* Posts by Deuteronopia

4 publicly visible posts • joined 16 Aug 2013

Microsoft's Brit kid Cortana lands on UK WinPhone 8.1, but China's is the real cutie


Re: Cortana aside....

Agree so hard. Xbox Music is pretty much the worst media player I've ever used. Slow as balls, still has metadata issues, doesn't show key info (track number/lengths, year), and they made it uglier since WP8 too.

The pre-Amber WP8 version had more exciting problems, so at least it had that. Mine repeatedly re-indexed the same files, so an album would have each song up to 16 times. According to the phone, I had 200GB of music on a 32GB card!

The current one just has boring problems. Be nice if MS released a finished product once in a while.

Microsoft slaps fresh paint on code-free Windows Phone dev tool


20,000 published out of 300,000 projects

Isn't all that bad. I imagine a lot of them are people just having a go with it, or maybe making an app just for themselves, without putting it up on the store.

For instance, I'm making a little cookbook/menu app to remind me of things I can cook, in order to reduce my reliance on takeaways. Since it's my own personal 'repertoire' (I am not exactly a chef), it's only useful to me, hence I've no plans to make it generally available. Unless the 'cook like an idiot' diet becomes fashionable, I suppose.

Microsoft buries Sinofsky Era... then jumps on the coffin lid


I don't understand the 'Metro-whatever is SO difficult to use' complaints that go round. Rather, it seems that a lot of that moaning comes from tech professionals (I know a couple, even heavy Linux users), who really shouldn't be that confused by it. You've seen an iPad, right? It's like that.

And it's not like it's taken over your system or anything: it's just the Start menu. How long each day do you spend looking at the Start menu? A minute in total?

Attention, addicts: LEGO meth lab pays homage to Breaking Bad
