Re: pushing PDFs
In my experience, it is a perfectly accurate description of modern office dronery.
25 publicly visible posts • joined 20 Jul 2013
Also worth noting that Bombardier offloaded the entire CRJ program into MHI’s lap in mid-2020: https://bombardier.com/en/media/news/bombardier-concludes-sale-crj-series-regional-jet-program-mitsubishi-heavy-industries
Presumably this was an effort to stabilize the balance sheet after the bath that BBD took on C-series development before Covid.
Bandwidth becomes a bit of a problem with a craft that far from Earth. Remember that all of the fantastic footage from the Apollo flights was recorded on 16 mm film that had to be bright back and developed after the fact. The video footage beamed back from the lunar EVAs was either a) not very fantastic (in terms of resolution), or b) transmitted from a collapsible high-gain antenna that was too large to bolt to the side of the lunar lander and required manual setup by the crew.
I recently (e.g. within the past month) came across a stock car race TV broadcast that had a snippet of two-way radio chatter in which a Southern-born and -bred driver described his race car’s handling as “evil.” If Blasphemy Guy is a New Yorker as you say, then I suspect you probably just had the misfortune of dealing with a hyper-religious pedant. We find them annoying, too, but learn to just tune them out. American religious observance rates are still higher than the UK, but have declined severely in the last 40 years… and internet access has exposed younger Americans to acerbic British humo(u)r on an unprecedented scale.
The Rocket Lab flight is testing a very slow — and very propellant-efficient — ballistic trans-lunar trajectory, while SLS-Artemis will use the Apollo brute-force method (huge trans-lunar maneuver + huge lunar-orbit maneuver) to get to the moon in three days. Doubtful that any feelings would be hurt, TBH.
Although anecdotes ≠ data, I find that the majority of vehicle-related noise pollution relates to the sound of the tires rolling along the roadway. Only large trucks, muppets with opened-up exhausts, and muppets on modified motorcycles pump out distracting levels of engine noise.
Interstate highways and US Routes (US-50, etc. as mentioned above) are federally funded/maintained highway routes. The K-roads mentioned are references to Kansas state routes, which are state-funded/maintained. Usually, people will refer to a state highway generically as "State Route xx" ("route" usually pronounced identically to "rout") unless they are Michiganders, in which case they refer to M-xx as state routes, US routes, and Interstate routes aren't forbidden from using identical numbers in Michigan. More confusingly, Hawaii now has a trio of Interstate routes (H-1 through -3) even though Hawaii doesn't border any other states!