Games are ok
I managed to get on one of the XB1 Tour dates, so managed to get to try, Ryse, Forza 5, KI, Fifa 14, BF4, DR3 and the Jetski game on Kinect Sports Rivals, they had Zoo Tycoon or whatever it was called but didn't fancy that and plus it was laggy as hell.
Overall Ryse was a fun game, but could get very repetitive if it's not careful, does look nice.
KI is basically your normal beat-em-up affair with lots of particle effects to show of the XB1
BF4 actually looked worse than it does running on a high end PC, which was a shame as the XB1 is meant to be similar in power to most high end pc's
DR3 - supped up DR game, more zombies, new toys, same mechanics, just looks a but nicer
Forza 5 - looks nice although there were a few iffy glitches on the shading, flipping from light to dark rather than a gradual shading. Possibly early code of the game
Fifa 14 - didn't play but watched it for a bit, basically it's FiFa
Kinect sensor- an imporvement over the original, reacts better and picks up more detail and can be used in a room a couple of feet smaller than the other one. I think they said the range was 4ft away where-as the original was 6ft.
Overall there wasn't anything there that made me want to go out and buy one now, so for the time beign I'm quite happy tobide my time and see how things pan out between the two consoles.