of Macs, iPuds and POS "smart" iPhony were so great, why is it that AAPL is being so REJECTED by the Wall Street insider investors??

Because all the sales claims and market gains are bullshit.

Ps - HP is UP +1.46%! While as of today, AAPL from a high of 190 to 136.54 -3.82 -2.72%

GM shows off production electric car

Webster Phreaky
Paris Hilton

Oh by the way .... Ps. HOW do you think they produce Electicity for the Volt???

Burning Dirty Carbon Producing COAL, OIL, Natural Gas, Wood, or evil NUCLEAR POWER (that freaks the Lefties)!

The Power Companies that will provide the electricity to recharge your stupid Volt or and any electric car, don't pull Electricity out of their asses either.

Think about it, morons that think the Volt is "hot".

Paris Hilton and Osama Hussein Obama THINK Electricity comes from rubbing Cashmere together

Webster Phreaky
Paris Hilton

The GREAT Electric Car Scam ... do you think the Electric Source is FREE??

The ENTIRELY Electric Car (plug in somewhere) is the GREAT Environmental / Economy Scan of the 2000's!

WHERE do you think you are going to get that Electric Recharge Source from FREE? From the Sky? From the 5th Dimension? From the Government? Windmills in your suburban homes backyard? Out of your ass? YOU WILL BE PAYING THE POWER COMPANY, AND AT A PREMIUM!!

Electricity Rates are at an ALL TIME HIGH now! Especially in States like California, NY, Florida, Texas, etc.! In MANY of these states, rates are even stepped depending on monthly use, AND you are docked EXTRA charges when you go over your assigned "regular use". What the hell are you going to do to charge your "Volt" when there is a power "brown out" or OUTAGE!!??

The Electric Car is pure media hype Bullshit! In fact, make a car that will run on bullshit, there is plenty of that going around for free .... especially from the LEFTY MEDIA!

DRILL NOW, DRILL EVERYWHERE! .... Before the Commie Chinese and Corrupt Ruskies do it in YOUR backyard!

Only Paris Hilton and Osama Obama really thinks Electric makes sense.

Mozilla security chief: Apple should open up

Webster Phreaky
Jobs Horns

c'mon ... the ONLY thing Apple cares about is the INCOME off selling their Chinese Gadgets.

Apple TOOK 4 YEARS to deal with well noted holes in BSD which OS heXed is totally based on, everyone knows it .... well except the Apple Kool Aid Drinkers in deep denial. And at that, many holes STILL exist!

There have been 20 times the flaws, holes and Security Alerts reported in just the last two versions of OS heXed (10. 4 and 10.5) as there ever has for Vista or XP. Yet the Apple BS ads (Mac vs PC (Windows)) never reflect this and the truth that OS X is far worse in bugginess and security holes than Windows is.

Still enjoying your Spinning Beach Ball of Wait ... n Wait ..... n Wait ...........

Ten of the Best... iPod rivals

Webster Phreaky
Jobs Horns

NOTICE? Never been ANY complaints about any of these brands?

But the HISTORY of nearly all of the iPuds has been riddled with complaints, bugs, flaws and LAW SUITS.

So much for the iPhony moniker of Apple product confidence. (EVERY one of those user surveys giving Apple high marks has been skewed by AppleTards voting like Democrats in a US election - "vote early and vote often (a lot more than once)).

Google News farce triggers Wall Street sell-off

Webster Phreaky
Jobs Horns


Oh jeez, sorry, that was a news story in 2000. Guess I was all a innocent mistake.

Here's one -

"Larry Page and Sergey Brin met at Stanford University" .. and have been lovers ever since. Enquirer Date line 2009. Error or Truth ... we'll see.

Apple revamps iPod line-up

Webster Phreaky
Jobs Horns

So Wall Street was REALLY impressed, NOT ....

AAPL 151.68 -6.24 3.95% (Crash, smash, boing, flop)

He he he he he he he he he he

Yes Apple buying idiots, it that time to throw away into the local landfill you 6 month old iPud and buy ANOTHER Stevie Gods pocket fillin' Chinese Sweatshop made gadget with an irreplaceable battery that only lasts one month past the end of the warranty.


Apple channels Pandora with iTunes 8

Webster Phreaky
Jobs Horns


"Genius essentially functions like the soon-to-be-tits-up Pandora online radio service"

More substance for the apt Apple title of the Great iNOvator. Copy Steal, Copy Steal Copy Steal, Copy Steal Copy Steal, Copy Steal Copy Steal, Copy Steal Copy Steal, Copy Steal Copy Steal, Copy Steal Copy Steal, Copy Steal Copy Steal, Copy Steal Copy Steal, Copy Steal ....

Still using Apple Konfabulator ..... er Widgets?

China plans spacewalk by end of the month

Webster Phreaky

CORRECTION!: 'China plans SPACEWOK by end of the month’

This was a big 'translation' mistake from the Commie Chinese Press Release -

A new Made in China kitchen appliance that defies gravity when you stir fry those vegetables in space.

It also comes with a manual in Chinglish which instructs you to always whistle while you wok. Be happy!

Question - Since the Commie Chinese space effort completely revolves around a copy of a Rusky rocket and a surplus Soyuz Capsule they bought bolstered by improved computer technology that traitor IBM essentially gave (sold) them when selling their PC division to CCP controlled Lenovo .... where did the Chi-Coms steale the space suit technology??

Does China do anything original, or just rip off everyone else? So much for Osama Hussein Obama's "wonderful" advanced society! (He's a closet Commie anyway - say hi to your anarchist and marxist buds William Ayers, Anarchist and his friends at the Chicago Democratic Socialists of America )

World goes mad as Bill and Jerry eat churros

Webster Phreaky
Jobs Horns

Jesus Christ Bill !! Do a commercial showing Mac Endless Spinning Beach Ball ...

and G3 / G4 iBooks DEAD before and just after the end of the warranty even after the Feds made Apple extend the warranty to 3 years, or PowerBook and MacBook melting from over-heating or LCD suddenly going blank or full of vertical lines, and G4 PowerMacs with their long sorted history of bugs, G5's that were louder than a Packers football game, iMacs with shorting power supplies and LCD problems .....

Oh my god, think of all the commercials just about BUGGY OS X updates!!

.... hell, with the long history of buggy shitty flaky Macs, iPuds and iPhonies, or OS X releases - Microsoft could have fodder for a hundred 60 second commercials!! The truth at last in full public view!

Come on Bill, go for the throat like that A-hole Stevie Gods has!

Burned by Chrome - Fire put out

Webster Phreaky
Jobs Horns

Once Again, TOO BIG For Their Britches, Google Boys ARE Emperors

The Cosmological Constant of Large Lumps of Shit will coalesce in one place, the Frisco "Bay Area", where the over-bearing obnoxious arrogant jerks like those at Google and Apple, Intel, Adobe truly believe that you're rights are theirs to step all over .... and you pay them a premium while they're at it too.

When will the masses of Kool Aid Drinkers just learn to say no to these a-holes?

iGoogle personalises personal pages on other people's behalf

Webster Phreaky
Jobs Horns

Which BIG BROTHER is Worse? Apple (Jobs) or the Google A-Holes?

Both of these two Frisco Cereal Bowl (Fruits, Nuts n Flakes) area Big Liberal (read Socialists or Fascists) have grown WAY TOO BIG for their britches. Whether it's arrogant A-hole Jobs and his Apple Dictatorship that the Apple Kool Aid Drinkers Zig Hiel to every 4 month ever-more expensive Gadget release (bugs n all) which chokes off individual freedom of ownership (especially the iPhony) as Apple decides what YOU can put on something YOU bought; or the fools at Google that truly believe that they rule the world just because they are the CURRENT defacto search engine (remember Alta Vista's dominance? Then AOL's?, Where are they now?)

I'd say here that Yahoo's new home page is an alternative, but the morons at Yahoo have also fu@ked up their once fast loading "my.yahoo" home page with the pathetically slow loading Java based piece of shit that it is now .... and we my.yahoo users weren't give any choice either. Then there's the Yahoo advantage of letting every ONE in FOUR obvious pieces of Spam through for those $1.95 Rolex knock-off and buy See Alice Here emails. Who works over at Yahoo SPAM control? 5 year orld?

Samsung unwraps MacBook Air beater

Webster Phreaky
Jobs Horns

Lets not forget, Samsung ENGINEERED and Made the G3 iMac!

Oh you thought Apple actually ENGINEERS and MAKES their ground breaking (no just their computer crap breaks) Macs?? Hardly, Apple hasn't engineered anything since the Apple ][ and hasn't made ANYTHING in the US since they moved the Apple ][e production to Canada and then Japan, then Taiwan. Apple draws cutsy pictures of discoloring plastic and pealing Titanium or Aluminum outsides. (Sony / IBM designed, ENGINEERED and Manufactured ALL Apple portables until 2000! Then it moved to Korea and Taiwan and now at Chinese Sweatshops.)

Samsung has had a loooong association with crAPPLE computers, designing them, MAKING THEM; so why shouldn't Samsung make a Air-knockoff that is at least as good??

Buy it AppleTards, it's a G3 iMacs sibling and at least it isn't made in a Commie Chinese Sweatshop by 13 year olds working for $50 a month minus living expenses (-$40).

Brit firm to demo serious flying robo-saucer in 2009

Webster Phreaky
Jobs Horns


... says Stevie Gods of crAPPLE! Whoops, that's the kiss of death!

iPhone passwords not worth the paper they're written on

Webster Phreaky
Jobs Horns

Same Can Be Said About The iPhone Itself ... Worthless

not worth the paper you paid for it.

Exposed again .... more Apple made bugs, and the AppleTards have the tiny balls to point at Microsoft and laugh.

Apple goes auntie over slasher comic

Webster Phreaky
Jobs Horns

Why should Apple Find a Knife Objectionable? ......

.... when everytime Apple sticks the knife in their customer-suckers backs and twists it when they produce one of their long history of BUGGY and FLAWED products - like the G3 iBook, G4 iBook, G3 PowerBooks, G4 TiBooks, G4 AlumiBooks, MacBooks, MacBook Pros, the Majority of G3 - G4 - G5 Power Macs, G3 and G4 iMacs, and even the new MacIntel iMac and Mac Pros - yes MacTards and Apple Kool Aid Drinkers, ALL the buggy Macs are well documented on the Internet.

Funny how Macs and iPuds always seem to croak from one of those built-in flaws right after the warranty runs out.

E-voting outfit confesses vote-dropping software bug

Webster Phreaky
Jobs Horns

This will be Osama Obama's claim when the Socialist Dems lose in November.

It's a "programmed" excuse.

Isn't Diebold an Apple Division? You'd think so with Apple's two decade long Flaw and Buggy software history and reputation.

Actors paid to queue for Poland's iPhone launch

Webster Phreaky
Jobs Horns

Apple Has Become PATHETIC. Should Have Used Russians .....

for two reasons -

1) They are available now since Osama Obama scared them out of Georgia (Obama actually thought the Russians were in Atlanta) and they have already threathened Poland anyway, so they're on the way.


2) Everyone knows the Russia is run by a massive Arrogant Maniacal Rotten Cutthroat Bastard ..... wait, is that Putin or Stevie Jobs? .... BOTH!

Actors in line to PRETEND people are actually interested in a Commie Chinese Sweatshop made POS Buggy iPhone ..... I suspect this has gone on everytime Apple has done an intro of ANY of their gadget products.

Bush makes last-minute grab for civil liberties

Webster Phreaky
Paris Hilton

Bill Ray?" or Billy Ray? LibTard anyway.

Say Billy Ray ... what would you prefer you LibTard; Bombings in the streets of NY, Washington DC (no not the daily shootings because the lib blacks run the city), Chicago (no not the daily shootings because the lib Dems run the city), LA (no not the daily shootings because the lib Mexicans and Blacks run the city); or maybe Bus Bombings like London or Israel or Train Bombings in Spain because you LIBTARDS are affraid to scrutinize your own shadow let alone the shadows that the radical Muslims cast??

The ONLY people that fear being watched, are ones that HAVE A REASON to be Paranoid because they ARE doing something wrong. What are you Bill Ray doing wrong? LIBTARD.

Libtards and Democrats, clueless like Paris Hilton.

HTC Dream sails through FCC tests

Webster Phreaky
Jobs Horns

iPhones and iPuds have two different kinds of stickers ...

... the iPhony and iPud stickers the change printed verbage - One iPhone sticker states "This may work now, but wait till you download the first Apple Update", it changes to - "Stupid shit, you updated and now your iPhony is dead"

Both the iPhony Stupid Phone and iPud have stickers that state before you hand your credit card to the Apple Screw-you Store dork - "This is the latest and greatest new model" and as soon as they swipe you credit card through the card reader, the sticker changes to read "Sucker, Stevie Gods will announce a new model in a week and / or lower the price by 25%, your model is now OBSOLETE!"

AppleTards with a new Platinum VISA Card at an Apple Screw-you Store - Priceless .... literally.

Apple preps patch for 'problematic 3G' iPhone?

Webster Phreaky
Jobs Horns

And of course the Patch will create 20 more bugs...

... it's the way that Apple ALWAYS does things, just look that the printed history on the net.

But it get he AppleTards something to do while living in the land of denial ... patching patches.

Olympic Committee wins gold for foot shooting

Webster Phreaky
Jobs Horns

Free The iPhone / iPud /MacBook $50/mo Sweatshop Workers!!

Just remember the $50 per month - less living quarters and food charges - sweatshop workers, many under 15 years old, that make most ALL Apple products next time you plug in your iPud, admire your flaky iPhone and try or pray your MacBook boots up.

AppleTards = LibTard Hypocrites.

Three-alarm fire bakes Apple facility

Webster Phreaky
Jobs Horns

Was this Fire In A Red Chinese Sweatshop?? ....

Had to be, since it makes sense that the same dirt floor Commie Chinese Sweatshop that makes the buggy not so 3G iPhony and Macs would also do the Buggy and Flaky Engineering on the crap Apple products outsourced for manufacture to third world countries robbing Union Member Americans of jobs (not Stevie Gods Jobs) as Apple was the FIRST to do in the computer industry and still does.

Boy oh boy, don't I sound just like a big LibTard just like the LibTards that buy (cr)Apple junk and bash other American big evil companies for the same thing that Apple STARTED??

It's Ironic of course, since Apple has a long history of their computers, especially PowerBook, iBooks and MacBooks catching fire or exploding batteries ... now it's the smelly Stevie clones that draw pretty pictures of the outsides (enclosures) and send them to China for the real engineering, that has caught fire!! Bwah ha ha ha ha ha ha ....

iPhone 3G isn't necessarily

Webster Phreaky
Jobs Horns

Bwah ha ha ha ha .... You EXPECT a Bug Free Apple Product??

Oh the AppleTards are in a tizzy, ANOTHER well recognized POS Buggy product, again the iPhony, emanating from the ass of Stevie Gods to the wait throngs of Apple buying morons with money to toss down the ol rat hole. You'd THINK that these in denial Dopes would get a clue after YEARS of this same ol shit, but life in Apple Fantasy Land is just too Apple colored lens glasses.

You morons get what you deserve ... but don't fret, Stevie will soon enough issue iPhony 3G v1.1.1 so you can add more cash to the budging coffers of Stevie's bank account.

Me .... I'm enjoying this more and more and more every day laugh my ass off at you AppleTards ... and as you can see from this comments board, more are laughing at you dopes too.

Paris Hilton - the compromised candidate

Webster Phreaky
Paris Hilton

Paris has better tits than Osama Obama ....

and I'm sure "BO" is fantasying about Paris while doing the beast with two backs with mega fat ass and thunder thighs Michelle the angry black beoch. You know it's that jungle thing ... where's the white "womens"?

Seriously, Paris has a couple long legs up on "Barry" - More cogent energy plan and she can delivery as an impressive a pre-written speech via teleprompter, but she can't talk with a dick in her mouth while (home) video cameras are running.

Too much money? Bling your iPhone with the $1000 app

Webster Phreaky
Jobs Horns

iPhone 2.0.1 Update Fixes Bugs, BREAKS SOME Devices ... S O S

Now WHY wasn't this tasty tid-bit about the Same Ol Shit from Apple of an Update DOING MORE DAMAGE than it fixes, reported??? Ain't Apple soooo wonderful? Huh, kook AppleTards?

"iPhone 2.0.1 Update Fixes Bugs, Breaks Some Devices"

Patricia Resende, newsfactor.comTue Aug 5, 4:51 PM ET

iPhone owners planning to add the newly available 2.0.1 software update need to be careful or they could end up with a dud.

When Apple launched its App Store and iPhone 2.0 software along with the iPhone 3G, users of both the 3G and upgraded first-generation iPhones with the 2.0 software faced several problems. Users reported slower synchronizations, dropped applications, unexpected reboots with both the iPhone software and downloaded applications, and problems with core GPS functions.

On Monday Apple responded with a 2.0.1 update that is expected to solve many of the performance-related issues the company described as bugs. Some changes included the ability to drag application icons across several pages in one motion, quicker keypad loads, and a better user interface.

No Permanent Fixes

But users are having problems installing the 249.2MB update and then connecting to services. And they are being warned to not put the iPhone in airplane mode, or they could lose more than connections.

Participants on Apple's support forum are complaining that they lost all wireless functionality, while others say the update bricked their handsets. Users who paid to have their iPhone 3Gs unlocked by Vodafone are also complaining that they are not able to reconnect to the service after the update.

Users having problems installing the 2.0.1 update are advised to attempt the install several times, as the iPhone may fail to update on the first try but should succeed on additional attempts.

Squashing Pwnage

The update was reportedly expected to do more than improve the user interface and increase sync times. According to some reports, one goal was to squash and make useless the jailbreaking Pwnage Tool, which opens up the iPhone's file system.

Calls to Apple for comment were not returned in time for publication.

Intel says 48 core graphics is just over the horizon

Webster Phreaky
Jobs Horns

Lets REMEMBER Intel's perchant for LYING about clock speeds and it's "Quad Core"

Hey lets face it, Intel is the second biggest spec's liar in the tech industry after Apple. Two decades of lying and exaggerating and bold-face lying about actual clock speeds of Intel processors; Intel claims of the actual speeds of the Core Duo's and Core2 Duo have been proved as bullshit by independent testing labs; and the grandiose lie of Intel Core Math for the current "Quad Core" which is NOT a true Quad but two stacked Dual Cores, or Intel Math as 2 + 2 = Quad huh?

Anyone should take anything Intel claims or their prophetic visions as fiction like the kooks on UFO radio.

And like Apple, Intel loves to claim tech breakthroughs that others had pioneered before. Both Intel and Apple steal other companies ideas and are actually iNOvators.

John Glenn blasts Moonbase-to-Mars NASA roadmap

Webster Phreaky

Cure Cancer, ALS, Alzheimer, MS, etc FIRST. SCREW space travel!

What the Frak are we spending a single damn cent on NASA, ESA, space travel, Moon, Mars, etc. when we have a world wide population that is still dying of all these diseases, plus ones previously concurred like Malaria, Polio, Measles and Rickets just because the people or corrupt countries which can't afford to prevent them!!!???

FU@K these A-holes and the space waste, UNTIL we take care of Humanity here at home Blue Marble home FIRST!!

At you people stupid or WHAT? No I suspect that you all just still live in a juvenile state of mind dreaming of comic book Buck Rogers fantasies.

If you want to go to the Moon or Mars, there better be god-damn OIL THERE and a lot of it!!

Tardy Apple finally releases DNS patch

Webster Phreaky
Jobs Horns

Bwah ha ha ha ..... "Tardy Apple" ..... bwah ha ha ha

THE Reg courts with raising the ire of all the MacTards by stating the truth ... Apple the Security Risk, Apple the Flawed OS, Apple the Slacker.

Lets see that in one of those BS clever Mac vs PC commercials.

It's a bird, it's a plane, it's superman ..... naw, it's Stevie Gods jetting around carelessly in his FREE $80 Million Dollar Carbon Spewing Gulfstream Private Jet with Mr. Global Warming bullshit Al Gore. What a pair.

Motorola accidentally makes a profit

Webster Phreaky
Jobs Horns

It's the hate American technology syndrome bites Motorola

Motorola is continuously bashed in the world cell market for only two reasons -

- It's American technology (the main one left)

- Motorola builds conservative mainstream phones, instead of the gimmick gadgets.

Motorola essentially invented the Cell business and the modern miniature cell phone - remember the StarTAC? THE trend setter of the beginning of the 2000's seen on EVERY belt, womens purse and business user.

Motorola builds phones that are far more sturdy and reliable than the junk from Nokoia, Erriiccssonnn (however you spell their stupid Scandinavian names), the Korean garbage LG and SamsClubSon and of course the shit that comes out of the commie sweatshops like the iPhony, ITC ,etc.

So just because Motorola has their focus on the mainstream market (those that don't text instead of talk, or what an iPud that is marginally a phone, or

need a GPS while they don't even own a car in NY), Motorola is bashed.

Hate America and hate Motorola. Sounds like the Osama Hussein Obama crowd in Euro and the Lefty US.

Apple says MobileMe mail problems 'behind us'

Webster Phreaky
Jobs Horns

No, Apple will be "behind" you, AppleTards .... just bend over, you love it.

Despite all the Apple payoffs to their Media Hacks and their AppleTards voting ten or twenty times to fix those "customer loyalty" and "most reliable" surveys; the REAL word is getting out that Apple is the most fu@ked up company with the most BUGGY and Flawed gadgets in the Tech Industry.

Are you AppleTards enjoying AAPL tanking continuously while the rest of the tech sector is up or only has minor slips on down days??? What ya think that says about Wall Street's assessment of your POS company and their buggy products?

Just bend lads and take it like you always have from Stevie .... you know you LOVE IT!

Microsoft claims heart beats in open source

Webster Phreaky
Jobs Horns

Apple Claims Heart Beat is Actually Their Wallet.

Never has a company been so anti Open Source while bullshitting the public (not their zombie MacTards) into believing they weren't. Apple is the ULTIMATE in a Closed OS and Hardware house. Despite that they appear to use PC standard hardware, actually little off the shelf stuff is compatible because of CLOSED DOOR driver compatibility - like most Optical Drives, USB cameras (where's all the FW cameras??), Video Cards, I/O Cards, etc.

No Apple and Stevie God's Heart is right there in their WALLET and the Apple "Premium" prices.

Apple is sorry (again) over MobileMe

Webster Phreaky
Jobs Horns

@ Matthew Davies

Poor STUPID Matthew Davis, quick to IGNORE Spelling and Grammar Stupidity by Fellow MacTards, but wrangle with intentional ones that I post. But, lets take a look at the apparently STUPID Matthew Davis!! --

QUOTE: "I put it to you that you are the 'Stupid' one!" TRY using proper English grammatical PUNCTUATION moron Matthew Davies. Like this - I put it to you, (COMMA) that you are the 'Stupid' one!

And YOU ARE the STUPID ONE, Matthew Davis. Hah ha ha! Got ya.

Back to school, stupid - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comma_(punctuation)

Now the shoe (not show) is on the other foot .... way up your arse, with your head.

Webster Phreaky
Jobs Horns

Bwah ha ha ha ha ha ha ha .... TOO FUNNY Kool Aid Drinkers!! THAT's what.

Geez, no spelling ridicule for the dope who says "How does the SHOW feel on the other foot? (shoe, stupid) .... Oh but of course, he's one of you AppleTards, so it's OK.

Anyway, my take? Bwah ha ha ha ha ha ha ha .... WHAT DO YOU EXPECT from the most F*#Ked Up company in the Techno-Gizmo market? Does a DAY go by that the Stupertino Tards don't screw something up, whether it's a Mac, and iPud, AppleTard OS X or i(cr)Apps, or the iPhony?? NO!!

You AppleTards get what you deserve ..... Premium Bugs and the Apple Premium Price.

Look! It's Stevie and Uncle Al Gore waiving DOWN at you from Stevie's Private carbon spewing Jet!!

Apple is Fisher-Price of sound quality, says Neil Young

Webster Phreaky
Jobs Horns

Bwah ha ha ha ha ha .... Apple AssWipes in a Tizzy

OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG!!!! One of their own, a HUGE Fringe Commie Pinko Lefty Neil Young, Brethern to the AppleTards speaks the truth about for shit Apple iPuds and craApple!

This is just to much .... look at all the MacTard Spin on this one.

Hey MacTards hows your MobileMe??? "MobileMe, Mossberg wrote, is both sluggish and buggy ..."

Bwah ha ha ha ha ha ....

Ballmer upset by Apple cart

Webster Phreaky
Jobs Horns

Here's a sample of Apple's "complete experience.."

Ballmer said: "..Because they are good at providing an experience that is narrow but complete.."

Oh yeah? Here's MY personal "complete experience" with Apple shit from the past 15 years -

- a 96 PowerBook 5300 model where the AC/DC circuit board caught fire.

- a G3 600 iBook that Apple had to fix FOUR TIMES due to dead LogicBoard 2 times, LCD strips and then the famed bad LCD cable and then finally died JUST out of Apple Care warranty due to a DOA AC/DC circuit board (sound familiar?)

- a G4 Dual 500Mhz PowerMac that's AGP slot died ONE MONTH out of warranty and Apple said "too bad, should have bought Apple Care"

- a G5 Dual 2Ghz dead LogicBoard in warranty, and it still sounds like a 747 taking off from it's lousy PowerSupply (fans) design.

- a Mint condition and babied G4 1GHz "TiBook" (none of those usual flaking chipping paint Flaws) but instead is now a DOOR STOP because of the FAMED LCD Failure bug at only 3.5 years of age.

- a G4 1.2Ghz 12" iBook seldom used and looks like new (but I still bought Apple Care because Macs are shit), one of the last ones made and still part of world famous BUGGY and FLAWED iBook series (that also includes the MacBook's) - NOW has a DEAD Firewire Port so I can't plug in my over-priced iSight camera or download video from my Canon DVcorder or boot from any exteral FW hard drive!

I have an 7 year old HP Pavillion PIII notebook that still runs perfectly just like the day I bought it .... with no Spinning Beach Ball of Wait .... and NO Win XP crashes.

Yeah, THIS is the Apple "complete experience.." and why I will never buy anything with from Apple again. (and with similar experiences, why the School Dist. I admin the IT dept for, will never buy Macs either!)

Steve Jobs is 'cancer-free'

Webster Phreaky
Jobs Horns

Geez, that's really too bad....

.... because my last piece-of-shit Mac portable, a still in mint condition last series G4 iBook which I rarely used, mostly because OS X sooooo sucks, just had it's Firewire port die for no damn reason other that its an Apple piece of shit. This after a perfectly good G4 1 Gig TiBook had premature death by piece of shit LCD design. Another piece of shit Apple design flaw like ALL the other ones that are historically fact and are fully documented all over the internet.

Well Stevie asshole, if you don't have another bout with pancreatic cancer, then at least I hope you catch Dengue Fever and you tiny dick falls off before you drop dead, you limousine liberal piece of shit making, er selling since you MAKE nothing, arrogant asshole.

Now you know .... the rest of the story.

Volcanoes fingered in oceanic mass extinction

Webster Phreaky

Point of FACT - Dinos were ALREADY dying off 69 - 66 MYA, but I digress ...

A point of fact (do some reading of REAL research) is that Dinosauria and other specialized life forms of the Cretaceous were well into the extinction process (not "extension" - Andy Barber) 2 to 10 MY BEFORE the K-T "boundary" with fewer than a half dozen "Dinos" amin distinct species left of the 25 to 40 that existed during the Cretaceous period. There is ALSO fossilized evidence that a few small (pigeon sized) Dinos lived PAST the so called Iridium line.

The BIG issue that the K-T Asteroid nuts can NEVER explain, and always hide from, is WHY far more delicate species as tree and pond frogs, birds (really dinos) turtles; all Croc and Alligator species (even though the oceans with supposedly devastated), a few thousand insect species that don't burrow, all the Shark species - especially the ones that inhabit the Caribbean and Gulf of Mexico, et al DIDN'T BECOME EXTINCT!! The "asteroid extinction" is pure bullshit with little hard evidence and only conjecture.

The Iridium line at the K-T boundary as proof is nothing. The constant quote as seen in the media or Discovery programs is that "Iridium only comes from outer space in asteroids and is not present on Earth" - BS! What the hell do you think the Earth is made up of? The same solar system creating rubble that IS ASTEROIDS! Iridium, a radioactive mineral, i plentiful in the core and mantle of Earth and EVERY deep magma volcanic activity spews Iridium in an Eruption! In a world-wide Volcanic cataclysm such as at the end of the Permian, the Triassic and the Cretaceous Periods (the Deccan Traps and Siberia flows are proof) would have spread Iridium world-wide enough to account for the "Iridium line" at the K-T boundary.

There are more paleontologists with biology backgrounds that don't except the asteroid theory, than there are geologists and the "sky is falling" astronomers with NO biological training, that do. The skeptics just don't get any press because the media loves cataclysms and mass murders from outer space.

While impacts may have been a contributing factor in localized extinctions - that's the only evidence there is, it's mother Earth that is always the killer. The big question is, when will YOU be next ... you Global Warming criminals.

And yes, my degree is in Vertebrate Paleontology ... I only bash Apple as a hobby.

Hackintosh maker gets legal greeting from Apple

Webster Phreaky
Jobs Horns

Imagine a world with "Ready for OS X PC's" .... whoa is us ...

Now WHY would anyone want to buy a PC that is "Ready for OS X" ????? Because THIS is just what you would be faced with everyday x 356 (and these are FACTS compliments of MacTard site macfixit.com, where the reports like these are DAILY!)

TYPICAL Apple and Mac OS X bugs reported DAILY!

1 - Calendar subscription problems and limitations with MobileMe

2 - iPhone 3G/iPhone OS 2.0 troubleshooting roundup

a - Restore and update your iPhone 3G to squash bugs

b - Dozens of accessories don't work with the iPhone 3G

c - Removing stubborn iPhone apps

d - iPhone 3G battery draining too fast?

e- Boosting iPhone 3G (weak) signal strength

3 - iPhoto library cannot be found

4 - iTunes 7.7 (#3): stalls with a spinning beach ball on iPod connection, missing GUI

5 - Apple TV update 2.1 will not apply

6 - iTunes 7.7 (#2): erased drive data, empty library, unexpected quits; more

7 - Front Row failing to display iTunes content stored on external drives

8 - iTunes 7.7: causing major iPod/iPhone connectivity problems, other issues

9 - Menu items do not highlight with mouse hover

10 - Trashed Time Machine "inprogress" files will not delete

11 - Mac OS X 10.5.4 (#5): Adobe CS3 problems persist?; Random problem? Try re-applying the combo updater first; and MORE ...

12 - Safari not displaying PDFs

( oh this one is precious!! he he he ):

13 - Rebuilding Aperture library fixes stalled consistency checks

Aperture users run consistency checks on their libraries to ensure, among other items, that photo contents match the previews associated with them. Some users have found that these routines and appear to stall out.

(hmmmm, this never happens with Windows security updates!)

14 - Security Update 2008-004 for Tiger (#2): system will not startup; applications won't launch!!!

15 - Safari 3.1.2 for Tiger (#2): will not launch; problems installing

16 - Mac OS X 10.5.4 (#4): Spotlight problems; random shutdowns; poor performance; more

17 - Another potential fix for choppy playback in QuickTime 7.5

18 - "syslogd" process taking 100% CPU under Mac OS X 10.5.4 (he he he he he!!)

Oh wouldn't it a WONDERFUL WORLD with Apple and OS X on a " OS X Ready PC"!

Wow! I just woke up from a HORRIBLE Nightmare! Stevie Gods took over the world and made OS X available for PC's!! OMG, I so glad that was just a Nighmare!!

AppleTards. Bwah ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ........

Apple iPhone 3G

Webster Phreaky
Jobs Horns

Apple TANKS on iPhone v2 BUGS!!! Bwah ha ha ha ha ...

AAPL 172.58 -4.05 Apple schlock stock TANKS far worse than any other NASDAQ tech stock on Friday - iPhony 3G (after everyone else has one - de-butt day, by a factor of 4 times lower. Even Motorola was up!

Reason: despite all the Apple Hack Media's ranting and raving over their free iphone from sugar daddy Stevie Gods (like this articles whore writer), Wall Street knows its still is a dog. And of course Apple screws up on launch day, same ol shit. The proof is in the numbers Apple Kool Aid Drinkers.

The iPhone 2.0 update - don't do it, kids

Webster Phreaky
Jobs Horns

Bwah ha ha ha ha ha ha ha .... TOO FUNNY Kool Aid Drinkers!!

Tell us now (and again and again, because this IS an all too FREQUENT tale) about how wonderful and pure and perfect and Apple never makes mistakes, is now!! You know AppleTards, Apple itself is it own worst enemy in its iPhony reputation of superiority; except all the media whores never report the FACTS.

But the BEST part is that all you AppleTards get what you deserve when the self inflicted Apple POS "Virus" bites you right in your own self-righteous arrogant asses.

Apple is like Barack Hussein Obama - Hope, Change and a lot of other iPhony BullShit. Are YOU learning to speak Spanish because you should be embarrassed, lefties? Naw, you should be learning Simplified Chinese because that's where all your Apple labeled crap comes from.

Germans develop submarine-launched UAV

Webster Phreaky
Jobs Horns

Watch out England! Secret Code Name for these is V4.

Time to get those coast watch squads with binoculars out again. I heard these things also make a buzzing sound too.

Deutsche don' t werden, sie erhalten sogar wütend. Wir vergessen nie.

World+Dog lines up for iPhones

Webster Phreaky
Jobs Horns

@ Lee and the "Anonymous Coward" ... yes you are.

The BEST you can do is a personal attack? No rebuttal with facts, not retort with substance (other than the substance you smoke) That, everyone normal reading this, is your TYPICAL Apple Kool Aid Drinker Retard.

Here's the facts: After 20 years of VERY HEAVY advertising Macs are STILL less than 5% of the world and US market. Fact, the iPhony is STILL only in a distant THIRD PLACE in Smart Phone Sales, a tiny blip on the radar in total mobile phone sales (per Gartner Research and other non Apple pimp market analysts). Fact, Apple is an iNOvator, they copy other innovators products and then claim the breakthrough as theirs - iPud a rip off of the Rio, OS X a rip off of BSD UNIX and Windows, and Apple is LAST to 3G on the iPhony which was a rip off of LG's GUI interfaced Smart Phone shown CeBIT Germany a year before.

Face it Apple Sheeple, YOU are the losers. You CAN'T even carry on a debate.

Webster Phreaky
Jobs Horns

These are ALL just Apple Sheeple ... fortunately.

The sick, pathetic, the no life other than blow their wad ($$) on over-priced Apple Gadgets and most of all - stupid Sheeple (sheep-people) - are the only ones that follow the word of Stevie Gods everytime a new crApple product comes out to replace the previous one released just months previous.

Fortunately for the sane world, crAppleTards are only a miniscule minority. (of course these same fools will vote for another big iPhony - Barak Hussein Obama)

DreamWorks switches to Intel for stereoscopic 3-D high

Webster Phreaky
Jobs Horns

Notice MacTards ... they AREN'T Macs!!

1,000 HP's that AREN'T Macs in the once claimed video world of the MacTards domain. Oh but you still have gadgets like iPhonies and iPuds.

Bwah ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ....

Okay MacTard, time for your juvenile retorts instead of any qualitative (you'll have to look that big for you word) factual rebutal. It's all you ever have.


Sorry, no typos for you to divert attention from the facts either. 8^P

Apple drags its heels on iPhone security patches

Webster Phreaky
Jobs Horns

@ By Anonymous Coward and the other AppleTard

See, the BEST the AppleTards can do is criticize a slip of the keyboard entry like the little juvenile punks they are, INSTEAD of offering any substance in a rebuttal. Reason being, THEY CAN'T!

Apple HAS BEEN branded by security experts and even some of their slightly brave whore media, as being TOO slow at patching; far worse than MS. That's Microsoft, not the Multiple Sclerosis you Apple Tards exhibit every time you open your saliva dripping pie holes. Of course you high and mighty never make a typo, do you perfect wonders of fantasy land?
