* Posts by MainframeBob

15 publicly visible posts • joined 16 Aug 2013

Feds look left and right for support – and see everyone backing Apple


US: you can buy guns but not secure phones?

I find it weired that the us goverment wants to crack down on the phones and not the automatic guns.

can anyone explain this to a non-US person?

Congress strips out privacy protections from CISA 'security' bill


Impact om Safe Harbour problems?

It would have been nice if the article had mentioned how this will impact on the ongoing Safe Harbour negotioations/problems.

Microsoft capitulates, announces German data centres


How is this helping with the broken safe harbour?

If only paying customers data are safe, MS is still not off the hook.

EU wants all personal data to be safe, not just some part of it.

Europe's shock Google privacy ruling: The end of history? Don't be daft


the real issue

It's not just about some teenager embarsing themself and wanting to remove that picture 10 years later.

Its about national states with national laws vs multinational companies that want to be above any law in a global world.

Apple coughs up 7 hours of profit to refund kids' $32.5m app spend spree


Read the article

To those that are bashing the parrents:

The parrents never gave the credit-information to the kids.

In the kid-in-mall example one of you gave, the example should be:

Mother pays for a CD for Jr in SomeShop.

Mother leaves SomeShop

Kid then buys a supergamer-PC, telling the kind man 'use the same creditcard my mum used 10 min ago.

Coroner suggests cars should block mobile phones


Wrong problem

People will allways make stupid things, in trafic and other places.

Banning phones doesnt solve the problem with spilling coffe or talking with someone else in the car.

People have to accept that living is dangeous (just like it has been forever) and pay attention to what they are doing.

And that includes drivers in other cars. If you are hitting another car perhaps you should not have been driving so close to it that you didnt have time to react and stop when the other driver went crazy.



Cost and taste?

If this isnt very cheap to make, I dont see it replacing normal beer/wine/vodka/moonshine.

Besides, isnt the main problem with non-alcoholic beer to get the taste right without getting alcohol produced?

Google patent: THROAT TATTOO with lie-detecting mobe microphone built-in


Do liedectors even work?

Hasn't it been proved that 'liedetectors' can't tell if people are lying?

What is being described here will tell that if you are nerveous (jobapplication?) you are lying, but it will not catch a trained used-cars dealer.

Swedish teen's sex video fine slashed: Unwilling co-star girlfriend furious


Mixed signals regarding privacy

So after all this talk about protecting the children from viewing porn on the net or meeting old men that want to abuse them, the legal system more or less says "we dont care about protecting our children"?

The girl would have gotten more money if she had sued the boy for not paying her for her role in the movie...

Google's Wi-Fi not good enough for its home town


Free = ever growing demand

In the mind of developers:

Free WiFi = App need more bells & need to be allways on and stream data.

There will be problems forever with WiFi

Police constable 1337 stunned by Lego lookalike


They never visited a gameforum then?

At least the copper can now brag about how great he is.

Wall Street traders charged with stealing company code via email


Stealing is OK?

"Their algorithms and code weren't taken or used in any malicious way that damaged or compromised their financial security."

So the defence argument is that stealing is ok if it dont hurt the victim financialy?

Is stealing a car, and later leaving it somewhere legal too?

UK mulls ban on tiny mobiles to block prison smugglers


Re: The question is:

To prevent a convict from giving orders to his hirelings that fill in for him so his drugbuissines can run?

LinkedIn lowers age of consent to 13


I could understand a kind of 'kindergarden'-subsite

I fail to see that young persons trying to find a campus have much in common with the main target audience on LinkedIn.

A dedicated subsite, yes, but not merged seamlessly into LinkedIn.

Google follows Amazon with auto-encryption of cloud data


"The data is automatically and transparently decrypted when read by an authorized user"

Could we get the Google definition of "an authorized user"?