Re: The very thin end of a *very* long wedge.
"In the real world porn isn't available to children, it's kept away from them and is censored, albeit minimally."
Is that so?
Funny, I thought I remembered night after night of politicians and news programmes showing real life "video games" being played out over Iraq... cold or smug smiles accompanying talk of "daisy cutter" bombs... hundreds of million-dollar missiles being fired every day... citiies and culture and infrastructure being flattened... talk of "collateral damage" and "extraordinary rendition"... death-tolls estimated as 100,000... 200,000... mostly civilian, brothers, sisters, fathers, mothers, sons, daughters, you know, just like in all countries.
Perhaps I imagined it. Perhaps I confuse pornography with obscenity, lust for sex with lust for killing.
Still, whatever it's called, it's reassuring that such 'content' (and the underlying acts), which are unsuitable for children to encounter - or the next generation, or anyone, really - will be unavailable to children under the new proposals.
That is what DC's rules are trying to accomplish, isn't it?