* Posts by freeman-number-2

22 publicly visible posts • joined 23 Jul 2013

ARTICLES without comment boxes - Climate, CO2, Anything authored by L. Page...


I bet that 'Private Page, Lewis, Sir!' is just plain chicken.

He can't take the heat of mocking debunkery of his special needs kick-the-scientists rants.

A sort of Howard Phelps of climate change... the rest of the world is wrong and they'll rot in eternal damnation.

Hall Lay Loo Yer!

DON'T PANIC about methane


Lewis Page, once again to the rescue.

Single-handedly out-sciencing most scientists in the world. And why not, he trained as a square-basher after all, and who better to knock a bit of sense into namby-pamby science fairies.

Lewis Page.



PHWOAR! Huh! What is it good for? Absolutely nothing, Prime Minister


Re: Sense at last

"But next door little Mercedes could be watching an ass smoothie and wondering if its normal."

I thought you said you worked in a school in Birmingham. That is Birmingham in the UK, isn't if? Not, say, Birmingham, Alabama?

So, perhaps you ought to know the difference between an ass and an arse? Being connected with education and all, even if only by virtue of being being the school filter tsar. They probably do have dictionaries in your school. Or you could ask an English teacher.


Re: Ha ha!

"And next time you're having a cheeky glimpse at the latest big busted beauty earning her corn on t'interweb, just picture your own daughter..."

Now there are some who might think that having posted such a phrase on the Internet makes you ripe for a visit or some special monitoring or being placed on a register that you won't know about, although you might feel the effects in a future job interview.

See the problem now?


Re: Sense at last

"Finally, some sense. I'm a NM at a secondary school for girls in Birmingham."

You are just the sort of school network manager that our kids need. Who else can we trust to prepare them for the world?

Parents? Can't trust them. Teachers? Them neither.

Hey, do you know what was on the piece of paper I found in my son's school bag? Shocking. When I threatened to ground him he admitted that others in his class have drawn similar things. Can you believe it? Disgusting!

Seeing how you know about such things, perhaps you can help me. What I want to be able to do is filter out all use of paper. In his bedroom, at school, at his friends' houses. If you could see what unsupervised kids of today get up to with a pen and paper you'd be truly shocked. In fact, I want paper to be banned by default. Parents who are irresponsible enough to want their children to access paper should have to opt in. Their names should be kept on a register.


Re: The very thin end of a *very* long wedge.

"In the real world porn isn't available to children, it's kept away from them and is censored, albeit minimally."

Is that so?

Funny, I thought I remembered night after night of politicians and news programmes showing real life "video games" being played out over Iraq... cold or smug smiles accompanying talk of "daisy cutter" bombs... hundreds of million-dollar missiles being fired every day... citiies and culture and infrastructure being flattened... talk of "collateral damage" and "extraordinary rendition"... death-tolls estimated as 100,000... 200,000... mostly civilian, brothers, sisters, fathers, mothers, sons, daughters, you know, just like in all countries.

Perhaps I imagined it. Perhaps I confuse pornography with obscenity, lust for sex with lust for killing.

Still, whatever it's called, it's reassuring that such 'content' (and the underlying acts), which are unsuitable for children to encounter - or the next generation, or anyone, really - will be unavailable to children under the new proposals.

That is what DC's rules are trying to accomplish, isn't it?


Re: I'm replying to everybody in one post here...

'I will make one other point that I've not seen made: while I can install filters and supervise my kids, I can't be there when they are round a friend's house.'

Presumably your 'parenting' has not resulted in your being able to trust your kids; which wouldn't mean expecting them to do everything as you wish but, rather, developing an independence as they mature which is broadly in keeping with your principles and their their transition into adults.


Re: How naive!!

'Just look at TV and movie censorship. That has gotten [become?] progressively more permissive.'


There are many things that would have been acceptable in the media, films, etc., 20-30 years ago which are taboo now.

What's acceptable is a moving definition, and not in a constant direction; always has been.


Re: How naive!!

'"For years now, the governments and others have been eroding the role of parents more and more. "

I see this more the other way around. Too many parents want to their childs best friend rather than parent and have absolved themselves of responsibility, opening the door to more government control.'

Both. I think.

Perhaps sciety's more complex than it used to be?

Or stuff happens faster and more people can't keep up and opt for simpler routes?

Thumb Down

Re: Normalization with the real world......@Mike

'It seems to have happened for years on the Mobile phones, and indeed the real world. Why is this any different?'

Perhaps could could post directions to the 'real world' you inhabit?

What's that, it's in your head.


Nostaligically remembering the days when boys were sent up chimneys, because that sort of thing had happened for years in the real world.

Paris Hilton

Re: Normalization with the real world...... @Sorry,"Sorry etc etc"

'... parents ... have to work later than their children. Usually not beyond 9:00 PM I guess that may be has something to do with the watershed being at this time.'


Never come across that 'usually'.

Paris, because she hasn't either. Yet.


Re: Normalization with the real world......

'The Government seem to be trying to get back to this situation which is no bad thing.'


The Government seem to be trying to determine what legal material should be accessible by adults, which is a bad thing.


Re: Normalization with the real world......

'The Internet is basically a big library and never before have you been able to walk in to a library and view hard core porn no matter what you age.'


You seem to have broken your simile in the same sentence in which you introduced it.


Re: Normalization with the real world......

'Normalization (sic) with the real world......

I entirely agree with this article. Also as I have previously noted how is this different from existing rules on pornography

In cinemas they don’t let you watch it until you are 18, in newsagents again 18 and it is on the top shelf, and on the TV there is the 9 PM watershed.

Since it is now very much a normal part of life, so why should the internet have special exceptions?

Why should the access to pornography on the Internet be any different from WH Smith?'

Hell, why settle on the ISPs? Catch the problem at source: filter electricity. On (off) by default. About time they took their share or responsibility for protecting our youff!

Paris Hilton

'Metaphysical bollocks'

Struggling a bit with that concept. Only encountered them in a physical context.

Paris. Just, Paris.

Paris Hilton

Re: "Horoscopes are classed as occult"

>"Horoscopes are classed as occult"

>And so they should be! Along with ALL religious bias, propaganda,

>and general belief in anything intangible. ;)

Anything intangible? Ever tried touching zeroes or ones?

Thought not.

'WHAT really alarms me about President Bush's "war on terrorism" is the grammar. How do you wage war on an abstract noun? It's rather like bombing murder.'

Terry Jones, http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/1364012/Why-grammar-is-the-first-casualty-of-war.html

Paris, because she prefers the tangible.

Apple drops hints about future low-cost iPhones


"Posted Wednesday 24th July 2013 13:47 GMT IR

Can't wait for the iPhone Shuffle. No screen, just a button that randomly dials someone in your address book."

So iPhone Shuffle isn't just how they walk?


"Nameless Faceless Computer User

Apple makes an average of 68% profit on iPhone 5. To offer a "low cost" version, all they need to do is not charge so much."


I think you'll find it's /much/ higher than that.

No point in having a Special Needs customer base if you don't play with their little minds and milk them dry.

For pity's sake: DON'T MOVE to the COUNTRY if you want to live


Lewis likes guns

Quel surprise.

ISPs: Relax. Blocking porn online won't really work


'Adult' content?

Dear DC,

Why do you think adults should not be treated as adults?

Will you be 'opting' to be treated as one?

Are you one?


Re: Just get the filters installed and everyone shut up.

Upvoted you, but...

"Look, if you want to be Chinese. Move your ass to China, they need english teachers"

1. How will a donkey in China help?

2. Maybe they're not the only silly arses needing English teachers.

Dead STEVE JOBS 'touts rival Lenovo gear' FROM BEYOND THE GRAVE


Shirley both Apple and Lenovo sell "cheap Chinese computers" but Apple's audience is more easily ripped off by huge mark-ups, bless them.