The Surface Tablet that could have been!
Can you imagine an ARM based Windows RT tablet that COULD join an Active Directory Domain and had a few really killer RT apps for business types baked in? Give it a 10-12 inch retina quality display and an aluminum back. Sell it for $400 or $500 with 4G. I believe that would have sold.
Instead they had to shoehorn a lame implementation of "real" Windows into a tablet form factor with an Intel processor and so help me 64GB is the minimum storage because of the Windows bloat. Gave it a fairly crappy screen, initially, let me think, what else? Oh yeah, a starting price of $729 or somesuch. No thanks. I can buy nice Ultrabook any day of the week for that kind of money and have a form factor where "real" Windows actually makes sense.
Finally, what is with the penchant for MS and others to push all of these convertibles? They aren't very good tablets and they aren't very good laptops either...