Coding is a fundamental tech skill. Not everybody needs to know how to do it, just like not everybody needs to know how to fix their car. But we need to teach the basics in schools so the child can find out if they are interested in it, and we as a nation can find more coders at as young an age as possible, e.g. 16. Because if we don't, there are thousands of people in India and China who are learning this skill, and who in decades to come will allow companies in their countries to leave the west for dead in growth just through sheer numbers of people working in this area. We need more coders, not less, to create the Googles and Amazon's of tomorrow.
Posts by philipcj
2 publicly visible posts • joined 18 Jul 2013
Coding: 'suitable for exceptionally dull weirdos'
Confirmed: Driverless cars to hit actual British roads by end of year
Thursday 18th July 2013 13:27 GMT
We already have them
We have a very efficient method at the moment (well it would be efficient if we had enough of them going to enough places), they are called TRAINS. One professional driver, all the other people mechanically attached to each other. Why won't the manufacturers look at basic common sense rather than marketing purposes? Driverless cars will be BORING for the driver concerned (like being driven by your granddad), and probably run over every pedestrian, child, cyclist and motorcyclist in sight if in fully automatic.