Win32/Rimecud summary ..
"Win32/Rimecud is a family of worms with multiple components that spreads via removable drives, and instant messaging. It also contains backdoor functionality that allows unauthorized access to an affected system." link
171 publicly visible posts • joined 3 Sep 2013
"Our bullish thesis on Apple had been predicated on"
Some analysist predicts a dip in Apple stock, people believe him, the stock dips and the analysist is proved correct. Yea, I had a turkey slaughtered for Christmas and analysed by the soothsayer and he did predicteded a sellith order ..
"an alternative key command should be offered for the Caps Lock"
How about rapidly hitting the shift key twice in sucession or as Google suggests pressing 'Alt + the search key' to toggle Caps Lock.
"The calculator boasted a battery-hungry 8-digit LED display .. Two 1.35V mercury button cells provided the juice - a pretty lamentable supply if I recall correctly"
I recall reading somewhere, where in order to conserve supply, they switched the battery on-and-off rapidly, the CMOS circuity managed to remember its previous state, this tended to make some of them self destruct ...
I don't know what all the faux controversy is about, if you don't like it, you can always change it, after all it is open source.
"Like many, I don't use Ubuntu on the desktop"
I've been Linux only on the desktop, at home, for a number of years, and haven't noticed any lack of usability ..
"On that note I haven't heard anything from David Icke recently which is odd. It's probably nothing, there isn't always a connection behind a coincidence, but thinking people like you and me are now few and far between, they've made sure of that, so we have to be careful. Remember: vigilance not diligence."
Are you trying to discredit Snowden by associating him with David Icke?
"They are presumably in the business of providing security to national interests"
Going on recent revelations, its the NSA that are the threat to national interests. What with live fire military excercises being carried out in US cities, all it's take is for some right-wing demagogue to declare martial law. And the likes of NSA are on stream to provide total information awareness.
"it would arguably be in their best interest to provide the national infrastructure with secure encryption to protect them from being monitored by outside groups"
The NSAs function is to spy on people, not protect them from being spied on by 'outside groups'. As for 'secure encryption', see above, you can't have 'secure encryption' that isn't really secure. That's why DES was crap in the first place ...
"A paper released earlier this month by a group of security researchers has outlined the technical details behind a potential Computer Network Exploitation (CNE) program likely used by the U.K. Government Communications Headquarters (GCHQ) and their American counterpart, the NSA. link
"Just when the rest of the planet is moving to the Cloud for a better ROI". Himalayaman
Given that the clients are moving off the traditional PC, the software company can't keep selling them the same desktop client over and over again. Moving them to the Cloud and they can charge them software rent into perpetuity.
Unless the user is a member of sudoers group, then that command would have no effect. See also "Protection of the filesystem root" ...
never type Google into Google, you can break the Internet ..
"Mint 16 with Cinnamon 2.0 is what Ubuntu used to be: a solid, well-designed, easy-to-use Linux desktop"
"Method and system for processing internet payments using the electronic funds transfer network"
'One of the key changes involves improving the warning messages that flash on the air traffic controllers' screens when an aircraft moves out of their area of control and responsibility. The aim is for a warning to flash on the display to remind the controllers to ensure that they have completed all their co-ordination checks before an aircraft leaves their screen and becomes the responsibility of others.
"There is a quirk over whether it flashes or not," says Chisholm. "We want it to work in 100% of cases".
It is important to fix this problem because the Swanwick system, unlike the current manual process, supports the automated transfer of aircraft from one air space sector to another.
Currently at the London Air Traffic Control Centre, when controllers relinquish responsibility for an aircraft, they confirm this by phoning the appropriate new controller. This will not happen under the new automated procedures at Swanwick.' link
"Obviously this isn't a dig - one way or the other", cracked
I fail to understand what is your point? Thisw is my point, what your ISP holds on you is one thing, but when you put this together with all the other data the state security apparatus has access to, that does make me uneasy.
“This has been a major challenge for our engineering team and for the manufacturer, who has worked closely with us to ensure this complex problem was resolved as quickly as possible while maintaining a safe service.” link
July 2013: "Radar gremlins ground flights"
"The current RBS malfunction is only the latest of these incidents, in which irate customers are left stranded at the supermarket checkout, or at the petrol station, or at the cash machine, because the RBS computer says no even when there are adequate funds in the account" ..
"The Goodwin model was based on a simple and superficially brilliant idea, that the main functions of the new group would be centralised and .. All fine if the centralised systems are good enough and enjoy sufficient investment" ... link
"Office 365 had a slightly higher risk relating to data sovereignty, but Microsoft’s and the Houses’ lawyers had considered the issue and felt that the chance of the risk materialising was low."
"Office 365 would ensure greater resilience against connection problems causing delays to emails as there were more access points to Microsoft’s servers than to Parliamentary servers."
And the NSA promise never-ever to read your email or listen-in to your Skype phone calls, even though the peer-to-peer calls are inexplicably routed through super-nodes in North America.
"I had realised there was cash to be made on the web. It was good money for little work, especially if you weren't too bothered by how ethically you made the sales".
I too was always short of cash and thinking of ways of making money, but a career in prostitution wasn't one of them .. never even considered it ..
"Mohareb has been the subject of an 18-month investigation by CID into the alleged hacking of personal and work email accounts of the FA's former national referee manager for education and training, Janie Frampton.
The FA's most senior woman in the referees department was dismissed last year after a series of leaked emails were published in the press suggesting that Frampton had offered FA Cup semi-final tickets to a flight steward in return for upgrades on a British Airways flight for herself and three female referees on a work trip." link
Sad to see the Register reduced to promulgating free adverts for wank sites. I came here to read-up on technology, if I want to read-up on porn, I can do that on on my own, I know how to use a search engine.
"SACOM conducted an investigative research towards the labour condition in Hong Kong-owned Apple supplier" .. and Christian Dior, Citizen, Cvstos, Franck Muller, Gucci, Guess, HTC, Huawei, Lenovo, LG, Longines, Motorola, Movado, Nokia, Oris, Polar, Roger Dubuis, Samsung, Seiko, Tag Heuer, TCL and Techno Marine ...
"They used radiocarbon dating techniques as well as optically stimulated luminescence to gauge its age."
"This is some of the most sense I've seen on the Reg recently, shame you went AC", Lusty
If you don't mind me saying so, you are talking total BS. Prof Marmot clearly stated that this kind of work environment causes ill health.
"The characteristics of this type of job, the evidence shows increase risk of mental illness and physical illness"
OK, someone sends you an Autocad file containing an autorun macro, which if opened, tries to create an admin account under Windows. Does this malware work if you don't already have admin rights.
"AutoCAD software has long included an option to warn you when opening a drawing or project file that includes embedded macros. From that warning dialog box, you can disable the macros before they are able to execute."
""It's great for the backbone people to say how well they did, but many of the problems we've seen were at the outer edges of the network - the broadcasters themselves or (more often) the corporate and consumer Wi-Fi networks,""
Scatter torrent servers at the edge of the backbone ...
"Administrators must understand many important aspects of BGP as a protocol to assess where it may be susceptible to various forms of attack and where it must be protected .. administrators must mitigate the risk and potential impact of associated exploit attempts" .. link