30 years! Time flies! Bring back Windows for Workgroups! Bring back Novell Netware! Bring back ABIT motherboards with millions of jumpers! Bring back component shortages! It was more like fun then.
Posts by hamiltoneuk
46 publicly visible posts • joined 11 Jul 2013
The channel stands corrected: Hardware is a refresh cycle business now
Elon Musk's galactic ego sows chaos in European politics
Microsoft partners beware: Action Pack to be retired in 2025
Down and out: Barclays Bank takes unplanned digital detox, customers not invited
AMD Zenbleed chip bug leaks secrets fast and easy
Just 22% of techies in UK aged 50 or older, says Chartered Institute for IT
25 beer tokens per hour median - that's barely worth getting out of bed for these days is it? I suppose if you're over 50 things like morgage payments will be less of a problem and hopefully you're less likely to be paying rent. When I went down the local tech college in good old 1984 to get an HNC at the tender age of 28 we were all looking to boost our qualifications a wee bit to get the magic 5 figure salary. With that sort of money a mortgage on a terraced house was possible even with sky high interest rates. What's the situation in 2022? Please tell.
Government buyers take 22 months on average to procure tech
Clonezilla 3: Copy and clone disk images to your heart's content
Sir Clive Sinclair: Personal computing pioneer missed out on being Britain's Steve Jobs
Thanks, Sir Clive Sinclair, from Reg readers whose careers you created and lives you shaped
RIP Sir Clive Sinclair: British home computer trailblazer dies aged 81
I hope they show the BCC Micro Men film again in his honour. I thought it captured the spirit of the age well, I had great fun building and breaking a couple Sinclair match box size radios when I was a kid. When is got my Garrard SP25 MKII turntable it was connected into my homemade Baxendale pre-amp which powered 2 Sinclair amplifier boards and Sinclair bookshelf speakers which looked classy. The amplifiers would blow up if the outputs were shorted for a millisecond or so but they were fun.When the reverse polish calculators came out they looked too complex for me so I avoided them but I am sure they were fun too. When Sinclairs Z80 based computers arrived I didn't swallow the stuff about running as nuclear power station with them. I went for strange things like Tangerine and Oric and the BBC Micro and I realised that i did not understand them much but they were interesting. I remember a girl saying "I thought computers were supposed to make things fast" after her boyfriend and I spent an age labouriously typing in a Basic listing from a magazine. Soon after a Sinclair C5 was seen parked outside the pub down the road. It was all cutting edge and great.
Steam-powered computers: Retro cool or old and busted?
London Greenwich station: A reminder of former glories. Like Windows XP
Well, on the bright side, the SolarWinds Sunburst attack will spur the cybersecurity field to evolve all over again
What a Hancock-up: Excel spreadsheet blunder blamed after England under-reports 16,000 COVID-19 cases
Buying a Chromebook? Don't forget to check that best-before date
Re: No problem!
Thanks for the tip! I've noticed there are a few Chrome OS alternatives out there. My 6.5 year old Acer is still great. Microsoft let people have Windows 10 updates for longer than that, if you can stand the many hours it takes to install the 6 monthly refreshes on a 1st generation core i3 lappy for instance.
Apple reseller Solutions Inc pulls down shutters, calls in administrators
It was a lit CeBIT see, got teeny weeny, world's biggest tech show yearly party... closed its German fest's doors yesterday
The fat lady must have sung. I went a couple of times in the 90s before internet had really taken off. I remember sitting next to a veternan on the plane going out there. He was fairly dismissive of the thing even back them. It was amazing to see the vast number of vendors and the sheer size of the event. Many of those exhibiting back then have bitten the dust. New vendors have risen up but is there the buzz about the industry that there was back then? Not really. It will take some utterly new marvels to stir up the interest again.
Boring as she goes at Sage? Oh no, no, no! Shares slide as sales slip below forecasts
Re: Perhaps...?
Well said. Folks who use cloud for vital business need their heads examining of course. Yesterday a customer told be that his firm was without internet for 10 days recently when BT cables were damaged. This was on an industrial estate in a large town 10km outside the M25. The temptation to follow the endless trend to de-skill everything with technologies like cloud is very powerful. The service providers always cover up the pitfalls. Caveat emptor.
There are 10 types of people in the world, but there is only one Melvyn
Five things you need to know about Microsoft's looming Windows 10 Spring Creators Update
Meltdown, Spectre: The password theft bugs at the heart of Intel CPUs
Intel CEO Krzanich quits Trump's Manufacturing Council over response to Charlottesville rallies
Brit prosecutors ask IT suppliers to fight over £3 USB cable tender
Ah yes Basware Holdings Ltd. (formerly Procserve Services Ltd.and some thing to do with the PA Consultancy) run this portal for bits and bobs of government purchasing to give the appearance of opening up the process to smaller resellers and maybe saving the taxpayer a few quid. It is a bit daft really.
Don't install our buggy Windows 10 Creators Update, begs Microsoft
Are you listening, Mr Trump? World's largest tech distie is now owned by the Chinese
Sage advice: Avoid the Windows 10 Anniversary Update – it knackers our accounting app
Re: The important Win7 patch folks is KB3172605.
Good comment. I gave up on Win 7 for that very reason, the updates took forever. I suspect they prioritise PCs that have more recent CPUs. Not sure if that's my paranoia or not. Definitely Sage were always pestering me to buy their pricey upgrade so that it would work with Win 8. Of course I never bothered with that and their old version works fine with Win 10 both with and without the happy anniversary update.
'Faceless' Liberty Global has 'sucked the very soul' out of Virgin Media
Change at VM Long Overdue
If ever there was a company that had an over inflated opinion of itself it was VM. Sorry the service was not good enough for me on their unreliable fibre optic broadband. In this area you often see aged Telco street cabinets with doors flapping in the breeze. Invariably they are VM's. After they have been told about 6 times they fix them. Trouble is VM's funny old co-ax to the premises is just as flakey as BT's copper wire.
Android's latest patches once again remind us: It's Nexus or bust if you want decent security
PM resigns as Britain votes to leave EU
Fleet of 4.77MHz LCD laptops with 8088 CPUs still alive after 30 years
NEC's Rival
Reminds me NEC had a similar machine back then. The NEC did not have the floppy drive (pricey item back then). It ran CP/M not the trendy MS-DOS (CP/M with floppy was a nightmare, people made a living transferring CP/M data from one manufacturer's floppy drive format to another and there were loads of them!). With the NEC you just squirted the data down the serial port. NEC used a smaller screen I think. The NEC keyboard was nice but not quiet so not good in meetings. It was a sought after bargain laptop at Morgan Computer in the wild west end :)
Server retired after 18 years and ten months – beat that, readers!
HSBC COO ‘profoundly apologises’ for online outage
Day 2: Millions of HSBC customers still locked out of online banking
Microsoft now awfully pushy with Windows 10 on Win 7, 8 PCs – Reg readers hit back
'Major' outage at Plusnet borks Brits' browsing, irate folk finger DNS
C For Hell: Data centre meltdown for irate customers as C4L GOES TITSUP
Snoopers' Charter queen Theresa May returns to Home Office brief
Redmond's Patch Tuesday to kill off the Windows FREAK show
El Reg Redesign - leave your comment here.
Brit IT industry comes up for air after recession
Virgin Media goes titsup AGAIN. The cause? Yet MORE DNS strife
Brit celebs' homes VANISH from Google's Street View
Jimmy Page's interesting house in Kensington next to where the late Michael Winner lived (anybody remember the amusing Stella Street show on telly?) is clearly visible at a discrete distance on streetview. However streetview does whizz us past the front now. Lovely house. Maybe when it changes hands we will be able take a closer look again.
Microsoft fears XP could cause Indian BANKOCALYPSE
Microsoft waves goodbye to Small Business Server
What's wrong with WS2012E
I'm interested. What is wrong with WS2012E as a replacement for SBS? I ditched SBS2003 R2 anticipating the end of support some time and replaced it with WS2012E and it seems fine. I don't do anything fancy with it and avoid cloud like the plague. WS2012E seems fine to me. Am I missing something?