* Posts by markbyrn

3 publicly visible posts • joined 23 Jul 2013

Apple blacklists tech journo following explicit BENDY iPhone vid


Still trying to milk the bendgate cow eh? This really is a case of any publicity is good publicity and Apple is crying all the way to the bank despite the link baiting tech pundits and raging shills/fanbois for Google/MS/Samsung/Blackberry, etc.

Finally, a USEFUL smart device: Intel boffins cook up gyro-magneto-'puter bike helmet


Can you stop with the Apple link baiting already? If the the tech crash helmet was a great idea, you could present it without carping about Apple.

Ubuntuforums.org cracker promises no password release


Whether this Sputn1k_ fancies himself a whitehat or a blackhat, at the end of the day, the end users personal data will be more secured when Canonical fixes the exploits that allowed the data theft. The implied suggestion that hackers should be morally upstanding and only expose the personal data of customers of big bad governments or large corporates with deep pockets is naive and ethically warped.