Why can people no longer call companies?
Why the fuck do all of these twatter users have to jump online the second there is a problem. My sister in law dose it and so do many people my wife follows (Or followed until they started stupid campaines against companies for "poor customer service" because they whinged on twitter rather than calling customer service to get an issue fixed).
The argument with my sister in law goes round and round
"X company did Y"
"Have you called them? Last time I had a problem they were very good"
"No. I posted to @Xcompany and they DIDN'T COME BACK TO ME"
"Why don't you call them?"
"Because they should be able to sort it out on twitter! Customer service!"
"Yes, but they have no idea who @Ilovefluffycatzlol123 is, and even if they did do you really want your bank/phone company/car insurance etc discussed over twitter?"
"But this is the new way of communicating"