Re: Same old
Hopefully - yes!
21 publicly visible posts • joined 1 Aug 2013
Im on win 10 right now since I lost my XP licence and my computer went titsup. Except things I expect from a BETA like slow start up, strange resets of drivers, memory leaks and general instability it also suffers from what I call "the update disorder".
Normally I can live with updating from time to time as long as I decide when. To achieve this I have used every trick on the web on my current install but sometimes that isn't enough. At two times my computers Win10 updates have caused problems. Once it disconnected me from an online session with friends letting them hang in the wind - not nice for them and not good for my rep. Another time I just wanted to check mail on a delivery before going to work in the morning - didn't happen and I had to start calling the delivery service and chase the package down offline. Did not get to work on time that day.
I thought it was a BETA-thing but if MS decides that this behaviour is the future I will take my business elsewhere that is for sure.
Just my 0.02€
Having biometrics as a username - yes that is acceptable but as a password? NOOO!
Situation 1: Someone has managed to copy your biometrics which are used as a password - how do you change it? Eye transplantation might be a though option so the off to the "switching fingerprints service" it is...
Situation 2: Someone has managed to copy your biometrics somehow - this would then equal knowing your g-mail as this is usually connected to the account. There is still the password to pass before you can asume someones identity and after a few tries the account is locked.
Therefore this dude who obviously has a very nourishing broccoli for brains should never be allowed close to a policymaker - such idiocy may be contagious!
Getting my coat!
My order is usually 2 espressos in one cup. And the do a Longo and I return it and say no pls 2 espressos one cup. After that i usually have to educate the barista about the difference of a ristretto, an espresso, a longo and (god forbid) an americano. I usually also have to ask about the bean blen since in this country everyonr seems to think that an espresso should be made using Arabica and not Robusta which offcource is BS.
Just my 2 drops
My (coffe) teacher always told me that more than 30 secondes between grinder and machine and more than 15 seconds (so be quick - these 15 seconds are with or without the steam flowing so put it in let it rest for 20 sec => waste bin + grind new coffe) in the machine would ruin the coffe for an espresso. I live by this rule and it serves me well.
Just my 2 drops
"If a network operator blocked access to lawful content," he said, "it would violate our no-blocking rule and be commercially unreasonable, and therefore be doubly prohibited."
In good english this means:
We have a pool of ONE HUUUUUUUNDRED 28.8 modems that provide tha base internet - there is no blocking going on and you have the unthrotteled speed you have paid for we just cant help that you want to go outside of the prioritized content. However there is this new package you can by from us for only 120$/mth that allows you to brows the internet at prioritized speed...
Good luck US - the only thing that is even the slightest positive about this is that the EU wont be as stupid and the US will be left choking on EU-Dust after all the techfirms have moved here and the development has shifted to scandinavia/Iceland/Ireland.
@ Gordon 10
The spooks arn't the issue and have never been the issue - the issue is governmental (non military) control of ISP:s Internet content and surveilance of the the citizens. Or military control of the own citizens. What we have seen the last couple of years are IPRED and its siblings as well as more or less intelligent ways to control what is suitable reading for the citizens by firewalling things that are deemed "unsuitable".
My simple rule is that any system for control and surveilance that is built will be abused therefore we should not build it nor shall we restrict free speach or the free movement of people or ideas.
@ Turtle
]A world in which "democracy" depends on huge corporations being able to earn their wealth by to expropriating authors, writers, musicians, film makers, and anyone whose work can be digitized, for the sake of enabling internet users steal that work in order that they be shown ads or that they buy "premium accounts" from "cyber-lockers", is neither an acceptable world, or acceptable kind of "democracy".
Lets see if I understand this... You say that it isnt acceptable to live in a world where "democracy" depends on freetards beeing able to copy the works that huge firms have extorted from creators and say the banners will pay it...
Well in my opinion its totally irrelevant what you think of as accebtable - the fact of the matter is that we either will have surveilance and limited freedom of speak or the posibillity to roam the net anonymously. Therefore your wishful thinking of both having the cake and eating it is impossible.
If we choose the first option there will be less freetards - if we choose the latter the freetards will be able to continue. But you make the exact same error now as then. We are not discussing the freetards wellbeeing or not. Tha answer to that question will be a consequence of the choice we make regarding the possibility to be anonymous or not.
4 years ago it was election here in Sweden - I was out campagning for the pirate party. a year before that we managed to get 2 pirate party members elected to the EU - parlament. Had these guys been on the bandwagon then and listened to Why we wanted freetards to be able to continue unmolested instead of worrying of their royalties we might have lived in a slightly better world.
We had traction then and we saw it all coming down - now its to late. All the legislation is in place and the organiosations have been built up. There is no going back any more. What we can do now is to fight the new proposals from the "think of the children" activists and hope they will help us with that. But my guess is that they will wake up in another 5-10 years ans be late to this battle too.
Oh well - gettin me coat...
In the end (at about 2 days after the release of the first browser based on these standards) some1 will break the DRM encryption and release a patch which I will install and thereafter continue exactly as before not giving a crap about DRM and commercial IP.
However it should be noted that I do pay for content and programs which I use and think are good since that puts food on the table for good providers of content and good programmers. Thereafter i usually go right ahead and rip/patch it to be able to use at my discretion instead of the way it is limited from start.
Just my 0.02€
Ohh so many trollish things writtten in one short post...
>"Oh no a woman has dared offer her opinion about the future of the internet!"
Sorry but I don't give a rats ass what you have between your legs its what between your ears that counts...
>"Kids are using the internet more and more and we absolutely need to stamp out unsuitable material."
No, no-no-no since the kids are so much more tech savvy than their parents and the government a technical solution will never work. Anyone with children knows that the only absolute foolproof way of getting children to do something is to tell them that they should not and not explain why. What is needed is parental guidance. You have to surf the shadier sides of the web with the kids and explain to them the do:s and the don't:s this will also have the added benefit of getting young grown ups that don't have hard core porn as their only reference when the time comes for them selves to try some cuddling out.
>"Shame on anyone who disagrees."
taking the moral high ground only works if you have a clue what you talk about and using such a phrase should really fall under the "Godwin Law" together with Nazi references. and if you dont know what the Godwin Law is then pls refrain from commenting on the internet until you have read up a bit.
Bloody well hanging my coat up and staying!
Ohh GTFO of here!
Other countries that are trying to do the same but failing due to lack of tech or money include North Korea, Cuba, China, to some degree UK and its on the wish list of politicians in Australia. So the company the US keeps are about the same places that have not signed the delarations of human rights - ohhh wait the US have not signed that one either...
Gettin my coat