utter bollocks.
That is all.
9 publicly visible posts • joined 1 Aug 2007
"When we also remember that road deaths amount to 82 per cent of all accidental deaths for those under 20, there still remains plenty for us to do."
Increasing the number of people under the age of 20 killed by other means would be what he means, at a guess?
I wish people would refrain from quoting statistics unless they understand what they mean...
'wer wer wer', If i'm feeling lazy. Never known anyone use 'dub dub dub'... thank god.
Other lazy pronunciations... missing dots out of web addresses ("wer wer wer google co uk") and parts of IP addresses ("192 168 1.1" - the last one must subconsciously be more important to me) and assuming people know where they ought to go. Some do... parents have a distressing habit of typing what I tell them verbatim.