I couldn't help it, the floodgates opened:
FAILSAFE - For Ascent Interrupt Lever (is) Set And Fall Engaged
CANCEL - Cut Ascent Now Confirm Engaged Lever
TERMINATE - Tell Equipment (to) Return My INvention And Thumbs-Up Engager
FINALISE - For Instant Nullified Ascent Lever Is Set (to) Engage
EJECT - Easily Jettison Equipment (and) Confirm Telemetry
STOP - Standard Tethered Operation Panic
FLOAT - For Lack Of Ascent Trigger
PARACHUTE - Panic Actuated Return Apparatus Calling Help Under Tethered Equipment
FALLEN - For A Light Load Engage Negative
TOASTED - Take Orb And Send To Earth Delicately
ERASE - Earth Re-entry Acquired Signal Expected
WIPEOUT - When Is Problem Enter Orb Uplift Termination
ISSUE - Interrupt Safety Set Up Entered
PROBLEM - Payload Replete (with) Orb Busts Loose Employing Machinery
LANDING - Lever Actuated Now Do Initiate Nugatory Glide
SHUTDOWN - Someone Has Undertaken To Down Orb With Notice
AIRBRAKE - Any Interrupt Requiring Braking Reverses Authorised Kit Elevation