Re: For everyone saying 'good'..
>Precautionary principle. We know that anything distracting the driver's eyes from the road is a risk.
We should remove all information display in cars then, they require looking away from the road and major refocusing of your eyes. Just because they've been there for decades shouldn't matter, they need to go.
>Why on earth did this driver feel the need to wear them while driving her car?
Do you take your hat off *every* time you get in the car even though it has a roof so the cover becomes redundant? Same reason, it's hands free and not distracting so why not leave it on?
>Is using them why she missed the speed limit?
This is California, doing less than 75 in a 65 is a slow car hazard. We usually do 80 in the first lane which is why several USA states have 75-80mph as their freeway speed limits but California is a nanny state when it comes to freeway speeds. I usually get past by folks in the second lane if I'm doing 75 in the first.