* Posts by Aaiieeee

152 publicly visible posts • joined 16 Jul 2013


Ohio bloke accused of torching own home after his pacemaker rats him out to cops


Note to self

1. Determine a coherent story and stick to it

2. Don't underestimate forensics and other investigative disciplines

Felted! AI poker bot Libratus cleans out pros in grueling tournament, smugly trousers $1.8m


"today's robo-players triumph in heads-up battles, not at a table"

Until I got to this line near the end of the article I was under the impression it was 4v1. I am still impressed.. just slightly less so.

Corn-based diet turns French hamsters into baby eating cannibals


Renowned French hamster expert Gerard Baumgart

Some people have cool jobs

This goldfish and its steerable robot tank will destroy humanity


Lucky fish!

Can't help feel that the motions could be smoother. Also would be cool if it had a central rotating axel so it could move in any direction with out having to turn

Northumbria Uni fined £400K after boffin's bad math gives students a near-killer caffeine high


In a situation like this wouldnt it be better to work out the dosage beforehand in an low pressure environment and get confirmation from a colleage, rather than do it on the fly?

I imagine the researcher's heart rate was probably nearing that of the subjects when they realised what they had done.

Oh, the things Vim could teach Silicon Valley's code slingers


Re: Default != popular


I love notepad for the simple fact it removes text formatting, especially when copying from a web page.

Thinking about it, I like notepad for the same reasons in the article. Its simple, doesnt change, and I know what I can/can't use it for.

Much like Paint. I do almost all my image manipulation in it because it does most of what I need and has done for 10 years. Once in a blue moon I will try to remember how to use GIMP.

IT team sent dirt file to Police as they all bailed from abusive workplace

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Re: Not a great surprise

Last year I left a job only working my notice with nothing lined up. It was very unlike me but then having 3-6 months of expenses in easy-access savings gives you options.

Knowing you can pay the mortgage, bills and buy food for at least 6 months is liberating and I would encourage anyone to have a 'screw you' fund. From this experiance I have promised myself I will always have money set aside for this reason, so I am never a prisoner. Almost everyone said to me "I wish I could do that, you are so lucky.". Ha, yeah its called planning!

I found another (and far superior) job after 2 months of not even looking :)


What is the correct protocol for dealing with this material?

My first thought was that TOWF would claim IT staff put the material there and doesn't know anything about it, especially if you have been opening files to verify their contents. Do you really want to go up against a character like that? Especially if they have the presumed weight of their reputation and the skill to maintain a fake image for so long. An tactful email to his clients etc saying that they have discovered a rouge IT person with discusting habits and that they need some support will probably get everyone on his side!

I think first instance is inform a higher-up who isnt involved or failing that go directly to authorities without tampering with the material and reviewing as little of it ias possible (just enough to be sure).

This whole situlation terrifies me and frankly I'd have left long ago.

Edit: the article doesnt clearly state what the material was but reading between the lines it seems to be some kind of abuse/child porn??

'Emoji translator' sought by translations firm


Competitive Salary

What does an exceptional person who has their finger on the social pulse, a Translation degree, and 3 years of experience expect to get paid then?

Donald Trump running insecure email servers



That buzzword filled statement appears to me to be completely meaningless and designed to baffle anyone outside of the IT industry into thinking they are actually secure.

Its clever because any attempt to explain to anyone about IT security will be met with a yawn and a glazing of the eyes.

"I'm not interested in facts, dammit!"

Swedish Pokemon teens terrorised by laser-wielding 'sex pigs'


Some prick is shining lasers at teenagers playing a computer game?

In a previous job a colleague received in the post a laser pointer for presentations and after opening it proceeded to 'test it out' by shining it at people. Obviously the only way to catch anyone's attention is to shine it in the face/eyes.

When I realised what was flashing near my face I went absolutely berserk. I had to snatch it from their hand and show them the big yellow warning label.

Nobody has the right to damage my eyesight and I will react with extreme hostility if they try, even naively.

Oh, and there was a manager who suggested looking into directly into the 10GB SFPs on our core switch to see if the light was on, and thought I was being 'ridiculous' for using the camera on my phone to check it.

Edit: It makes me angry just thinking about it!

Russian sports doping whistleblower fears for safety after hack


Sadly she may just turn up dead somewhere.

Russian gov assists in doping suggests to me that gov assists in hacking. If she isn't particularly computer literate and she has possible state sponsored hackers after her.. well, I'd suggest not using a computer at all. Her best bet is to live somewhere really remote in her currently hiding place (America) and keep a low profile for life, and try not to freak out at every shadow..

She did the right thing but has massively risked her safety in doing so.

London cops waste £2.1m on thought crime unit – and they want volunteer informers


I spent far too long

on that get in the sea twitter feed. Whilst it is pretty inane it does highlight the kind of bollocks that people get excited about (or at least highlights the kind of things people are told they should get excited about).

West country cops ponder appearance of 40 dead pigeons on A35


The Twitter image has two pictures of the same bird. I'm not doubting the article only I suppose nobody wanted to walk along the road to find the next one for a more varied picture?

Gullible Essex Police are now using junk science lie detectors


Did they get a discount on a job lot of those bomb detection wands?

Correction: There was no hangman's noose, claims Hyperloop countersuit ... it was a cowboy's lasso


$40,000 a month 'as standard' ??

Even if only half of the accusations (on both sides) are true then this is a very toxic place to work and I'd want to be well out... except that I could probably put up with anything if I was getting paid anywhere near what that PR advisor gets.

Wouldn't this be considered a PR disaster? Perhaps they need to hire a more expensive PR advisor..

Extortion trojan watches until crims find you doing something dodgy


Be careful what you search for

This is actually pretty clever.. and scary!

Can't say I'm surprised though. Some poor sod who has been looking at porn will have an email send to their entire family with all the sites they visited alongside their picture because they didn't supply the data the crooks wanted. Or they get banged up for 10 years for stealing corporate/gov secrets.

UK gov says new Home Sec will have powers to ban end-to-end encryption


Additional thought:

What do these people think encryption is for if they presume it can be broken and the contents read when required?

Like.. it doesn't make any sense!

Big Brother

"if then followed by other nations with perhaps less security than ours"

Surely then *we* become said nation will less security.

Also it seems that "encryption" is perceived to be something that can be "solved" by implementing a "system". There will be nothing the CSPs can do with properly encrypted data other than block it - they can't magically decrypt it "because the gov rules so"

Debian founder Ian Murdock killed himself – SF medical examiner


Re: With friends like that ...

100 miles isn't too far to drive for a suicidal friend - I'm sure family and work commitments will be understanding (if they are not then I question their priorities); its impractical to do it regularly so after the first visit it would be necessary to figure out some kind of support framework for them.

Disclaimer: I have never had to do this so am speaking my mind.

I have come to notice almost everything I do is regulated by the underlying knowledge that I have to be at work tomorrow morning. In this case work clearly comes second.

Chinese loan sharks seek salacious selfies as collateral



This is exploitation?

Also, people must be fairly desperate to take this route? I mean I'd do this (presumably) if I had to feed my kids (I don't have any) etc, but not for anything less than that.

Alternatively if someone assigns no value to their image/reputation (or has no friends/family) then they may as well claim the free cash!

12 years of US Air Force complaints lost in database crash


Too many complaints

..and perhaps someone felt it looked bad?

Eds off their meds: Does this headline REALLY need to be so astronomically long it can be measured in parsecs?


The URL to this comment section..


Who's to blame for the NHS drug prices ripoff?


Surely this is a good example of giving the drug procurement department a bonus that scales with how much dosh they save? This means they have a financial interest in saving money and the bonus costs will be minor compared to the savings?

This method should *not* be applied across the board as it does not work in all areas especially where services affecting people are involved. An example would be my friend who is a social worker and deals with children in danger and a lot of the service her department provides are being cut to save costs (no doubt for a bonus to some manager).

Brits don't want their homes to be 'tech-tastic'


Re: Admin

I think people forget to calculate in the mental capacity they have to give to things like this and then wonder why they are tired out or feel like they have no time.

UK Ministry of Justice secure email system browns out


Ha, I am trying to set this up right now. I have been sent a registry hack by Vodaphone to get it working :)

Austrian mayor spunks €40k on virgin-eating dragon



I see a colour change, a font change and a re-ordering of the already existing items. Seems like 40k well spent!

GCHQ summer schools to pay teenage hackers £250 a week


Summer school?

I recommend you go and have fun instead. You have the rest of your life to be working over the summer

El Reg mulls entering Robot Wars arena


Take advantage of modern sensor accuracy

e.g. for a flipping bot don't attempt to waste power or time flipping the opponent unless its sure to succeed (by confirming the flipper is actually under the opponent) etc.

Or having a camera to check distances and have our bot always stay just out of range of their weapon until the right time to strike

SAP CEO McDermott loses AN EYE, almost his life in horror plunge



It makes me queasy just to think about what it must be like as it happened.

Spaniard trousers €60,000 bank error, proceeds directly to jail


Not worth it

For 28k? Give it back, its not worth it

Now if it was a couple of mil..

Norks execute underperforming terrapin farm manager


Rather than taking notes

and attempting looking the most interested, why don't they collectivley hold his head under the water in one of those tanks for a few minutes?

Ready to go again, soldier? Final Fantasy VII remake revealed

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A fantastic game

I think I completed it thrice.

Personally I hope its just a graphical update with bug fixes; I thought the story and pacing in the original were just right.

Man sparks controversy, fined $120 for enjoying wristjob while driving


What makes me angry is the source article has a picture of him looking hurt and confused and quoted him as being 'shocked' as if he is a victim rather than him being a reckless driver putting lives at risk. He then tries to justify himself on a technicality that 'he wasnt using or holding a phone'. Give over! Give drivng your full attention or pull over and have a fondle on the side of the road.


If he was using it as a watch he would have glanced at it to get the time and continued as normal. No police officer would notice this, but the fact one did suggests to me he was prodding at it or giving it undue attention which would be a distraction when he should be driving.

I don't understand why a lot of people don't take driving very seriously?

Wearable fitness tech: Exercising your self-motivation skills


On yer bike!

The only stat I monitor is my waist using a tape measure once a week on Sunday. If my size is the same or larger than last week I make a concerted effort to eat less the coming week.

I have found that my commute is the perfect time to work out - since the start of the year I have been cycling 24 miles a day in London from zone 4 to Holborn and back - its awesome! The benefits are many and the main excuse is 'I cant be bothered' which frankly isn't good enough :)

(Icon = the personal trainer in my head)

Slap my Imp up: Bullfrog's Dungeon Keeper

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Ive still got the disc somewhere

One of the best games I ever played; I used to rush home from school so I could play more of it.

The 'possess' feature was absolutely amazing! You could play the whole game and never use it, but it made the experiance so much more real.

Getting into software development...


Getting into software development...

Hi all,

I have a friend who is interested in getting into software engineering/programming as a career change and hes asking me for pointers. Since I am not a programmer, can you suggest what language(s)/disciplines should I recommend to him to start investigating (please don't say Java!) for perhaps enterprise app development? I was thinking of C#, but will defer to your better knowledge!



Cops baffled by riddle of CHICKEN who crossed ROAD


Re: umm..

My mind is blown..... and I'm 27 too..

BuzzGasm: 9 Incredible Things You Never Knew About PLIERS!

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Awesome article, thanks guys! Pretty amazing about never being 6ft away from pliers, I'll be on the look out from now on.

My work-from-home setup's better than the office. It's GLORIOUS

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At work I have 2x Dell 1080p 23" monitors each on a movable arm, connected to a Optiplex 7010 with 8GB RAM, SSD and a Core i7. For laptop I have a Latitude E7440 (fantastic laptop), 8GB RAM, SSD again.

This is also my last week at this job and I am genuinly worried my new employer will not be so generous with the kit. Especially after reading these comments!

At home I have a custom built PC that I mostly use for gaming, so the two arnt really comparable.

Bletchley Park board member quits amid TNMOC split-off spat


Re: This lack of colaboration is a disgrace

I assume it eventually comes down to money, as does everything. I agree that if the individuals were primarily interested in the history/preservation then they would be working together long ago, or have joined forces or become a single entity or something. My money is on the money.

You’re a LIAR and a CHEAT... la-la-la, I can't hear your lawyers


Re: terrible

First paragraph?

"Something for the Weekend, Sir? Interactive Lard. Remember the name: one day they will be huge."

You concluded a lot from that. I read the whole article and actually enjoyed being made aware of this particular app and to stay well away from it.

Boffins claim battery BREAKTHROUGH – with rhubarb-like molecule


Hopefully this will push rhubarb prices so high that it need never curse a dessert bowl again.

Two white dwarfs and superdense star. Yup, IDEAL for gravity lab in the sky - boffins



I don't get how a pulsar giving off radio waves can be 'measured' that results in giving the relative mass and distances of the two other stars? I struggle to understand how they can get so much information from a radio signal and then use it for scientific basis? (Genuine questions)

MANUAL STIMULATION: Whack me with some proper documentation


Why bother..

What gets me is you are looking at an application and you see something like: DRsV Retention Period = 1

And you think "hmm, I wonder if that's 1 second, 1 minute one hour.."

You look in the 'help' which says: "DRsV Retention Period is used to set the DRsV retention period."

... and that's it! Nothing else, no explanation, no clarity. It just tells you what you already knew. It doesn't even tell you what the hell DRsV stands for (which I made it up).

You end up wondering why the person who wrote it even bothered.

You MERCILESS FIEND... you put that audio file on AUTOPLAY


For years a colleague used to leave the sound on and so every single email, voice mail, or other alert would ring loud and true. It was flippin annoying. As kempsy says, I leave my sound off unless I specifically wish to hear something

Texas school strikes devil's bargain, drops RFID student tracking


The school burns cash to earn cash - this is all about earning money and seems out of place in this scenario, its a school! Some kids just don't want to learn. Why burn cash to force them to be in school when they just don't want to be? Spend the money on improving the school experience for the kids who DO want to learn. What a joke, teachers are out looking for missing kids just so the school can earn money. Teach the kids that did bother to turn up FFS!

When I went through school there was no concept of developing a good work ethic, and personal responsibility, and the lifelong repercussions of making no effort in life. Whilst this is something parents should do, I am sure most parents don't actually have any idea how to be parents, or don't want to be.

Confirmed: Driverless cars to hit actual British roads by end of year


This is exactly it. In the day and age where your PC can be compromised by visiting a website, what hell of a chance can we be sure this system will be either reliable or secure? (I am not making any comment about Windows/Linux etc, more the state of the industry as a whole)
