Defenestrator of Chairs
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7 publicly visible posts • joined 1 Aug 2013
"It may be time for Windows Phone holdouts to finally face the inevitable and make the sad shuffle to a platform from the likes of Google or Apple."
I was already starting the sad shuffle last year... but the iPhone X is the only worthy successor (in my mind), and is priced at least 4x higher than my Windows Phone originally cost. :/
And by fickle, I mean:
• The alarm goes off whenever it feels like it... 3:00 am... no prob!
• When I launch Outlook, it bounces right back to the home screen in about 1 of 3 attempts.
• When someone calls, it might ring... or it might not. (OK... could be the carrier).
• It typically freezes at least once per week, which then requires removal of the battery. (At least the battery is removable and replaceable by such luck with an iPhone).
I wish I had not bought into Steve Ballmer's wild claim about superior snogging within the Windows environment.
Drive! (too bad that Yahoo! deal didn't take off)
iDrive (see what Apple does with that one)
My Drive (right before My Music and My Pictures)
YDrive? (why, indeed?)
UDrive (your turn)
SexDrive (never can have too much capacity...)
Ndrive (oops... trouble from Nvidia)
Rdrive (as in yours, mine, and the NSA's)
MurDrive (take that, Rupert...!)
DriveL (for all those cat videos)