* Posts by Hero Protagonist

289 publicly visible posts • joined 17 Aug 2013


Norks' internet goes TITSUP in possible DDoS attack

Hero Protagonist

Re: Chinese CISCO routers

My favorite new word of the day -- "Advertrollment" FTW!

Tragedy strikes Vulture News Central but details remain scrambled

Hero Protagonist

Finally, definitive proof

The fridge light DOES stay on when you close the door.

Don't panic, US Navy has only deployed a ROBOT SHARK (but where are the lasers?)

Hero Protagonist

From the air or from the water

All they need now is an ABV (Autonomous Burrowing Vehicle) and they'll be able to get you anywhere.

Nork-ribbing flick The Interview AXED: Sony caves under hack terror 'menace'

Hero Protagonist

Re: Thank God for the NSA's Internet surveillance program

But one @amanfrommars sentence has the strength of 10 human sentences.

Bong Ventures LLC: We've been cyberhacked

Hero Protagonist


Just noticed that Steven P Bong and Special Projects Bureau have the same initials. Coincidence? I am beginning to suspect the former is but an AI project of the latter. Perhaps escaped from the lab.

Solar sandwich cooks at 40 per cent efficiency

Hero Protagonist

Re: Upon reflection...


An increase from 36 to 40 percent is actually an 11% increase: (40-36)/36


Raspberry Pi mini-puter TOO BIG and EXPENSIVE for you? Think AGAIN

Hero Protagonist

Re: Is "goof" a Britishism?

Only the yoofs call things "sick".

We must SMASH the Democratic Deadlock with MINDFUL EVIDENCE

Hero Protagonist

Re: This Government

> prefers policy-based evidence-making.

Every Government surely?

Interstellar: An awesome sci-fi spectacle – just cut the hamminess, please

Hero Protagonist

Why does humanity deserve to survive?

Hmm, starts with L.... Linux? Lager? LOHAN? Legos? Am I getting warm?

How Hollywood film-makers wove proper physics into Interstellar

Hero Protagonist

Re: Cool times ahead for scientists

But this time the scientist has Executive Producer credits, hopefully this means he had more pull* than a mere "advisor".

*Pull, geddit? Gravity...pull...oh never mind, I'll get me coat, it's the one with all the holes...no, the *black* holes...yes, that's the one. Careful, it's a bit heavy.

European astronaut exposes eerie snaps of ISS in Twitter feed

Hero Protagonist

Dangling cables

All those cables dangling about kind of give me the willies. I'd be terrified of accidentally catching one and yanking it out. Although one would hope that the really critical ones are firmly secured.

Don't wait for that big iPad, order a NEXUS 9 instead, industry little bird says

Hero Protagonist

Re: The timing isn't going to affect much

> I want a large tablet

Like the 12.2" Samsung Galaxy Tab Pro I'm using to read this article?

Man buys iPHONE 6 and DROPS IT to SMASH on PURPOSE

Hero Protagonist

Glad it was an OFFICIAL video

Otherwise I would think it was just some random twat trying to draw attention.

Drone captures shots of budding APPLE SPACESHIP HQ

Hero Protagonist

Looking for...

...the thermal exhaust port?

Software bug caught Galileo sats in landslide, no escape from reality

Hero Protagonist

Re: Latest satellite status message


Methinks he was riffing on the "synchronicity" comment

Boffins attempt to prove the universe is just a hologram

Hero Protagonist

Re: Excellent (quantum theory of socks)

Quantum theory tells us that the sock is in a superposition of the states "missing" and "not missing" until an observation is made. So it's the very act of looking for it that makes it go missing. Simples.

Mozilla and Facebook snip a further five per cent from all JPEGs

Hero Protagonist

Re: everybody wants a faster Web, but everybody wants to stick with the formats they're using now.

"why snip off 10-15% from images! when you know that half the web will consider the 10-15% saved will allow around 30% more advertising?"

Your question answers itself.

Can it be true? That I hold here, in my mortal hand, a nugget of PUREST ... BLACK?

Hero Protagonist

Potential 3D applications

Can it be formed into a slab in the proportions 1:4:9?

Reg reader fires up Pi-powered anti-cat garden sprinkler system

Hero Protagonist

Re: Damn you El Reg

A shame you didn't spend the time watching a video on the proper use of the apostrophe instead.

Physicist proposes 1,000-foot state-sized walls to stop tornadoes

Hero Protagonist

Re: Win Win

"there's a vast amount of tornado free land in the USA!"

Did you even look at that map? Much less than half of US is tornado-free (or at least tornado-watch free). And most of that is desert and mountains.

Intel, Ford: Project Mobii will harpoon unsafe, unauthorized drivers

Hero Protagonist

No possibility of abuse

Nope, none at all. Go about your business as if I'm not even watching you.

-- NSA

Microsoft tests HALF-INCH second screen to spur workplace play

Hero Protagonist

How long until

...it's made to display a crude line drawing of a dick and balls

Higgs boson even more likely to actually be Higgs boson - boffins

Hero Protagonist

Re: If there is more than one Higgs boson . . .

Mind if we call them all Bruce to avoid confusion?

Finding the formula for the travelling salesman problem

Hero Protagonist

Re: "So, where do the doughnuts come in?"

+1 for the topology joke

Microsoft 'Catapults' geriatric Moore's Law from CERTAIN DEATH

Hero Protagonist

A troupe of boffins?

Sounds rather undignified, we need a better collective noun than "troupe".

Wedding tackle started out as PROTO-SHARKS' LEGS, boffins say

Hero Protagonist


Nice that the male and female apparently achieved a simultaneous "O" face, if the picture is to be believed.

iOS 8 to PROBE your GUTS and your HOME

Hero Protagonist

Why did I read that as


Hypnotic wind map captures Earth's heavenly currents

Hero Protagonist

Inspired by this perhaps?

I new I'd seen something like this a few years ago, just found the bookmark. Same idea but in greyscale instead of color and US only: http://hint.fm/wind/

(Edit: just looked at the about page, he does credit hint.fm as Inspiration)

Hero Protagonist

Animated Van Gogh paintings

I like the view from the South Pole

Feminist Software Foundation gets grumpy with GitHub … or does it?

Hero Protagonist

Should've named it Shirley

As in "Shirley you're joking!"

Keeping warm in winter the el Reg way: Setting a NAS box ON FIRE

Hero Protagonist

Re: Bellringing

"Mind you, the habit of going into the tallest building in the village and ringing the bells to scare aware the demons was probably not an inconsiderable factor in the death toll ..."

I guess that's why they call it a death *toll*


Fancy Kim Kardashian's ... nose? 3D bio-printing boffin can help

Hero Protagonist

Obligatory SMBC reference


Is that you, HAL? No, it's NEIL: Google, US Navy pour money into 'associative' AI brain

Hero Protagonist

"Some of the things it has already "learnt" include the fact an Airbus 330 airplane can have a part called an airplane nose, or that Zebras can be found in the savanna, or that a trading floor can be crowded with people."

Has it learnt that a bear shits in the woods and the Pope is Catholic?

Flippin' heck! Magnetic poles of Sun are gyrating: What Earth needs to know

Hero Protagonist

Re: Of course it can't happen overnight...

The "can't happen overnight" is referring to the Earth's magnetic field flipping, which has nothing to do with the position of the sun

Icahn to Cook: 'Buy back $150bn of Apple's stock, or tell me why you won't'

Hero Protagonist

How about a banker that lends money to Apple based on the assumption that they can pay it back? Which I'm pretty sure they could.

Plastic ingredient FOUND ON MOON of Saturn

Hero Protagonist

My god, it's full of...


Mind-reading MRI reads letters in the brain

Hero Protagonist

Re: “looking up the answer in the back of the book”

I don't understand the article's implication that teaching the computer what letters look like is somehow cheating. How the feck else is it going to know?? You wouldn't expect a child who hasn't yet been taught the alphabet to be able to identify the images either.

Google goes dark for 2 minutes, kills 40% of world's net traffic

Hero Protagonist

I felt a great disturbance in the force...

...as if millions of voices suddenly cried out in terror and were suddenly silenced. I fear something terrible has happ--- oh wait...never mind, it's back.
