Re: "attracting European students and staff members to the UK was necessary"
"Bwahaahahahahahaa! Another whiney, bitter Remainderer, resentful that democracy gave The Wrong Answer, eh? And let's try and sum up all the Leave campaign as Little Britain rascists, because the EU has been such a huge success?"
I must say at this point that I have seen a definite trend in Brexit coves and their postings. Their mellifluous ducet tones, reasoned argument and general all round education is a joy to behold. When they say chuck out all the foreigners it does not take much textual exigesis to understand that they actually want to throw out all of those rum foreign coves. It is a shame that those who voted remain do not have such clarity of thought, tenacity of mind and insist on using big hard to understand words and concepts such as economy, Immigration, single market etc.
Well done lads, your erudition and deep thought is a joy to behold.
I have never seen such a polarised Britain in my 50 odd years here and abroad. The repercussions from this will be seen for decades.
Ahh, and to the man on the underground who called me a fscking spic 'en passant' this morning. It is called a suntan and yes that was a Portuguese newspaper but could have been any number of languages including English.