* Posts by oldhand

8 publicly visible posts • joined 17 Jul 2013

IT supplier? Got a customer who won't pay? Dob them in to the Insolvency Service



I would like to see the provision of communication down telephone wires treated as PROVISION OF ESSENTIAL SUPPLIES, so that we were not isolated when the DSL or ADSL connection was lost. BT is very casual when that happens and non-BT customers are helpless. Most firms simply cannot operate without a broadband connection; it is now essential.

Oi, Europe: join in the sharing economy fun, yells Gov.uk


Does anyone know what INFRACT means ? It's not in my dictionary.

El Reg Redesign - leave your comment here.


I hate the big picture at the start. You are not selling newspapers from a newsstand so you do NOT need them. They obstruct and delay access to the words, and I do NOT read the Reg for pretty pictures but for words. I appreciate the words. Add pictures only when relevant to a topic I have already started reading.

ET hunter: We will find SPACE ALIENS in 20 years


Re: "within the solar system itself"

Mr Auditor, I noticed that too, but no-one else has mentioned it. The Reg quotes Shostak as saying there are "at least half a dozen worlds . . . in our solar system . . ." and then reverts to planets and galaxy.

Maybe The Reg got it wrong; maybe Shostak is trying to excite congresspersons.

Achtung! Use maths to smash the German tank problem – and your rival


Re: Invoice numbers

Apart from Invoice numbers, I have done this with Serial Numbers, without ever having seen a German tank. When we started serial numbering a product I chose 1234 as the start of the sequence. Useful article and good example of the value of The Reg.

Google's mystery barge flounces out of San Fran, heads to Stockton


Looking at Stockton, CA in Google maps one can see the town and a meandering river with a tiny marina. I bet there is no salt water in Stockton, and no dock. So who started this rumour of it being the destination for the GoogleBarge ? A PR company ?

Google coughs up $6.8m for FREE BUSING for San Francisco youth


So if a seven-year-old child runs away from home Google will know. Will they tell the parents ?

Scientist seeks smartphone snappers to scrub satellite searches



Don't you mean Cloud sourcing?