Re: Ah the grand old Tory mantra
as opposed to the tory exploit the workers, dont tax the capitalisys exploiting the workers, and corruptly hand them money you taxed off the exploited workers? See the NHS for details.
18 publicly visible posts • joined 11 Aug 2013
Your right, it was a minardi.
Theres video of Nigel Mansell binning it on youtube. - mostly onboard with a very lucky person - the highlights of mansell hitting alonso
And of course brundle giving murray a drive in the mclaren
Ignition has recently been reprinted. Its an excellent tome, with an intro by Isaac Asimov.
The fuel in a super draco system is one of the less hilarious fuels. Ignition details more, and some of the safety precautions and tests devised. Apparently the proper safety gear for handling chlorine triflouride is a good set of running shoes.
Theres a reason I'm still running 4.4.2 kitkat, rooted with crapware removed or disabled. Partioned SD card and a phone with optical zoom.
If samsung (or anyone) made a phone with optical zoom I'd buy it. But no one wants to do it a price that isnt more than a months rent.
Any suggestions for SD card brands? ive never managed to get brands other than Sandisk or Samsung to partition succesfully and not die in a week.