* Posts by MQADM

2 publicly visible posts • joined 2 Aug 2013

It's now or never for old sysadmins to learn new tricks


An interesting article. Truly successful IT staff have in-depth knowledge and experience across multiple disciplines and architectures. Pidgeon holing ones self to a single effort such as networking, databases, etc, is a sure way to limit career opportunities and employment longevitiy. No matter what the career, failure to adapt to changing needs will soon have you being shown the door. In my personal experience, those who remain hungry to learn and put in the personal effort to do so will thrive. Those who don't, won't.

Happy 20th birthday, Windows NT 3.1: Microsoft's server outrider


Re: Stability

I still pine for the days of my VAX/VMS and OpenVMS servers. The reliability on those environments was truly amazing. System uptimes could range into the years! You just couldnt kill them. They may not have been pretty, i.e. no graphical interface, but you got things done. The eventual add-on of the CDE interface was okay but seldom used.